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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Morning all...

Well, the Diva is home and all it good. She had a fabulous time and her guiders send home a note that said she was simply delightful all week. That's my girl! Shiloh woke up when she returned and immediately said "Ruah!" then jumped out of bed to hug her.... I love my kids.

Nice to see the information about LuNacy through the fall. I suspected as much but in the face of the huge LnL wheel, sometimes you feel like you're going to be crushed. I imagine LuNacy will be together a lot long than that, and now I'm really hoping that there is a confrontation scene where ewcbo finds out she was lied to. I still think it's significant that they only one in Nov. 2006 that knew the truth was Tracy. TG couldn't have dictated that much, and the entire month was about his committment to our girl while going through the motions to give memories to ewcbo and her kids. I just wish we didn't have to wait for TG's return to see more of JE.

Edited by remos
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So not true. No way. She may look 47, but she's older.

Bite your tongue!

They are not breaking up LuNacy... ever!

Yo, Remos!

Remember meeeeeeeeeeeeee?

Hooked, you asked my opinion about what you scanned. Hmmm.. Didn't read it. Sorry. Which ones did you want me to look at? I think you know what opinion you want.. and whatever it says, you know what my take will be!

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Just doing my job! All in a day's "ho'ing" work! LOL

Through the fall means through the fall outlines...fall means through end of Sept til Dec 21st ish...or through the end of the year. A while back, the Summer Insider told me that they were staying married and don't expect that to change--at least not this year.

Unless they sign GF back full-time on contract, or unless TG walks in January, which nobody has heard any news on him lately, I am failing to see how all this would take place with them reuniting, etc during a non-sweeps time. That is the key here--non sweeps time.

Unless that is Tony' story when he returns...to struggle with the angst of Laura/Tracy, etc...

However, if she is only back for a month or whatever, then i don't see that happening.

I guess the mags will have the story come out fairly soon.

If you think about it, if her first airdate is the 26th of August, she would have to start taping like around August 9th week I would guess. JMB is getting married August 15th and I would assume she will be taking at least a week or two weeks off. So the taping should start in the next couple weeks, so more spoilers should come out soon I guess or the mags should start running it.

I would actually not mind Laura finding out about Luke and Tracy, even if Luke isn't back. It would be so soapy for this scene to happen:

Lulu: Mom, your awake, OMG (in a shrieking voice with a scowl on her face)

Tracy: Bursts into the room and hugs lulu..."Lulu, there you are sweetheart, I was frantic when you were not in your room. I just talked to your father and he is coming home to us as soon as he can. Alice is getting your room ready for you to come home with us where you belong!"

Laura: WTF? What is Tracy Quartermaine hugging you for and calling you sweetheart?

Tracy: OMG Laura...you're awake?

Lulu: Mom, um...let's talk later about this, you're awake I need you and this after all is ALL ABOUT ME!!!!

Laura: Why are you here Tracy?

Tracy: Because while you were sleeping, I have been married to Luke for 3.5 years now. I am his wife, Lulu's stepmother.

Laura: Freaks out an slips back into catatonia!

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Hey all, from Miami Beach!! I am seriously thinking about moving here. lol.

There is a minor family drama going on out here, but nothing too bad. heh.

Funny it was great to finally meet you! Thanks for driving all that way just to see me. Sorry about greeting you in a towel. LOL! Still mad that you wouldn't "lock" my hair. I do know I could rock that look. :D.

As for the EWCBO return.... I will TIVO GH everyday like always, check online to see what dates our girl/and guy are on, and delete all the ones that they are not on, without watching any epis through the month of november. when online I will skip through the posts with my fingers in my ears singing la la la and not stopping to read the spoilers, and then finally watch all my saved TIVO epis sometime in November when the EWCBO has blown over. whaddyathink?

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Sounds like a plan, TL, and Hooked - I like that scenario.

LuNacy to the end.... that's the game plan!!!

Oh... Lainey.... I do remember you. You're the one who is rather demanding but rather reserved, n'est pas?

(My inner b!tch is an outie today... might be able to channel Tracy and get those fics written... we'll see.)

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hooked, looks like you called it about TIIC changing the person who was supposed to tell Scotty about Logan... I really, really believed (from the recap wording) that Tracy was going to tell him, got preoccupied with something else, and then Nik had to tell him. BUT... Per SON Previews, Tracy still tells him. I bet their info is outdated. Right now, I am VERY angry with TIIC! How awesome would Tracy/Scotty have been?

It's one thing if it's supposed to her but like I said, something comes up (i.e. she gets a call from Luke or something and runs out of there so fast, letting Nik take care of it). But for TIIC to actually CHANGE THE SCRIPT?! What a rip off. Heaven forbid she gets an extra minute or so of screentime... :angry: :angry: :angry: Now am I being reminded of the other goodness they cut/changed... Ghost!Busters, the ring scene, Mac comforts Tracy, Tracy's role in the Maarkam Island adventure, Edward and Tracy discussing Georgie and Dillon, Drunk!Tracy/Nikolas/Emily conversing upon Laura's first return, Tracy/Luke/the 20 dollar bill... NOT A HAPPY FAN RIGHT NOW!!!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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