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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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:lol::lol::lol: My kids are wondering what I'm laughing about. I'm not into meeting 'stars' at all, but I really, really want to have tea with Jane Elliot. She'd probably have me snorting in no time. I love it!!! Thanks for sharing this, Hooked.

Lainey!!! Thought we'd lost you. Are you settled now? How's the new place?

I'm prepped for this afternoon. Yet another week without LuNacy. The spoilers have them talking to the same people, so hopefully this means they are in the same room together. But it's sad that we can count the number of times they've been on together in 2008 on two hands. Unless my count is off, today is the first time we'll have to take off shoes to count LuNacy moments - and we're well into April!

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Dude, where were Guza, JFP, and Frons when they let Edward, Tracy, Bobbie, and ALAN! out of the AbcSeniors veterens closet?? Someone needs to hide the key to that closet before Guza gets his hand on it and looks them all back in there. Now if Mac, Monica, and Scott would show up, we could have a full fledged vets day.

Hooked, JE sounds fun!

Ms. Q, I've been meaning to how much I love all of your videos! I subscribed!

Anyway, Ive started clipping a bunch of new GH stuff, including a whole lot new Tracy stuff (stuff from when she was messing around with Scott; some more of her and Ashton; her, Monica, and Lucy messing with Harlan; the whole time surrounding Lila's death; her return in the fall of 2003; and her running over Jenny and Edward kicking her out)

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Okay, here's the recap. There were so many amazing performances by our favourites (Tracy and others) that I have to include everyone.

Nex... Tracy scenes are #3,4,6 and 7

Bobbi: Sees Carly and hugs her, telling Carly her Mama is there for her. Later goes to H.S. and demands a drink from Luke. Bobbie rants. She knows Michael will never wake up and she thinks his dying might actually be easier. Talks about BJ and how grieving for a hurt child is like poison. Then says how she warned Carly that Sonny's life would be harmful for a child but that Carly couldn't/wouldn't listen and now Michael is paying the price. Luke tries to say that no one can predict the future and Bobbi shoots back at him that he would feel differently if Lulu were the one shot and in that hospital bed. (No mention that Luke went through it with Lukey.)

Alexis: Awake all night looking for safe place to take the girls and run. Ric says he will support her and wants her to take Molly with her. She says perhaps they aren't bad parents afterall. Jerry tells her no where is safe enough and that Kristina would come looking for Sonny when she got older if Alexis took her away now. Alexis continues that she deluded herself thinking her daughter would be safe and should have known better than to have a child with Sonny.

Jason: Was actually in tears today as he spoke to Michael about Africa, the things he wanted to do with him, and demanding that Michael wake up.

Lulu: Focused on Johnny and trying to get Sonny to understand Johnny wasn't responsible. Not that she was great, but the reaction to her was wonderful... Carly just stared at Lulu in disbelief that Michael was lying in the hospital and Lulu was more concerned with Johnny being hurt (in Lulu's defence, she realized her gaff after Carly walked away). Kate beat Lulu down for being late, and being self-absorbed, ineffective and a busy body.

Claudia: Moved from trying to convince Luke the Z's had nothing to do with it, to flirting with Edward (calling Tracy his sister), to insulting Tracy about her place in Luke's life. Girl's got variety.

Luke: Had Claudia's number immediately. He knows the Z's ordered the hit and won't blame Sonny for 'hitting' back. Listened to Bobbi and tried to comfort her, and wondered what Tracy was doing with Claudia.

Edward: Very concerned with Michael and wants to call Monica to tell her how things are with her grandson. Quite funny flirting with Claudia.

Alan: Challenged Tracy that she doesn't really care about Monica, easily lied to Edward, and is obsessed with what Claudia and Luke are doing away from home.

Alice: Full butch mode, wanting to throw Claudia out the minute she saw her.

Kate and Ric were really good together. I say get rid of MB and see what they can do with these two.

Jerry and Alexis were intense and enjoyable.

Q's were humorous in their concern.

Carly and Jason were heartwrenching in their pain.

Nicholas and Nadine were cute with Spencer and the horse, giving something else than Michael focus to the hour.

And now for Tracy....

Edward is badgering Tracy to call the hospital for an update. Tracy says they won't hear anything different. Edward says Monica has to know. Tracy says Monica isn't being alowed outside contact. Edward keeps badgering so Tracy picks up the phone and says she's calling, then tells Edward to take a walk in the rose garden. Ed leaves and Tracy keeps dialing. Alan calls Tracy a liar saying she's calling Claudia instead of the hospital. Tracy says why does it matter since Monica is probably sitting in a circle, holding hands singing Kum-ba-ya (I love her lines :D ). Meanwhile her husband didn't come home last night because he was guarding the H.S.

The doorbell rings and Edward answers the door to find sleazy-dressed Claudia. Claud starts flirting with Edward saying she was there to meet his 'sister' Tracy. Edward enjoys that and says Tracy is actually his daughter. Claudia makes comments on the house - all the while twirling her hair - and Edward says he's be happy to give a tour. Alice says Dr. Q said no tours in her absence and that she would throw Claudia out. Just then the door opens and Tracy says Claudia is there for a meeting with her.

Edward is eavesdropping on Tracy and Claudia's discussion when Alice tells him that what's going on in that room is against the advice of his cardiologist. Edward shoos her away. Inside the den Tracy tells Claudia that her husband has not been well lately, and doesn't want anything to hurt him. She doesn't want an IRS investigation, she doesn't want him staying nights on the H.S to keep it 'safe' and she doesn't want him caught up in the violence that comes with the Z's. She wants to buy Claudia out. Claudia looks straight on at Tracy and says "That's one way to get me out of Luke's lap".

Claudia asks Tracy how she and Luke got married in the first place - a trick or for the money. Tracy says she will offer 10% above whatever Claudia is paying for the H.S. Claudia continues that Tracy is so out of Luke's league, she's so matronly. Tracy asks what it will cost to get rid of Claudia. Luke walks in at that moment and asks why anyone would want to get rid of Ms. Zachara. Tracy just glares at him.

Previews: Jason visits Monica in rehab and she asks what's wrong.

Edited by remos
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ho hum on the show. I have to say that if Luke and Tracy don't get back together soon I may stop watching. It's just not the same when they are not together. And I don't like that he isn't still trying to win her back so to speak.

Best line today was Tracy's kum-ba-ya line. LOL. And that skank ho Claudia telling Tracy that she looked matronly? She needs to be deloused of crabs. ugh! I wish Tracy would lay her out!

Hooked, thanks for sharing the Jane story. She's a riot! Mama's a little nutty and I LOVE IT!!

*wave to funny*

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Just got home from a long plane ride and was anticipating watching Tracy & GH only to discover it wasn't on, instead coverage of the Olympic Flame Torch Run here in San Fran.Ug. Oh well, thankfully I have SoapNet and can catch it later. Thanx for the in-depth recap Remos. At least I know I have something worth tuning in for.

I'm not sure what you are talking about Remos, with Tracy spending time with Anna & Kate. But I would love to see that. Maybe they find her wallowing in a martini at the MetroCourt and they decide to help her and give her a makeover! She shows up at the opening of The Haunted Star looking all sexed up and knocks Luke's socks off!

tl here is that Tracy & the pill clip. You have to go to the beginning of the clip to see that scene. It starts in the middle of the clip. Sorry.


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Thanks remos for the recap!

Thanks hooked for the little story about JE!

Hey, when did they age Spencer? I saw in FF mode and stopped when I saw it was a different actor. It's so weird to see Nik with an "older" son...

Addie, glad you like the videos! And you are awesome for all the clipping that you do. I always wanted to see the Harlan/Monica/Lucy/Tracy thing.

Lainey, hi!!! Welcome back!

TL, noooooo!!! Will you still watch for Tracy?! (and her hair that grows a little each time she's on - haha).

Didn't see that Anna/Kate/Tracy spoiler... Am so wanting the search function to be fixed soon.

funny, how have the kindergarteners been this week?

missjane, glad to see you posting more!

little tl, will upload later tonight. Someone remind me if I forget. Ooh, halee just posted it. :D

halee, welcome back!!!

Did I cover everyone who's posted since the last time I posted?!

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Remos---it was nothing. It was some idiot talking in code saying that they would hear when Leyla was leaving through someone named ANNA (who is Megan Ward's friend) who would tell Tracee (who is that crazy soapdish poster) who would tell the hub meaning the board. Nothing to do with the character of TQ unfortunately...

Tell the Divah that there are a ton of new medianet photos up of spin/maxie and maxie/lulu/kate/magazine stuff!

ttp://boards.soapoperasource.com/index.php?showforum=30 (click on week of april 21st)

Edited by hookedongh
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