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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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~Video Comments~

angel, Better in Time was such a sweet video, if I haven't told you yet. And your most recent one was a ton of fun! Keep on being awesome. :D

LisaQ, your little LuNacy video the other day was very entertaining. It definitely put a smile on my face. Looking forward to more.

~Other Comments~

hooked, I totally forgot about that. Perhaps someone on SoapDish has a recap? How has your day been so far? Better than yesterday, I hope?

halee, yes, I FLOVED those clips. Watched them again and again. Tracy is darn brilliant! And Scott was the sweetest thing EVER! I didn't mention this in the comment, but the "THE FATHER OF MY CHILD" made me laugh out loud. So dramatic... :lol:

QueenTracy, hope it's all right that I'm using your fun color idea within this post. It just makes it prettier when you use a little color. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Highlights from JI's interview...he is SO GREAT...worth a listen...totally shooting from the hip..ragging on the show for what they did to the Qs..

He just said Billy Warlock is his closet friend.

He is saying how bad it is that they have killed the whole Q family. He said he talks to STuart Damon every day of the week and it was the worst thing they ever did was kill Alan...took away romance for Alan and Monica, took away the father/son relationship. And it is unfair to make him only Jane's conscience. And how it sucks they sent Dillon and Ned away. THey killed Justus and Emily.

The irony is that the scene that won GH the best show emmy, was the scene in the metrocourt where alan was having a heart attack and pushed him outside in the show.

Talks about how stupid it was he was on the jury. Edward would have never been on.

He says Leslie hasn't worked in I don't know how long.

He thinks way too much violence on GH. He says fans who talk to him say the show is so dark and they FF through all the mob stuff.

He thinks TC did outstanding work all year, but Tony got the award for one episode where he played different characters, etc...he isn't minimizing his talent, but TC worked day after day with heart-wrenching stories and he didn't get it...

He says it is interesting that people like NS better than GH. He hasn't watched it yet. Because of human relationships and bringing JJY back with TR, etc..

He talks about Big !@#$%^&*] coming on GH...

He wishes more people to write in about less mob and more families. He doesn't know if the producers read those letters but it is worth a try.

He doesn't know if Genie is back or in lulu's head. When he saw genie in the make up room, and he asked her how long Laura is back. She said for the month of august. Then she is going home to maine for a few weeks and is back in October for a couple weeks. He heard she is working with Kin on some stuff, and that Tony Geary is back the middle of the month (finally something fairly concrete) but he doens't know if Laura is real or not. He doesn't know why when people ask that she isn't getting a contract.

JI said he worked 3 days two weeks in a row, and his contract is for one show a week--so that is all he really needs to get paid But he isn't working this week or next week (so obviously not at the skate wedding) and he doesn't know if Jane is working, but he knows she will be on more when Tony gets back, but that doesn't mean the Q family will

HE said he is the only light older person, SM and BW are older but they are dark!

He loved playing off the younger Qs like SC...says he called Scott Clifton "chia pet"

He said he will never understand the minds of Guza and TPTB...

And how since they got rid of Dillon and younger Qs, it is hard to build a storyline with a father, daugher and daughter-in-law.

He finds it difficult as an actor to understand what Spinelli is saying.

He taught ten years at Hollywood high and twenty years at Bevery Hills high.

He got into acting in 1985...he figured he retired from teaching, so now he should practice what he taught.

He taught Stefanie Powers, Albert Brooks, Julie Kaven, Jody Fisher, Jonathon silverman, Nick Cage, Linda Evans. David Schwimmer, etc...

JI was the voice of Land Before Time dinosaur who was cera the triceratops father.

He says when Lila was off the show, it was the beginning of the end of the Qs...

Caller says she wishes he had more airtime. She wishes he was the one onscreen when Lila died. JI says the truth of why he left is that they were screwing with his contract and that is why he left the role... GH was ready to write him out...but got a replacemetn Edward instead. He got a good job with Days, two years later, they called and asked him if he would and he came back.

He is 80, he hope he will on for a while cause he feels great!

He talks to Anna Lee's son a bit.

He has been on GH for 14 years.

Some caller says she is starting a writing in campaign for him...and for bringing back the Qs...

He says he doesn't know how he can resurrect them from the dead, but he hopes so!!

She says the Qs are GH, and he says "well they used to be!"

God I love him!!!

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It is pathetic...

Okay...so I now have two offers of friends who run other boards to post a save the Qs type link to try to reach a larger group to write in for Tracy and the Qs...

One is soapoperasource.com and one is my friend's Lusam board.

I am going to start a thread topic there with some bullet points and addresses....can't hurt to widen our efforst!

I will post links here when they are done...

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Screamers are finally asleep... it's been a looooooooong day.

I'm so proud of me :D ! I made fudge for the first time in my life. Organic Maple Cream Fudge - and if the bowl lickings are anything to go by, it's good.

Strolling through SD and saw this in the IL:

Lulu confesses and Johnny tries to get Nik, which in turn gets Jason, to get her out of the country. Luke will return before she goes anywhere. And when he finds out that Mr. Baldwin really killed Rick Webber - watch out. The old Luke will be back and he will be mad as hell.

Tracy will get more screen time when AG returns. Not too much other than playing his wife.

Lucky's decision is to move into Sam's place. The ILY's are coming before the Skate wedding.

Tracy is still firmly Mrs. Spencer... it's not much, but then again it's everything.

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Angel...she is on one day next week with Alan from those medianet photos...not sure what day...but I can tell you how many times Liz sneezes next week and what color shirt she is wearing and how many buttons she will undo

Sounds like Luke's return isn't that far off...Lulu confesses not this week but next week I think. I believe the verdict is delivered on the 15th or 16th.

I wonder who tells Luke about Rick Webber? Think it is Tracy or Lulu?

Also...in typical soap fashion...if they are going to have laura return awake for nov sweeps...I would think that any good soap writing team would have Luke/Tracy about as close as they can be before Laura is back and the angst begins....so hopefully we will get some good Lunacy scenes before that happens, and some angsty ones when it does!

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That's very positive, Hooked... good for you :D:D !

I think they'll be close too, and I DON'T think Laura's presence (if she really is awake) is ultimately going to matter. For all these years Scotty has had the moral upperhand when fighting with Luke, now it's Luke's turn and that is a story I want to see. Anyway you look at it, Scott, Laura, Luke and Tracy will be front and center. Them be vets, people! Perhaps TPTB are listening afterall.

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