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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Brief recap:

5 scenes. Segments 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7.

Hair/Make-Up: I liked it even though she looked a bit "harsh" in some scenes.

Scene 1: Lucky is screaming/crying/maybe kicking something 'cause he has just learned of Emily's death. Tracy rushes in. Wants him to calm down before he gives Luke another heart attack.

Scene 2: Tracy updates Lucky about Luke's condition. Lucky says he just didn't know about Emily, but he doesn't want to anything else to happen to his Dad. Luke thought Lucky knew; he was just going based on what "people" told him. Tracy says she didn't want to worsen his condition by telling him Lucky was unaccounted for. Luke says nothing raises his blood pressure like being lied to. Tracy lets Lucky to take some time to sort all of this through. What happened to Emily was terrible. Luke wants Lucky to stay, but Lucky goes, saying he'll check back later. Luke thought he could trust Tracy. Tracy says she'll do whatever she needs to do to keep him alive.

Scene 3: Tracy in the waiting area; sees Monica. Says she shouldn't be working. Says grief needs to be endured, not manage. Monica is pretty much, "You don't have a clue, b-tch (she didn't say that, exactly). You still have her children. 3 of my kids are dead, one of them might as well be, and I lost my husband. Don't tell me how to grieve."

Scene 4: Monica comes into Luke's room to give her opinion. Luke expresses his condolences. Monica is like, "I'm here to be a doctor." If he doesn't want to hear what she's going to say, she can leave; she has plenty of other patients. Tracy is like, "Fine, go." Luke wants Monica to stay and tell him what she thinks. Monica agrees with Dr. Julian's prognosis. If he doesn't get the quadruple bypass, he will probably die.

Scene 5: Luke starts to unhook himself from all the monitors. Tracy comes in; he tells her she's leaving. Tracy is calm at first, rushing over to Luke, telling him in needs a quadruple bypass. Luke screams at her. It's his heart. He'll decide if it gets cut open. Tracy raises her voice, "Get into that bed." She might be almost holding him. Goes on to tell him, "Remember at Wyndemere where you said you loved me (um, that didn't happen), said you always think about me, said I was the smartest choice you've ever made? If you meant even a fraction of what you said, you will get into that bed."

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Another doctor's appointment. Oy. Did I realize that I was scheduling them all in like the same month? I was in the office for two hours. Ridiculous. I was yearning for a television.

Thanks Ms. Q and Remos for the recaps. It is so weird not recapping after an episode. It sounds like it was really good! I have been waiting for the Monica\Tracy reaction after Em's death.

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You're welcome Colette. All of her scenes are rather brief, but I liked them, which seems to be an unpopular opinion on other sites. I don't remember the last time I've seen so much Tracy HATE. :o:(

knh, even if the DVD's weren't "protected" to prevent copies from being made, I wouldn't be able to post the clips. I don't have the equipment. hooked can give you the link to Jen's site though, and you can buy the DVD. :) I definitely recommend #3...There's a cute scene with Baby!Dillon and his Mama (Tracy is all, "E is for Elephant" *elephant sound*), and the Tracy/Marco parts are AWESOME!

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Thank you so much remos and Ms.Q for the recaps! I have to say I was worried I was reading the live thread over at SoapZone and the people there were just reeming Tracy out for yelling at Lucky, and I got worried it was going to be bad, but you guys put my worry to rest, thank you.

hooked, I am soo glad to hear that Wally and Nancy were going to be in some scenes together, I still do love my Nexis!

I should have todays clips up soon, I just finished downloading them at Favorite-Moments.net.

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Ah... yeah.... where did all of this come from? It's really nasty. This amount of hate is usually reserved for Liz, Sam, Carly and Lulu..........

Oh wait, I get it, she's "popular" and they've finally figured out Lunacy is here to stay.

(Isn't this roughly the equivalent of boys teasing you because they like you?)

Don't believe those posts. She barely raised her voice today, and that was simply to get Luke's attention. She spoke to Monica and Lucky directly and appropriately. Lucky, in the hospital room of a man who's had 2 heart attacks and has nearly died, throws a chair across the room that bangs into the wall - and Tracy didn't yell at him at all, just spoke sternly. She knows they're all hurting.

Edited by remos
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Just watched and texted to TL what happened as she is in class all day today and can't get online. I am choosing to believe that the "ILY" took place off screen durng the love scene that we didn't see before his heart attack! :) Well at least we know he said it to her. JE was awesome today I thought.

I totally thought of you Remos--you pegged it exactly...Tracy would be the worst person to comfort Monica in a grief situation with her two boys alive and well. I felt bad for Tracy today. She was totally trying to be supportive to Monica, to keep luke calm, to get her point across to Lucky and to stay in control for Luke who feels totally out of control.

Her range really is incredible...to play to light, laughing and fun on wednesday to today...

Ms. Q--I really think that was the ILY jacket but just she is wearing it open with a turtleneck under it. She looked good today wardrobe wise, hairwise, etc.

LadyA--WHere are you? Miss ya!!!

Have my art class tonight. Going to start a wine painting for my mother in law for hanukkah...hope I get a lot done on it as it is very early this year.

Lainey--Hope you had a nice visit with Dee.

BSG--Hope you made it home safely.

Deb--Hope you are donig okay and work is getting better.

Nex--thanks for the clips in advance!

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Here are today's clips,


Credit goes to Izz, edited by me.

I have to say Jane was really good today, the way she spoke to Lucky about being sorry for Emily, her voice was totally cracking and the look she gave to Lucky when she suggested he needed to be alone was awesome! She can say more with one look than most can say with actual words. I did feel bad for her when Monica snapped at her, but that was to be expected. Also, did anybody notice how tall Jane looked compared to Leslie?

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Not to mention that Monica was there to give a second opinion on Tracy's husband - in order to keep him alive, when the same illness killed Monica's husband. Tracy's mere existance is a walking slab of salt in Monica's wound, and it's not Tracy's fault. :( Tracy put in her years of pain waiting for her family, while watching Monica with hers.

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Good point Remos! I hadn't thought of that about her giving an opinion on heart surgery for Luke. Also, remember she is the one who lost Alan on the table too when she shouldn't have been operating. Monica is in anger mode which is good...I hope we get some good, angry, pissed off, revengeful monica scenes. She used to be great at revenge and anger!!!

Catch you guys tonight after art!

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Just saw it! Geez, she was hardly yelling! Lucky was having a bit of a spasm, and obviously needed direction. And she was geniuinely being nice to Monica. awwww.

I thought that she looked absolutely GORGEOUS today! I really REALLY liked the outfit. It was cute, it fit, and red and black always look marvelous on her. The hair looked great, and I am in love with the make-up. I know there was more than usual on, but, in my opinion, it looked extremely good. After Monica b-tched her out and walked away, when Tracy did the turn-thing and followed her, I thought she looked really good. It captured the flowiness of the outfit, the hair, and how good the make-up looked. Can't they do this every day? I guess nights in terrorized castles works well on TQ!

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