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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I hope you're okay, and your computer has almost recovered.

I've tried so many times to call you, but I've either been given the wrong country code for my wireless (I use a cell, not a landline) or...something! I don't know. Going to check again, and maybe I'll get someone this time who knows what's up.

I promise to take good care of the blog for you until you get back!

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Us too Ryan, us too!! Are you the "Ryan" that started the Tracy/JE thread over at SOS?

Remos, I hope things get worked out with your computer situation and you are back with us soon.

Ms. Q, Nex, Thanks for the spoilers. Will take any spoilers at this point. I'm not too picky these days.

Just back from my nite out with BSG!! Fun! Fun! Fun! :D. We went to the 40th anniversary of OLTL thing at the Museum of Radio and Television. The moderator had the actors answer some interesting questions regarding love scenes, kissing, and the internet, among others. Maybe BSG can share some of that with you when she posts later. There were like 6 cast members and two writers there, as well as the creator, Agnes Nixon - lovely lady she is, BTW. The only actors I was familiar with was Erika Slezak, Robin Strasser, and Bob Woods (who Erika referred to as "Woodsy"). Robin looks much better in real life than she does on the show. And Erika looked great as well. This was one time I REALLY wished that GH was filmed in NYC. When we first walked into the auditorium it was mostly full and they told us to sit whereever we wanted. BSG and I were like "eh let's sit here". It didn't matter to us. If Jane were there of course we would have wanted to sit in her lap. tee hee. We went for delicious Thai food following the event. We had a great time! Thanks BSG for inviting me. :D

Anyone up for the BR, for a few?


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LUNacy is fine!!

No fight.

Scene 1: Lucky and Sam at Haunted Star, talking about email Sam got from Luke.

Tracy walks in, acknowledges Sam, and asks Lucky if he's heard from his father.

Scene 2: Lucky tells Tracy that he never hears from his father when he's on the road. Then, Sam says that they thought that she was with him. Tracy says she had a choice between joining him on his pub crawl, or coming back home. She says she made the more rational choice.

Lucky then says something about why Tracy would think they'd heard from him. Tracy says it's because she took the money before she left. "By my calculations, he should have been flat broke for about 10 days. So, if you haven't heard from him, where is he?"

Scene 3: Lucky and Sam after Tracy has left. Lucky says, "Tracy may not believe it, but my Dad loves her. If he's not calling about the money, there must be a problem. He's trying to protect her."

So, no fight. And no "pub crawl". Luke came up with the "pub crawl" to make Tracy want to go back home. And he did it because he loves her and wants to protect her!

Edited by QueenTracy
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So, what are the chances that hooked is on vacation, remos has no computer, and Ms. Q's internet goes out at the same time?!? :obsg, TL, and funny, that's the reason I disappeared last night. It wouldn't let me re-connect. :( We were supposed to have a guy come out and fix it tomorrow, but it seems to have started working again. Yay!

So, how do we know the pub crawl is made up? Maybe I have to watch again...

And ILoveTracyQ, I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Hope you're having a wonderful day!

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