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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms. Q, lovin' that you're working on Oh Baby (add that sex, yet?)!!

Wtf was Diane doing defending Luke?!?!?! (Don't like that AT ALL. Diane needs to stay OUT of Luke's world)

Wtf was Tracy doing hanging around the place like the town drunk or the local gambling groupie?


I don't understand why they put Diane in that scenario. Makes no sense to me. She's not Luke's lawyer. I guess it's good for CH, cause it's allowing her to prove her diversity and her worth -- so MAYBE it'll lead to a contract for her --- but I still don't like it. Don't like it at all.

(Her dress was HOT! Love that color. Maybe she goes over to Max's in that dress...... hmmm........ one can only hope. :lol:


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Tracy was lurking behind the potted plant today--how stupid. She was standing in the background as if the stage directions and blocking said "you are window dressing today Jane"

I am bitter at Jane today....listen to how cool LC is (rachel--you're girl is the coolest with her fans) JE doens't even respond to fan mail!

From SD...fan club weekend talk

Leslie's event is really cool this year. All her guests are getting picked up at the main location via limo and they are going to a secret location to have an initimate dinner with Leslie.

that's really cool of her. I wonder who is organizing. Nice for her fans

It was Leslie's idea, and her people organized it. It is called "Monica's Private Party."

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Hey haven't watched todays episode yet....

Anybody up for a chat if this server will let me type tonight lol??

Off to the BR and to read the new chapter of OH Baby!!!

LOL Hooked I LOVE LC....from abover her personal assistant Krista and the co-chair Chrissy from her Fanclub are cordinating the event....I wish I could have gone but funds weren't available and its completely SOLD OUT. It was sold out within the first 2 wks tickets went on sale.

The letter that i was telling you about before the server went down the other night said she loved to hear from her fans, write the writers and TPTB at GH to tell them we want MORE Monica!!! and on a personal not she said stay in school and keep supporting Monica even if I don't catch gh every day. I love her....i may write her back one day.

Edited by IluvAandM
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Oh, I don't know.... I thought the Diane bit made sense. Diane has a habit of stepping into the muck when she thinks something in unjust. She was there, and she was trying to intervene with her friend Alexis, not simply the DA. Her comment that "she tried", now that seemed lame.

Tracy behind the plants was a bit much, especially the way she watched Luke and Diane flirt. I'm getting tired of the "Tracy is jealous" thing. Her husband flirts but he has never followed through (I'm convinced the 'skin-diving trips' are more ego than substance). She needs to get comfortable in her marriage to a scoundral - that is Luke Spencer. She was pre-heart attack. She might have looked passingly smug, but Luke wasn't bothered by it - he looked right at her as he began to clear the room.

The breakdown for tomorrow don't sound great, but the website they originated from (soaps.com) was the only one that didn't have the ILY for tomorrow anyway. All they really say is the characters that are on and one tiny thing about them. The breakdown for today didn't include Ian going to Kate about money or Sonny seeing Luke, but they were both pretty significant plot points. I wouldn't fold yet.

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Okay, I am embarrassed to admit this, but on April 29, 2005 (THREE YEARS AGO FROM TODAY), Tracy was behind a plant yet again and also on the Haunted Star (Luke put her there). Oh the irony... That is irony, right??? Maybe coincidence is a better word... Too late for me to think. Almost time for bed - oy!



Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I thought the show TOTALLY blowed today. I actually would have preferred she not be on than to see her playing jealous, pain-in-the-ass Tracy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE mama but it pains me to see them writing her as a naggy, jealous, pain!

Mama should take a chill pill and "lean back"!! Here it is she says she loves him the way he is, she knows he likes danger and adventure and now she wont let him breathe. She should be scheming with him, not trying to pull the plug on him. If it's bugging me this much, I am sure it's bugging the $h!t out of Luke.

At this point, I guess we wont have to wrack our brains to figure out why or how Luke leaves... Tracy is going to chase him away with her nagging. arrrggghhhhh!! Time to call that freakin comment line again. This show soooooo sucks!!

Diane, should take a powder and go find Max, and STAY AWAY from Luke. Period!

Oh, and are my eyes and ears deceiving me or has Sonny been reduced to propping ShrewLu?

Edited by TracyLuv
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I despise the writers for writing Tracy this way too, TL! This is *not* in character. Hiding behind the plants, spying on Luke and whats-her-name??

And Luke the money-launderer? <_< What a prize he is...

By the way, just stopped by the breakroom, but no one was "home".

EDIT: *waves to Lainey*

Edited by QueenTracy
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I agree with you guys, I am almost at the point of thinking maybe it is time for Tracy to dump Luke's sorry butt for good. If I didn't think that she would be totally backburnered I would be ready for it. The problem is, she has nobody left to meddle with or maniuplate as her kids are all gone. Alan is dead. Monica is in rehab. Edward is never on. Ugghh!!

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My one hope is that Luke will end up disappearing because of what he's brought on himself by dealing with the mob, and not "running away" with anyone. This will also validate Tracy's overactive concern. (That sounds better than nagging, doesn't it?)

Even better, it's another example of the fact that Tracy is *always* right.

We had better get something good tomorrow.

*waves to hooked*

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Well the last time we got "Luke opens his heart to Tracy" he really did. Usually our best stuff is not spoiled, but maybe this will be good. What I hope is that it is not done tongue and cheek.

Although even though she was a bit naggy today, he called her Spanky and they were arm in arm and she was acting like his co-hostess...hey at least she was there with him. They so easily could have not included her in those scenes. There was really no purpose for her to be there, other than to tell Johnny to leave. I am thinking the whole blocking seemed off today When it started she was randomly standing in the background

My one hope for tomorrow is somehow he gives her back her ring to wear.

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Ms. Q...somone on SD said last night:

Can Lucky call Sam "little spankybuns"

Then Qfan (poster) posted the link to your spankybuns video from youtube. Of course if the search function worked you could search for that! Just thought it was funny! You are so creatively known!

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Morning guys. Well the emmy nom were announced. I am LMAO that nobody on GH got one except Tony Geary! And he has to thank his lucky stars he had JE kicking his butt to show up and not phone it in with her! She can make anyone sparkle.

From what I heard, they didnt even have a blue ribbon panel this year deciding. Someone leaked they just voted for their favorites without watching all the tapes. TG only wins on sentimental value--he had NOTHING emmy-worthy this year. The only thing I can think of was his speech to lulu explaining the rape that he might have submitted.

The only good news is if he wins, maybe he will thank Jane! But I don't think he will win!

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Surely to heavens with this and three tanked sweeps in a row (I don't have high hopes for May), TPTB will make some significant changes. Guza obviously can't do the job.

Off to the Guide Store. Hopefully I will be back before 3 PM and I really, really hope our wait has been worth it.

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Thanks for letting us know who was and wasn't nominated for the Daytime Emmys hooked.

I have to say that while I do think a few other actors (besides Jane) were robbed of a nomination; that this might be the catalyst to some changes at GH. General Hospital only got 1 acting nomination ONE!!! That needs to be a big smack upside the head for TPTB they need to realize that their show is tanking. I am looking at this as a positive because really I didn't think GH deserved any nominations, especially from the un-fab four Sonny, Jason, Carly and Sam/Liz. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a turnaround at GH. Beacuse lets be honest, GH is still abc's top rated show and it will be the last to ever get canned, AMC and OLTL will be first.

Okay, enough ranting. :P

Edited by nex4evr
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From SoapDish:

Well, I'd rather see KS get the only GH acting nom from GH than TG, but better TG than some of the other possible choices... I guess he has some scenes surrounding the MC Crisis (with Lulu) and some with the heart attack and then like hooked said, a bit with the rape...I don't really think he'll win, but yeah, he better thank JE if he does.

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