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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


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  • Ms. Quartermaine


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I am not liking the lack of tracy mentions anywhere about this week and next. But we did get some insider who said JE/TG scenes on the 21st and 22nd. Whch is next week. I think the HS is wed. and TH so hopefully we get some scenes this week. There was some old spoiler about Tracy having a bad feeling about reopening the HS, but we haven't seen that yet. And luke reassuring her. Also what happened to Edward getting to tell off Sonny, Jason and Carly about Michael? Cut? I will be so mad if it was. He deserves that scene.

I think our best hope for TQ this week is W and TH

Halee--I am so impressed that you figured out how to get clips from those edits and post them on youtube. You will have to email me and tell me how you did that okay? Keep on posting the goodness! I love Marco and Tracy!!

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Hey, Ms.Q, i believe it was you who posted the clip of when Tracy finds out Lulu lied to Dillon just to get him to sleep with her and away from Georgie (the scene from my avi)...i found the sendspace link that you posted when i asked for it the first time but i didnt save it on my computer and when i went back to try and do so, the link was expired. Could you pretty please when you have the time refresh that link for me? That would be so awesome

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Thanks ya'll for the Birthday wishes it was a pretty good one I had a friend there from school that made it more fun esp since we're going to be living together in a couple weeks YAY i'm soo excited and hopefully will have BR access too cuz the guy said that you could get into pretty much anything you wanted to over there so i'm excited and hopeful lol.

Of course I'm buried in school but i'll be done May 5th and don't have to go back till August cuz the summer course was going to be way out of my price range lol and I don't need another loan just for one course when it'd be a good portion of one for fall so I've reworked my schedule some.

Thanks for the link Hooked...i'll read it in a few minutes when I get a break from this online stuff I'm doing lol.

Talk to ya'll laters...i read back when I stop in cuz I have too much to do everyday.

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halee, I loved those scenes!!! Thanks for posting! Tracy/Marco in the bushes is so much cooler than any of the LuNacy we've gotten recently (sorry my LuNacy friends).

hooked, W and/or TH would be my guess as well. Fingers crossed. And yes, I missed you!!!

Rach, glad you had a good birthday.

little tl, http://www.sendspace.com/file/xo090p is for you. :D Credit Shazzer.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Just wanted to share this... it was a post I put on SOC about women of class. I just love it for the comment at the end.


Originally Posted by Remos

According to Oxford....

Class: Distinction, high quality

Decorum: Polite dignified behaviour

Propriety: Fitness; rightness; correctness of behaviour or morals

Women of class and decorum do NOT use their bodies or sexuality to give them power. They use intellegence, manners, etc. That is the dividing line in this discussion, I believe. And isn't it interesting that it's the women of the older generation, those who are educated and professional whom everyone tends to place in the category of "Class": Tracy, Diane, Alexis, Kate, Lila, Monica, etc.

The Mob women: Sam, Carly, Lulu, Claudia, are seen as "class-less"

Those growing into their 'classiness': Liz and Robin, and the majority of the women in the hospital. They are all quite capable of Decorum.

I would also argue that while we have many women of Class, we don't have a SINGLE woman who acts solely with Propriety. (They are often too boring for words.)

Very good analysis!!! fitting for a Tracy fan

Edited by remos
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remos, meant to tell you this earlier. Really loved your latest Confession scenes. Wish we could see scenes like those on GH (the Haunted Star one SO has to play out just like that). It's been so long since LuNacy have made any physical contact... Come on GH, just give us a hug or something within the next couple of days!!!
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Well, the Shrew has been told off three times this fine PC day. Kate, Luke and now Johnny yelled at her and told her she was playing games and it wasn't her business.

Lainey, Diane, Max and Alexis are funny. Could have done without her walking out holding her underware while Max was fully dressed, but at least there wasn't any of that regret bs.

I won't state the obvious absences.

All in all, not a bad episode. Lots of history recounting. Do you think TPTB are actually listening for a change?

Edited by remos
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Okay sad they get the raciest scene of the entire cast of contract players . CH said on her website she was eating right before the scene and told Derek she was just eating some cheese, when it was really altoids. She also said that Steve Burton calls her Diane all the time. She said she doens't know if it is he can't remember her name or she just does such a good job embodying the character==but that she chooses to believe it is the latter!

She is really a hoot and a good sport about answering questions!

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Well it appears that Lukey is in a jovial mood being a club owner again and a player in the game again this week...that is what the gist of the spoilers say. Hopefully he will bein full flirt mode and Tracy will be in his flirtatious path! She better be! There HAS to be a reason he has not taken his ring off at all and she hasn't put hers back on yet. Surely we are not the only ones who notice this.

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Remos, I read both of your stories this morning and floved them!

Ms.Q, loved the new vid!!!

Thanks to everybody who has been posting spoilers or speculations as to what will be happening between LuNacy. There needs to be a follow up scene to last weeks Thursday, technically its still the same day right?!?

Hooked, I did my part and voted at SID this morning.

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