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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh Hooked... watch JE's face when you get the chance. I don't think they cut a good scene - I don't think they would have been able to get through it. She didn't look mad at all, she looked like she could barely keep from laughing out loud. And then Luke leaned on the swing to ask if she wanted to get on the "Trying Flapese" and she could barely keep her face still. I seriously doubt there was a cut smack down anywhere.

She got drunk with Coleman when Luke left her. She wasn't pleased with his behaviour today - to be sure - but this was a completely different calibre. The "seeing green" spoiler wasn't about jealousy at all. Green was the colour Luke and Anna needed to strip off a layer of clothing. And Luke's boxers - :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: At one point JE looks at them and she can't stop a smile.

When I was at SD the complete information from SOD wasn't listed, just the things that hadn't been mentioned before. The party has already been talked about so that wouldn't qualify. I wouldn't worry.

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So overblown---and luke/anna were totally OTT!!!

I liked SOnny/Luke a lot and also liked how luke explained the difference between pulling the plug on Lucky vs. Laura's quality of life, etc.

You know...one thing is bugging me...and then I have to go. I mean not bugging me, but I think they are making Tracy say stuff lately that isn't very Tracy-like. Like her "don't let the door hit you on the ass" comment today. Tracy would not say ass typically, but since that is GH's fav word these days....

And she said "I dont' give a crap about this tub" the other day. Tracy would be more like to say "I don't give a damn"

She doesn't typically use slang like that and is very articulate in word choice--maybe being married to Luke who loves to use the word "ain't" is rubbing off on our girl!

Those boxers were ridiculous! TG has been in some crazy ass boxers this year!!

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She also called him "baby" last December - also something she wouldn't have said before. I think they are trying to draw the couple so close that they are picking up some of the mannerisms of the other.

For his part, Luke is using larger words in proper context. It's not just one way.

The boxers were great - and too large for his skinny white ass...

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I have only had seconds to check in lately so I don't really know why I wanted to comment on this, of all practically non-topics, but I do.

First, I want to say that I've heard her use the word crap in older clips. I don't remember what they were so I very well could be wrong, but that's what I thought. And as for ain't I pretty much grew up thinking that ain't was bad sounding word for the illeducated. My dad used to use it all the time (no reflection on him by my last coment of course) so I went and looked it up. It is a real, honest to god word (not slang for the dumbies). It is a conjunction that means AM NOT. If you want to hear it used correctly, and this is when I really realized that people can use it the right way, is in old movies... basically any of the, take your pick. I'm sure people know this but I just thought I'd throw it out there b/c the only way I'd ever heard it used was from my dad, who retty much uses it as luke does. Actually they're kinda similar which may be why it doesn't bother me. But the crap thing I'm sure I've heard, thought I think the thought that the writers care enough obout them as actors and as a couple to have them picking up each other's quirkiness and habits, however bad they may be is very sweet.

Ok, night! May be one of these days I'll have to time to stay on for more than I minute or two, but right now I have to go draw cuz I've been slacking and I have to get this done so I can do some paintings.

Hooked, not that I expect you to still have it on your computer but if you do can you look at my prtforlio and and tell me what pick I should redo as paintings. Beside the portraits they were all fast so I thought I'd be able to get a ton done before the summer and be able to sell some. If not, no biggy, I'll just try to decide later

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Lady Ashton is thrilled to announce that she was released from jury duty this afternoon, mostly unscathed :D:D:D

Was there Lunacy today???

Ms. Q ( I think it was you) who asked if I had the TrAsh go to the covent in clergy disguises.....the answer is yup I do! Consider it added to the list!

Hooked....I wore dress shoes :o and thought of you!

Halee, I am so sorry about your dad....thinking good thoughts for you

Off to bed now....cause I was so worried about sleeping through my alarm and being late to court that I couldn't sleep last night....me tired!

Edited by Lady Ashton
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Saw the show today. eh. Did not like the Luke/Anna stuff. He had no business partying with her nor her with him. This *b is like "Hi Tracy" ... "Bye Tracy" like it's nothing. Though Tracy (Jane) looked like she was ready to laugh half the time THAT scene was something to be jealous of more than all the other crap she's been jealous over. If I were Tracy, I would have had that rope around Ms. Devane's neck in two seconds, never mind "Don't let the door hit you in the ass." Which I LOVED by the way. What was the point of that scene anyway? They couldn't just have them getting drunk together? They had to add "stripping" to the scene. I wanna know what's up.

In the BR for a few.... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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I gotta tell ya, I HATE Carly but CarSon has always been HOT to me. I always thought they were endgame. The Skate thing confused me for awhile.. but CarSon is like LuNacy in that they BELONG together. Carly and Sonny make sense with each other (Mostly because they're too crazy to be with anyone else! Ha!).

Cool! Thanks!

How do you know? They weren't in previews.

And "datage"!?!?!? What's that???

I'm with you.. I found myself wondering "what the hell is up with that!??!?!?!" :huh:

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Sorry, I've exchanged Merlot for Advil. My back is better, but my head is cloudy.

Max and Diane go on a date. Can't remember where I saw this... SD perhaps... Soaps.net...

Big picture... it was funny, Anna and Luke are not the world's more accepting grandparents (add Grannie Tracy to that list), and life goes on. At least we saw JE today and not just Tracy. Tracy was annoyed, JE could barely keep a straight face.

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Lunacy alert for this week...if the person on SD was correct tonight with the breakdown info...

Luke is on tomorrow with Claudia and then patrick

Lunacy is on together on TH of this week . Not too shabby. Four days of Tracy last week and two this week.

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For your reading pleasure...an excerpt from GH weeks in review: The serial drama girls (who are on blog talk radio tomorrow night)

Awesome Writer had a few great moments this week.

Luke: Tracy, I've taken risks my whole life. I don't even know how to stop.

Tracy: No matter what the consequences to me or Lulu?

Luke: There's no way that I can keep Lulu from hanging around John Zacchara. She's made that perfectly clear. She's gonna have to learn about consequences all on her own. And as far as you and the Haunted Star go, you don't care about the Zaccharas, or Corinthos. You're only interested in keeping me financially dependent on you.

Tracy: I so resent that. [Jane Elliot's delivery of that line was brill. - Ed.]

Luke: You know what the irony of this whole thing is? You think the only reason I come home to you is to line my pockets, to pour your father's booze, and to take advantage of Cook's blueberry pancakes.

Tracy: You've never once denied that.

Luke: I can live without the pancakes.

Tracy: ::laughs::

Luke: And I don't need your bank account. I've lived in the back of a car, in a tent, under a bridge. I'm very adaptable.

Tracy: So why do you keep showing up on my doorstep? Why can't you just go, and stay gone?

Luke: You really don't know? Tracy, I love you. I. Love. You.

Tracy [on the next episode]: Knowing that you love me, hearing you say it when I know that isn't easy for you...it means more to me than I can possible convey. And I love you back. Luke Spencer, you are my favorite mistake. And honest to god, I try to accept you as you are. I honor our marriage vows...even though I don't know what they are. I could divorce you -- for abandonment, infidelity, fraud -- but I don't, I hang tough. There are those that would say it's because I don't like to be wrong. But you and I know different.

Soapy goodness. Or maybe it's crap that Tony Geary and Jane Elliott spun into gold. Seeing it now in print makes me lean towards the latter. Anyway, for some reason I feel like Luke and Tracy have said "I love you" plenty before, but at this point I will take what I can get in terms of decent dialogue. I mean, it's no "Mah life is terribow!" but it will have to do.

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Not yet. but we know luke tries to charm her back on the 13th. I have also seen something about Sam walks in on something on the 13th too. This could have nothing to do with Lunacy, but who knows.

Luke is supposed to get arrested the week of the 12th as well. Tracy supposedly bails him out and then he leaves town shortly therafer with her blessing. I would hope we would get them a couple times next week and the week after.

Someone said his last date was teh 21st, but this has yet to be confirmed in the mags that I have seen

IR is supposedly leaving on the 19th also.

Nihgt night!

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