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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow, Addie. I'm sorry your trip has been hijacked. That's not fair. Vent away.

On SD this morning...

Patrick finds a surprising voice of reason in Luke

The Haunted Star causes problems for Tracy and Luke

JE has been assured that when TG goes on vacation she will get a Tracy/Monica storyline.

Luke urges Anna to overcome her "grandma" blues

On Wubs this morning...

Tracey is worried about Luke's mob ties

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After a much needed online hiatus from 5pm til just now, I am back! I had a meeting and an art dinner last night, followed by me falling into bed at 10pm to watch Desperate Housewives on Tivo, and me passing out at 10:30. Staying up til 2 and 3am three nights in a row was too much for me I guess--I'm not as young as I used to be! Sorry I missed you guys last night.

TracynLuke--what I mean was, can you email me the photo of Tracy you have in your avatar? I would love to have that photo to use as an avatar at another board sometime. Can you private message me the link to it or email it to me?

I need to start a 12-step SD program! I loved your declaration Remos! I say "aye" too. I love the drop that they have assured JE a Tracy/Monica storyline. If true, I bet it involves the will forging so ghost alan can pop in. Whatever it is, at least it indicates she isn't leaving in May!

I am off to drive carpool and exercise this morning. I will pop in later.

Ms. Q--I was in London last year this week I think, and that is the reason for my lack of posting that day I think. I remember checking my email there and you were so down about those scenes being cut or something.


Remos--SOD says they are quietly looking for a 40 somethingish to play Domenica Zacharra--the HO is getting a mother! Let's just establish the Zs as the cornerstone of GH! BLAH!!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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But you have to admit, they are more interesting than the Cs, AND they have already established relationships with LuNacy. I'm not too concerned about this potential character - still plenty of room for Tracy in my scenerio!

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THANKS ! :) It burned all night long, I don't remember a sprain burning like that. I literally couldn't sleep. At first I thought I might have a fracture but it's getting better, so maybe not. I decided to stay home today and keep it propped up as much as possible. In truth I am afraid to go down the stairs again, it would suck if I fell again and made it worse. It's kind of funny because I've been in this apartment three years almost to the day, getting ready to move out, and this happens...and three years ago when I moved in I had my leg issues at the same time and was in the hospital. Kind of a full circle thing, but really weird. Flat on my back with my leg propped up now, flat on my back with my leg propped up then....weird.

Thanks funny I'll be looking for your fic !

Sorry to hear about your family stuff Addie.....you certainly sound like you have a colorful family !

Since I'm home I'd love for TQ to be on today....but I guess that's not likely, right? :(

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Sorry ILTQ--no Tracy or Luke this week at all. It is all Zzss all the time...Jason and Claudia stuck together, blah!

Hope your foot is better.

Addie--Sorry for your saga! Oy! LadyA sent me back all those dvds today. I will send them to you when I get them so you can copy them. You will have to just PM me with where you want me to send them. You can wait to send the others back til you get the next batch and send them back all at once to save you two trips!

Remos--going to go read your fic and catch up on Funny1's in a bit. I have to make myself do some work!!

Oh...thoughts of the

JE has been assured a storyline for Tracy/Monica when TG leaves on vacation!

YEAH!!! Not sure who dropped that as I am sitting on my hands and not going to SD since 5pm last night. But at least it seems to relate back to that drop a while ago that JE loves her storyline with Luke but would like more. And, the way that is phrased to me sounds like the Tracy/Luke storyline is not over yet.

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My phone didn't ring last night or this morning. No work for me. Yay! (but oh my gosh, I am like up all morning, wondering if it's going to go off - oy!!!) Will be gone tomorrow and Thursday though. Not sure about Friday.

OT: ILTQ, ouch!!! Hope your foot feels better soon. I messed up my foot about 4 years ago, when I excitedly jumped when I got a hole-in-one while mini-golfing. It was just a little jump thing, and then BAM, on the ground. I went to get up, just to realize I couldn't stand on it... After a minute, though, I was able to stand... Prob. should have NOT proceeded to walk around campus for a week afterwards (and getting lost 'cause it was my first semester there). Oy!!! Finally, went in and got a little shoe... Immediate Care Center woman freaked out me, though, when she sent me to an orthopedic surgeon, just in case... Anyway, you are smart for staying off of your foot for today.

Addie, wow... :o So sorry about your family troubles. Feel free to vent here.

TnL (tracynluke, can I abbreviate your name to that?), I'm happy to see you posting here!

remos, thanks for the scoop about the possible Monica/Tracy SL this summer... Not getting my hopes up, but it's at least *something* to grasp onto.

hooked, SoapDish free, huh? I think it's a lot easier for me to stay free of the site now 'cause the search function still won't let us search for individual posts.

angel, read your updated fic. I had to go back a couple chapters to remember what was happening, but I'm sure you all have to do the same with Oh, Baby (Oy!!! I should just post the rest of it and be done)...Anyway, your story is really, really good. The Helena/Tracy bits are awesome. So, I wonder what's going to happen now that

To everyone else: Hope you're having a good Tuesday!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I have to say Im looking foward to Patrick seeking advice from Luke. That should be good.

Im so sorry about venting. I just had to let it out lol, and didn't have anywhere else at the moment. I know you gus aren't interested in the dramas involving my family, but it did get a tad better. Zeke decided (as I'm already 5 minutes away from the beach house) that oh yeah he did want to come pick our mother up at airport so I had to turn around and go back and get him. I was mad but at least I didn't have to drive all the way by myself and deal with the vulture on my own. She was of course her normal self, and before saying hello practically was fixing my hair and had already informed me that I'll never get a boyfriend if I look like I just fell out of bed before we'd even left baggage claim. On the way back to the beach house, she got a call from Matilda's school saying she hadn't bothered to come in today. I have no idea why she thought that leaving a horribly behaved 17 year old alone with no supervision for 5 days was a good idea, and I can't believe she thought that she would actually do what she's suppose to do :rolleyes: She's either almost to the Hamptons or Montauk by now or either partying in Manhattan (rolls eyes again)...but she's definately NOT going to go school if there's no one there to force her. Im not even sure why my mother is here, other than the fact that I think she wants to get into my business. and I do have to say that her new boyfriend is definately the youngest yet.

And like i said, my mother props them to no end and thinks that all of their behaviour is appropriate and wonderful and propably on the eighth day god created Zeke, Lucy, and Matilda. I, on the other hand, am not so special.

the infamous twins: n5200121_35690884_6524.jpg

Matilda and lucy: n5200121_41323205_5617.jpg

who are these people and why why why am I related to them

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Im very thankful my mother doesn't like the internet and doesn't get on it alot. If she did, she's find a way to invade my life that way the way she has with every single other thing in my life.

Me..Im nothing to get excited about lol, and I look extremely fat in this picture for some reason but its the only one I could find:


Edited by AdelaideCate007
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Cute pic Addie! Where is that? Looks pretty. I am poppin in for a sec and then have to leave again for taking kids to haircuts, tennis, etc... To quote Tracy to AJ, "One of the sad ironies of life is that you can't choose your family"

How very true that is! My family is totally normal, but my husband's family!!! OY!!!

Ms. Q--so nice to see you postign during the day. I tried really hard to not go to SD today....was sitting on my hands just a click away. But I caved. Nothing new. My 12-step program is calling for a slow withdrawl and not cold turkey! LOL!!!

I had to go to defend chat up over there today because some bitchy people were posting and complaining.

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Okay, all you LuNacy fans, someone at YT requested awhile back that I do a video just putting together the nicknames Luke has used for our girl. I got a whole lot of Pretty Pink Peppermint Popsicle (or just Popsicle) [10 total so far - ay caramba] and Spanky's [7 total so far].

I also have one or some (3 or less) of the following:

My Little Corn Muffin

My Little Komodo Dragon

My Little Sweet Potato Pie

My Little Sugar Plum

My Luscious, Lascivious, Little Lollipop

My Little [spankybuns]








Cherry Cheeked Cherub





Jungle Queen



Could use more and/or better ones of "Mama," "Baby," "Wife," and "Sugarplum."

Still have to add Babe (I can just remember the time in the courtroom for that one), Cuddles, Lifeline, Sweetheart (just have one of this one too, when there were prob. more...) I also feel like he's called her Darling once or twice...

Feel free to add anymore (and a time-frame if possible).

And if you have any specific moments that *must* go into the video that involve the names I already mentioned, let me know. :) Gracias!!!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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