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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OT, but I hate writing super important emails. I have this fear of hitting the send button before the message is "perfect." Ugh.

Thanks nex for the clips!

For those wondering, someone else (anonymous) on SD confirmed the

. If it's happening, it should be soon.

Also, the person providing the episode counts said yesterday that

Guess we'll see...

EDIT: I also noticed the height thing and not thinking JE was that tall (or LC that much shorter). But whoever said the heels vs. flats must have been right (I looked at my banner too...hooked, did you say to do that? LOL).

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Just watched the epi. Thought mama looked fabulous. Loved her hair. Yes, she was wearing the ILY Jacket, only today she was wearing it with a turtleneck.

What's with all the hoopla about Tracy yelling at everyone? Tracy wasn't yelling. And even though Luke was upset he wasn't really yelling either. We've certainly heard him be nastier with Tracy. Love Luke at the end with tears in his eyes. It's a shame if they don't pick up tomorrow where they left off today.

As for the ILY she said he said, obviously he said it off-screen otherwise why would she say it, and he didn't say.."wait, I didn't tell you I love you" LOL. Oh well so at least we know he said it even if we missed it. :(

Jane's always wearing heals. I feel bad for her.

Gotta research some stuff for school. Hope to chat tonite.

Nex, Thanks for the clip B)

Ms. Q, and Remos, Thanks for the recap :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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I wouldn't put too much concern into this. The other day I went to tony-geary.net, and they still have information about his upcoming vacation - summer 2007. Volunteer/Family run websites aren't always up to date. As I said earlier, those are the general averages we've been getting for TQ for some time. It's all good.

Went back and emerced myself in today's eppi again. The look on Luke's face at the end, when Tracy is holding him up is amazing. He looks so lost and uncomfortable with the reality that he's not controling this one.

I called Monica going to town on Tracy re: who's family is dead/alive. I'm calling it: tomorrow, Luke disappears while Tracy is at the funeral. He's found and then the proposal on Wednesday end of day. B)

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Thanks for the clips nex!! It was great to see Tracy and Monica share the screen. You could tell that Tracy was really trying hard with Monica. I was kind of surprised that she didn't say she was sorry about Emily (not that Tracy was ever Em's biggest fan, but she's a mother, too)...but then I figured it seemed like the way that JE and LC played it, that Tracy might have gone home and seen the Qs and changed her clothes and that's why she was wondering why Monica was there...she assumed she'd be home where she left her.

I'm sad that we missed the ILY, but at least we know that he said it. That's my contribution towards the LuNacy positivity fund. :D

Ooooh, I hope you're on track again, remos! :)

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1) for the first part, all I have to say about family (based on mine) is that you can loath them with a passion you can't possibly feelf or anything else, but watch the hell out if anything happens to them. You can hate them and love them at the same time. I think that's the way it is with Tracy and most of her family.

2) did we miss the ILYs.... NO NO NO NO!!!!! Just because he was supposed to have said it already doesn't mean he isn't supposed to say it on screen or that we missed it!! I'm all over the good thoughts again.

speaking of which... on to #3

3) Oh, all crazy kinds of happy if he really is going to propose to Tracy. She's had guys, but that hasn't happened for since since Paul, that shm-ck. So so so happy!!!! doing a littel dance right with... quite possibly with a couple of happy tears. Well maybe not, but close!

4) ok, now for the exchange I would have wanted... I want Monica to come in and talk to Luke (I would say after he's refused the surgery, but he shouldn't change his mind b/c of something she says, it should be b/c of tracy, so...) after he's finally decided to have the surgery and tell him it's a damned good thing that's what he wants. Like it or not, he is her family and she's not will to lose another member of her family this year.

I know she was being a bitch today, however excusable it was, but I would think (not this soon after the death, but soon enough anyway) that she would try to keep everyone she has left close to her around, that includes hima nd Tracy. Plus,she'd be doing something nice for Tracy who really IS her family.

*Ok, now since it's a party in the thread right now... I'm going to say one big general hi to everyone!!!!!*


hold the phone, I almost forgot to say what I loved... can't have that, now can we!

Loved her look to Lucky when she wanted him to get out and let Luke rest... aka not kill him with yet anyother heart attack after that visit. It was so sad, she was begging him. I'm pretty sure I can count on one hand how many times Tracy has begged for anything!

Loved her being nice and supportive to Monica. Look everyone, the tin (wo)man does have a heart!!! Not that we didn't know that.

Loved loved absolutely loved that last scene when she told him to get back in the bed and let them save his life. Again, pleading and begging, and bossy all atthe same time. Fabulous!!!!

loved the faces... the hair, make-up, clothes, it all worked today. Lookin' damn good is all I ave to say bout that

Edited by knh
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OOOOOOOOH thought of a new one!!!!

I think (and I dn't know why or if ths is just too cheezy... probably is, but I want to hear it anyway) with Luke continuously pointing out that it's his heart and he gets to decide what happens that she should point out that that doesn't give him the right to take hers with him if he dies. He doesn't think of what is going to happen to her... except for maybe today b/c he was SOOO crying when she told him to let them save him.

Ok, now I'm done for the night

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Thanks for the clips, Nex!

TG is so going to get an emmy nod for this!!! His "look" is fantastic. JE is dead-on, too, but in a much more understated way. Her grief and fear are etched on her face. Really etched!!! Amazing!! How, as an actress, to you get yourself to look so shaken to the core? Totally Amazing!

LC - eh. I wanna love, her, I do! But compared to TG and JE, she's just not bringing it. I dunno. I wish I didn't think that, but I do!

Remos, I love your scenario about what's going to happen on Wednesday. I hope it happens that way, but somehow I don't think so.

I am ticked Luke supposedly said "ILY" and we didn't hear it. I think today was an ad-lib. I don't think it was supposed to be there. He BEST say it before he goes into surgery. HE BETTER!!! When does he go into surgery? Is it this week?

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Lainey...I Totally agree with you...LC is great a as a person from what I have seen of her and she is outspoken, etc. But I really dont' think she is at all in the same caliber as Jane or Tony. Plus she can't move her face...I dont' mean that in a catty mean way, cause I like her...but she really can't have that many expressions. Plus while I think she has had some good acting in the past, she is mentally through with GH and the way they have treated her and SD and has said as much. I think she is going through the motions...

I do like angry monica....Jane was just so dead on today with her. And TG's look was priceless at the end today...he is so out of control and she is so stepping in to take control for him. Oy...they were awesome. And to go from the light banter of the last time they were on to today...

I just hope lulu doesn't ruin the moment tomorrow...she will probably beg and plead with luke to have the surgery and whine a bit too and make it all about her! :)

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Just having my usual middle of the night insomnia, so went surfing. Wow, wasn't just SZ that blasted our girl, some on SD were pretty nasty as well. Obviouly TQ touched a nerve/cord yesterday. She's not periphery anymore, at any rate.

I'll leave the real info to Hooked and Ms. Q, but there is word that she will be on Dec. 6th at least. And still nothing on a TG winter vacation. Interesting....

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Yeah just saw that she will be on for two scenes at least on the 6th with Johnny (he is the only character they listed that had scenes with Tracy, but they only listed a few characters for that week. So she could be on with the Qs or Alan or even just Luke or Luke and lulu, etc before that. At least we know we get to see her one day next week. :)

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My son's perstering me to get off the computer, but I thought this gem of a comment might be appreciated here..... (then I'll get off, Zion, I promise)

Seriously. If we're going to bring up Tracey's past mistakes, let's bring up EVERYONE'S. Like how Laura killed David Hamilton and really, several others. How Luke is a rapist. How Edward is a baby seller. How Monica is a multiple adulterer. Come ON. The heart pill thing is ancient history, and even if it wasn't, I think Tracey's grown since then.

People complain about how Guza doesn't allow growth for characters... really the fans don't recognize growth either.


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