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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracyluv, can I just say that I LOVE your new banner!!! I love all the kisses! :)

MinervaFan, I just finished reading your "SpAcy" fic and it was great! :D

LadyAshton, I can't wait to go home and download your clip, I can't wait to see it! Thanks for sharing it with us.

WooHoo, I just realized that this was my 300th post, Hooked you got me beat by over 200 posts!! haha!

Edited by nex4evr
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OMG OMG OMG I just got home and turned on the tv and hahahahaha, she's wearing the wig!!! Tracy Q is wearing the blonde Laura wig! Hee! Scott walked in and she lifted her head up and had this gorgeous smile on. Hehehehe She looked really pretty (imho) actually.

ETA: Damn, no follow up, she went straight to the house. But Awwwww she sounds like she's gonna cry (while she's talking to Alan about helping Luke or she'd lose him).

Edited by angel2devil
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Watched the show today:

not good at the blow by blow like ms. Q, but here goes: (Whited out if you don't want it spoiled)

Lulu wants to go, she says: So you and Tracy are going after mom? I want to be the lookout. Tracy talks her out of it and Lulu makes Luke promise he will stop by the house with Laura so they can say goodbye. After she leaves Luke is worried about time and the risk of bringing her to see Lucky, Nick and Lulu at the house. Tracy said that since Luke promised, he has to do it. There is much banter between Tracy and Alan and any other circumstances I would have thought it was funny but I found it (him) to be annoying. Edward comes in just before they leave and mentions some ELQ stuff to Tracy and notices a comment she makes to Alan and asks if she still talks to him or something like that. She said "no" and Luke says (while cyphening off some booze into a flask), "you haven't seen Alan in a while have you cuddles?" and Tracy answers in the negative. They leave and you can tell by the look on Edward's face that he is up to no good. They appear at Rose Lawn, Luke is in disguise as Dr. Von Shkeemerman, and Tracy is just wearing other clothes. They are talking to a doctor there, well Tracy is anyway for the most part, about possibly having her husband be a patient at that facility while Luke is in earshot commenting/talking to the doctor as well while looking around the area to see which room is Laura's. The dialogue is funny, but sad when Tracy is describing the condition of her husband. She is actuallly describing Luke, to a tee. Dr. V makes comment about having to get to other patients, the Dr. leaves them alone and they go into Laura's room. As soon as he sees Laura he says "We're going on the road again, Angel". Tracy turns her head away - fade out. Luke brings Laura over to the house to see the kids, Luke has her in the car. Next (?) scene: Scott walks into Laura's room at Rose Lawn, can't remember what he says and goes over to the chair, and "Laura" (Tracy) picks up her head, she's smiling, but sorry, I don't remeber what she says - fade out. Tracy goes back home, Alan is waiting with words for Tracy. I can't remember them right now. I am trying to block them out. I just wish that Alan would STMFU ALREADY and LEAVE TRACY ALONE!!

Anyway, so no more kisses, no ILY, I guess their kiss from last week will have to hold us over as well as some possible TraLu interation we will hopefully be getting. I think it's sad that Tracy is often in these cycles of love and pain. Funny I used a profile in the breakroom once that read: I submit to Queen Tracy, Goddess of Love and Pain. That just happen to pop into my mind right now, forgive me.

It doesn't make sense to me that since Scott saw that it was Tracy sitting in the chair, that she would be abe to get out of Roselawn, but she somehow left right after Scott found her in the wig - don't know how though and the police are prob on their way to the mansion right now. It bothers me too, that she can be positively identified not only by Scott, but by the Dr. that Tracy was talking to. She should have had a disguise of her own.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Great recap TL...I just watched...she did sound like she was going to cry at the end....Those spencer kids better be kissing her you know what for helping Luke like that and taking the fall so Lulu didn't have to get involved or incriminated! That was pretty noble and unselfish of her!

Be around tonight around 9pm central if you guys are up for the breakroom!!!

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Sorry, did I miss you?


Hey Hooked, sorry, I didn't mean to cut out on you in the BR, but (surprise surprise) I was kicked offline.

Ok guys. I have heard from a few people who said they were going to read my story and give me any feedback they have. I realize that we all get busy, so it's not a problem if you can't do it, but please let me know so I am not waiting on anyone. I know it is due on the 15th, which leaves me with 3 days left, but I have to do the editing and I have to have it posted a day early b/c I won't be here thursday. I don't want to sound impatient b/c i'm not (anxious yes, impatient no) I just wanted to remind everyone that my deadline is coming up. I really would like ot hear from anyone who has anything to say, but if you can't do it don't worry about it!

Thank so much everyone.

Edited by knh
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Hey Nex congrats on the 300th post...feeling like a big loser now cause I am 200 ahead--ha ha! Obviously I need to get a life! :) Hellagood only has the whole show again today...what is up...they are getting lazy--ha ha!

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1. When she turned to the door as Luke spoke to his Angel (It was too much for her to handle! I died!!!)

2. When she was crying/hysterical at the end of the show. So sad! She loves him so!!!

Guys, today's WHOLE show was pretty amazing. I know most of you only watch TQ parts.. but it was ALL really good. No Sam, no Amelia, no Carly, no Jax, no Jerry, no Logan, no Coop, no Maxie, no Ric.... and only limited Sonny. AND we got lots of superbly written LuNacy (Tracy's description of her disturbed husband was hilarious!) and appearances by "third-tier characters like Kelly and Lainey and Stan. AND.... the dialog was great. Snappy, silly... all great. I hope this is a preview of the summer. I hope all the 'first-tier' folks frolic on the beach, and leave behind the wanna actors and wanna be writers.. the show is MUCH better this way.

And oh-- folks. I sense it will be a big TQ summer. She's got talent, and all the 'kids' will be playing with Nighshift. They're going to make her 'crazy' while Lukey is away. And you know, since nobody on GH has seen Alan... maybe she is crazy. Maybe Alan doesn't exist. Hmmmmmm.

Regardless, this is going to be a good summer. I smell emmy nomination folks. A BIG, FAT EMMY NOD!!!!!!. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Kristin if you'll PM me the link to your story I'll read it tomorrow.

The first two links you've posted have expired and the third one is sendspace. I never can get sendspace to work on my home computer.

I'm PM'ng you my email address. I'll read the story tomorrow. :)

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I really liked today's show too. I felt so bad for Tracy when Luke called Laura "angel" and later when she almost lost it when yelling at Alan, I wanted to give her a big hug. :( Boo! to Alan for making her almost cry. I do have some bad news, according to Shazzer at GHVT she no longer is going going to be posting daily clips, so it looks like we only have Hella Good to download now. Unless anybody knows of another place to download daily clips....anybody?? If anyone knows please let me know. :)

Anyhoo, here are todays clips:


Clips provided by Shazzer, edited by me!

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Thanks a million for editing those so quickly...hellagood only had the whole show! I don't know of any other place for daily clips. Maybe Ms. Q does the next time she pops in. I will upload these to savefile account I started for Staci and anyone else who wants it from June 07 forward.

I felt so bad for Tracy also when he called her angel. I really wish he would have given her a kiss goodbye or something (Tracy) today or a hug at least. IT would have been so much more poignant if Alan was yapping at her when she came home alone and started drinking...so sad...I wanted to hug her too!

I think she is on tomorrow (well today) asking Lulu to move back to the Qs. Or maybe that is after Lulu bails her out..I don't know...I thought I saw the 12th for that and the 13th for alan paying her another visit to inform her of what edward is up to. The 18th is the straight jacket day I think...according to the media net photos.

IT is 2:15 am and I have to be up in four hours or so...I can't sleep!!!!

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testing to see if changing my avatar worked

Edit Yeah it worked! Now I gotta figure out how to change a banner! Lainey...I just realized this was the picture I emailed you and Deb...if you were planning to use this avatar..I'll change mine! :)

Edit again

In case anyone missed the edits of clips Nex has posted for us...I have saved them all in one place for Ms. Q when she returns or if anyone else wants them. Here is the link. http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

This savefile doesn't ever expire. I messed up on the first couple and didn't put the date in the title, but I will keep a running tab on Tracy clips til Ms. Q gets back to resume her clip goddess duties--:)

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Hey all, If anyone one knows the date this TRACY IN STRAIGHT JACKET - ANOTHER ONE takes place please let me know I am NOT GOING TO LIKE WHEN THIS HAPPENS TO HER!! So If anyone has the spoil dates for the epi where this happens, please let me know I WILL NOT BE WATCHING.

Nex, thanks for the edited clip and the compliments on my banner. BTW, How about Something-More.net for clips? I don't know if they do dailys or just special stuff. I tried to check it out but it doesn't let you past a certain point unless you are registered and I am awaiting "approval" from them first.

EDIT: Never mind I got the air date - 6/18 - duh it says it right next to the pic.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Nex and Hooked, SO MANY THANKS for gathering all the edited clips together. I've been really bad about saving them these last few days, and in one fell swoop (with four minutes to spare to leave for work), I'm caught up. You guys rock the Casbah.

Unpopular opinion? I was very disappointed in the fountain clip. Maybe it's because I set my hopes up too high, but it didn't really do much for me. I'm THRILLED to have it, and very glad I saw it, but it all seemed a little too much for me. Too contrived. Although I have to admit, Alan's little snigger at the end of it (at Tracy's expense) was too funny for words. Alan may be a b#$tard, but he's OUR b#$tard. Thanks again, Lady Ashton, for that bit of history!

Oh, and thanks, Hooked and TracyLuv, for the plot bunny. I may just do it.....it could work with my next prompt...thinking....

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I don't think I felt as bad about him calling the WOS angel as I did about the fact that he completely ignored Tracy whe he did it. Do't get me wrong, I felt horrible for her, it was a pretty shitty thing to do, but he went in and as she was saying something to him he completely tuned her out and went over to WOS's chair. It's like she didn't exsist the second the other one is in sight... and this is all coming on the coat tails of his promising to come back and how much he loves her and can't imagnie having a better partner. Did he mean in business?! Cuz I'm not married but Idon't think that's what you do to a spouse, even on tv. stupid butthead!

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