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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm with you, I don't remember really what was going on back then. But I'm really hoping they do play up the Laura/Scott history. I think too often the rags have only done LnL so new/occasional viewers only think of them. They have to do better with these characters if they are going to continue. The Tracy/Scott connection hasn't been well done either - just the desk reference. I think many uninitiated viewers don't know that Laura and Scott were married and happy (as young, stupid teenagers) long before Lucas L. Spencer came to town. The story of Tracy/Luke/Scott/Laura will be a whole lot more compelling when they see that it ISN'T Luke/Laura with others, but that Luke/Scott, Luke/Tracy, Luke/Laura, Tracy/Scott, Tracy/Laura, Scott/Laura all have their own connections through history. I know the actors will be playing it that richly - lets hope the writers for this story know a thing or two about that history as well.

(And crossing my fingers hoping Guza is so focused on his mob-opera that he penned the outlines for the Scrubs drama and the LuNacy drama then gave the actually writing of these stories to someone else.)

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This on Wubs...

And, yes, Luke finds out Edward isn’t willing to help HIM or TRACY!! AND HE’S MAD!

I wonder who Lukey's mad at - Edward deserves the wrath of Mr. Tracy so I hope it's him and not Tracy (can't imagine why he would be mad at Tracy right now. I'm sure he's hurt she left him, but he knows Tracy and that's not something that would anger him as much as disappoint him...)

And from Daytime Confidential...

The only decent thing all day was the all too brief Quartermaine stuff (why was Edward wearing a hat indoors, and I'm not really sure how I feel about Tracy's hair.)

I thought this was funny.

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Hey guys, I've got yesterday's clips! :) I would have posted them sooner but things have been really crazy here at work.



Credit goes to Trudy, edited by me.

About the hair, I will say this.......it is the same hair cut that she had back when she was on The City 11 years ago. That's all I am gonna say!

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Hey Nex, thanks. Just in time for today's recaps. Hope you are enjoying being back at 'work' like I am. We could potentially have 7 days straight of Tracy/LuNacy. When was the last time that happened? Ever???

So, Today's recap.


Vets - Luke, Tracy

Kisses - Luke kissing Tracy's forearm

Scenes - everything but #2

Sc. 1 - Tracy enters Mexican bar and shows the bar keeper the picture. The bartender says yes, he's been here for awhile and points to a table. Tracy confused turns around and sees him, walks over to the table and grabs his shirt pulling him up (he's passed out on the table). Tracy says "Husband", Luke (with french fries stuck on his lips) says "Wife?". Tracy lets him drop, puts her hand on her hip and sighs in disgust. NEW OUTFIT; Lulu back on (JMB must have returned from her honeymoon) and asks Maxie if she's seen Johnny.

Sc. 2 - Lulu acting really wacky; no LuNacy

Sc. 3 - Tracy pours a pitcher of water over Luke's head. Luke sits up and asks for more Tequila. Tracy says no Tequila, he's back on the wagon. Tracy cleans up the glasses on the tables and bangs them together, bothering Luke's hangover. Luke continues wanting a drink and Tracy says he can drink himself away, eating nachos and pork rinds all he wants but right now he has pay attention to Lulu, remember Lulu, your daughter? Luke smiles about Lulu and asks how she is. Tracy says she's more like her mother every day, which makes Luke smile again. Then Tracy says she's in SB, right across the hall from Laura. Tracy wipes his face with his shirt. Luke looks at Tracy, trying to work through his haze and pay attention.

Sc. 4 - Spinelli finally visits Lulu - I wonder if they've drugged Lulu, because she's sounding really spacy; Luke is drinking coffee. In Spanish Luke asks for Brandy. Tracy says no Brandy just keep the coffee coming or the barkeeper will regret it, then he leaves. Luke says Tracy doesn't understand 'hair of the dog'. Tracy says she only cares about Lulu, while she wipes Luke's head some more then helps him put his shirt on - Luke keeps kissing her arm while she helps him. Tracy gets frustrated with him and leaves him to his shirt, then sits down across the table from him, trying to tell him she's concerned with Lulu. Luke laughs at her saying she only wants him to come home to fulfill his conjugal obligations, and he's quite prepared to do that (smiling). Tracy says she is there because of Lulu and tells him about Logan going after her. Luke doesn't believe Logan would do that. Then Tracy tells him how he tried to rape Claudia and Johnny murdered him. Luke makes some comment about Logan being Scott's spawn so he isn't surprised. Then Tracy tells Luke Lulu feels responsible for Logan's death since Logan wanted her and she pushed him away. Luke says that doesn't make sense, and Tracy says 'exactly'. Luke really is trying hard to keep up.

Sc. 5 - Tracy says Lulu is in real trouble. Luke still isn't understanding it, thinking Lulu simply 'rescued her man'. Tracy tells them they carjacked the Major, which makes Luke laugh. Tracy continues saying Lulu started hallucinating Logan, so Johnny brought her to SB. Luke is still convinced this was part of their plan. Tracy takes a deep breath then continues - Johnny was arrested and Lulu got a straight jacket. Johnny was put on trial, Scott lied about Logan being a cop to make it a death penalty case and forces Lulu on the stand, and by the end she's confessing to Logan's murder. Thank heaven no one believed her, but now she's in SB very sick. Luke sits up straight after this latest information, saying Scott is a son of a bitch (and possibly he's get Scott, but that could be my imagination with the kids in the background).

Sc. 6 - Luke now with coffee, saying Scott put Lulu on the stand because of him. Tracy agrees. Luke asks about Johnny and Tracy says he's fine, Claudia managed to get him acquitted so he's free and Lulu is still in SB. And there's more. Tracy tells Luke that two days after the trial Lulu called Nicholas/Lucky in to see Laura. Lulu was convinced Laura woke up and talked to her to help her through the trial. Luke is surprised and asks if it was possible. Tracy says she looked in on Laura herself and spoke to the doctors. There was no change. All of it was in Lulu's head. Okay, Luke agrees, it's time to go home. Tracy is relieved and goes to pay at the bar. In the meantime Luke stands up, puts his hands on his hips, then falls flat on his face. Tracy looks over her shoulder but doesn't turn completely around to see him. NOTE: neither Tracy or Luke know about Laura being awake, so that is not the secret.

Sc. 7 - Tracy helps Luke sit down, he says he didn't have a heart attack he just lost his consciousness for a few days, he's ready to go now. Tracy says they can go but she has to call Daddy to see if the charges are dropped. Luke thinks that will all be over in a day or two anyway so why would Edward be involved. Then he gets really suspicious and wags his finger at Tracy, telling her if she's using his daughter to manipulate him he's... As she's wiping the dirt off his face, Tracy says no she's not doing that at all, Lulu really does need him. Then Luke wonders how Edward got involved and Tracy says it doesn't matter, she just blackmailed him a little. Luke asks with what. Tracy says internet dating. Luke laughs and asks what Edward's name is. Tracy says 'SellHighAndSplit'. Luke thinks that sounds right, and agrees it's time to go. They make motions towards the door when a Federale walks in and says something to 'Luke Spencer' in Spanish (someone will have to translate for me). Tracy asks the barkeeper what he said and the barkeeper tells her she doesn't want to know.

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Oh that sounds SOOO good! So he is not mad at her and she is happy to see him and there are some sexual innuendos Yay! And she comes clean about Lulu and her thinking Laura is awake, etc...

Couldn't be that much better for a reunion--other than them having sex on table in the bar--LOL

So who is up for a Lunacy celebration tonight?

Breakroom at maybe like 8pm central--It has been far too long since we have had anything to talk about!!

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I'll try to be. This much from the negative spoilers I can debunk.

- Tracy is NOT keeping Laura a secret from Luke.

- Luke is NOT keeping Laura a secret from Tracy.

- Tracy is NOT manipulating Luke in any way.

- Tracy and Luke are NOT fighting.

- Tracy is NOT angry at Luke (at least not right now).

- Luke is happy to see Tracy and already trying to get a little something-something.

And now I'm thinking the 'Secret' might be Edward's internet name - the way they played it Luke might have known about it already.

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I am thrilled and agree on all points except the last being Edward being the secret. I think if there is even a secret, it is the Rick Webber thing. I mean really--that is the only secret Tracy has ever kept from Luke and it was for his own good and lulu's so he didn't kill scott and leave lulu without any parents.

Of course none of her family believes that Tracy is altruistic about Lulu--but at least Tracy got the last word and laugh on them for once by threatening Edward!

I thin LnL don't see each other next week either. I think Genie's first day is the 23r, and she has the altercation with Scott and Lulu--if Scott kidnaps her or whatever, I bet Luke doesn't see her til they find them.

I will post a link later...I will be home right about 8pm after football practice...

I am staying away from other boards but our happy place today because they are all saying luke is an ass and a drunk and they are not funny, etc....

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You could totally be right about the RW thing, but I'm wondering if this isn't the real secret either.

SD is really negative today - which is when I like to stir it up B) . LnLers are having such a hard time, and because they have been so hateful about LuNacy I can't help but enjoy their justified distress. I'm wondering if Luke heads out to help Laura, Tracy says not without her, Luke says he doesn't want her dragged into this any further, Tracy reminds him they are husband/wife and 'wither thou goest', then kissing her he agrees and they go off as a team. I have serious doubts Tracy is going to be trounced for a couple of episodes with Laura. Not going to happen that way, and LuNacy will be stronger than ever.

Stay here, Hooked... it's a great day!

As for the funny - I think you have to A: appreciate the subtle humour of TG/JE and B: not be anti-TG to begin with. Lots of folks at SD are anti-TG, so they won't appreciate any of it.

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Friday, October 17th, 2008:

Sonny gives Jason an ultimatum.

After Jason refuses, Sonny strikes a deal with Anthony.

Lulu tells Spinelli and Maxie that she's probably been writing blackmail notes to herself.

Maxie and Spinelli try to break Lulu out of Shadybrook.

Carly lets Jax believe that she and Nikolas are an item. Sadly, Nadine is the one who believes it!

To spite Jax, Carly decides to sell half her shares to Nikolas.

Just as Sam tries to steal Jerry's PDA, Alexis arrives.

Tracy tries to bribe a Mexican cop.

Robin decides that a C-section would be safest for her baby.

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