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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Since it could be hours before somebody posts today's episode, here is a You Tube link to see Tracy and her new haircut. I like how she said to Lulu who seemed surprised to see her new do...."I needed a lift." :)


Part 1

I still don't like it, I know i'm being a butthead but I like her hair longer.



Part 2

Edited by nex4evr
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Oh, and did everyone catch the Monica dig and glare? Yeah, Tracy is going to be SOOO supportive of Monica.

Man, I can't wait until Luke returns and sees her. Honestly, like I wrote on SOC, how many women get a make-over when their guy leaves? It was classic - and she looks so together.

Oh, about the opening, I heard it was in the wings but not when it's supposed to be released. Wher e they position Tracy will indicate a lot about the future of LuNacy.

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Oh my God. I had such a horrible day, and it had nothing to do with LuNacy. Oy.

Comments: I don't hate the hair. I mean, it's kind of neat. But at the same time, I'm not sure...LOL. I mean, it's too short to even have oomph!!!

Been reading some more comments on the hair: Someone noted that it made her look harsher... I wonder if it was the hair though or the make-up?

Will have to catch up on spreading the LuNacy love, writing letters, all that...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I think JE looks fab no matter what, although there was one atrocious VERY short cut she did right after DH fried her hair.

I don't like that this cut makes her look like Diane, because I hate Diane. But otherwise I'm okay with it, although she won't get the trademark swish for a while. I'm sure she'll let it grow out, JE never keeps one length/style long.

I do like that Tracy gets kicked out of the mansion. I wish she left voluntarily, but eh. I'm off to watch my tape for today, or the Tracy parts of it, at least.

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I'm kind torn. I sort of love it and hate it... I think the hate it comes from my really loving and missing her hair longer, but I'll get used to it. She's a little hotty, not many people can pull off that hair I don't think. I do like it way more than I thought i would from the description (I don't don't generally like her with short short hair), the makeup and the hair was all good today. She was workin' it hard!!

As for the rumor.... I choose not to believe it unless it is one of those things that they are phrasing it that way to draw more attentiopn to the story. They break them up for a day or 2 (they'll get a good 2 or 3 weeks out of that in Soapworld). But I still think it's a great thing to write to them anyway. Could never hurt.

PS, for whoever asked, when I drew that picture of her last year (not the fanzine one) I did send a copy alone wth a letter but no I never got anything back. I don't know if that's athe way it always works with her, but nothing for me

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OMG! I just realized you are right ILTQ, its like she stole Diane's haircut. I think the reason why I don't like it is because it seems so high maintenance and Jane is so not high maintenance. I think I just perfer her with long hair.

As for the rumor about Tracy getting kicked out of the mansion, I can totally see Monica doing that especially after that other rumor that has Tracy and Monica getting if a tiff with bitter words being said. I would like to see her her temporarily move into the Metrocourt, but with Luke coming back next week, where is he going to live?? With her perhaps?? That could turn out to be very funny!

Edit: OK I just thought of something, with Tracy getting kicked out of the mansion, where is Lulu going to live?? She isn't really getting along with Logan to move in with him? I know we all don't really care about Lulu but I would love to see her move in with Tracy.

Edited by nex4evr
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OMG I soooooooooooooo hate her new hair! I am in hair denial right now...she looks way way older and way way harsher to me. Ms Q and I can mourn the oomphiness factor that will be sadly missing from our lives. She had way too much make up on today too.

It looks like the back part is still sort of in a bob that could grow out. I thought today was the last episode shot before the xmas holiday break. Guess she got it cut right before the holidays.

Me and TL think she looks like a drag queen earlier today. Nex I tend to agree this is not her best look. Maybe they are just trying to figure out now to do it. It looks way too high maintenance for JE! I am gonna miss the hair flip!!!

I am glad Monica will kick her out...that will be funny. Tracy should get her own place...but that mansion is gonna be very lonely. Yeah what about lulu? Tracy and Lulu should get a kick ass penthouse somewhere--ha ha. So maybe luke shows up and TQ is not there at the mansion. They have to go live at the metrocourt--I like that!

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My mom on JE's new 'do: "What was she thinking? I don't know why she did that." :lol:

To be honest, I still don't hate it. I don't like it. But it's better than the flattened hair she was sporting for awhile there.

I do think it's a sophisticated cut and fits Tracy's mood very good right now.

Seems that more people like it than not...

hooked and nex, maybe we don't have good taste. LOL.

Regarding her looking older: I think it was the make-up. Not the hair.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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How does Monica have the power to do that? Tracy has money in her own right, and is working as CEO. Perhaps they are coming back with the lawsuit re: Alan's will after all.

Hey, remember way back when it was spoiled that

Looks like another Tracy spoiler is coming true (be still my beating heart).

And being kicked to the curb by Monica... perhaps they will move her into her own place - a Tracy house. About time considering she hasn't owned her own place ever.

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I don't love the hair...but I don't totally hate it. I wish it were longer and oomphier...she looks so awesome in a bob. This is a little Linda Dano-ish for me (not to knock Linda...love her, and she's a really nice lady).

I do agree that it suits her mood right now. And with her makeup she looks pretty darn bad@$$. ;) And it's totally realistic that Tracy being super pissed at Luke might just chop all her hair off.

Anyway...I'm pretty psyched about the Cindi R. spoilers.

:D But...WTF with

How the heck would Monica have access to Tracy's

I mean, I could understand

So psyched about Tracy being in the spoilers!!!

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