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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Deb..I commented to you on live journal, but I loved your story...it was superb!! I join LadyAshton in mourning... I think you should write a continuation too when they get there...

Love how you referred to the valentines party dancing drunk scene...one of the best all time TrAsh scenes...so perfectly evident how Ned was the parent and they were the irresponsible kid.

I must write this weekend!!!!

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No way...fifth! Don't know if TQ is supposed to be on today....sure hope so. I was thinking that Luke was in the metrocourt at the end of yesterday. WHy would he go there unless he was meeting Tracy there. He looked like he was going to the elevator when he pushed past Scotty. Maybe he is on his way up to the bar to meet Tracy. He doesn't seem to frequent the metrocourt unless his wife is there to drink with! :)

Maybe they will talk about lulu and then they will get the call that the judge has made a decision and they will rush off to court. They should end this friday with the court verdict...

BTW..anyone else notice (if anyone bothers to watch when TQ is not on) that when Lucky came home and saw Lulu talking to liz in the spencer house...he said "Oh, you're home" to her--like lulu lives there. Maybe that is why Tracy tries to convince her to come back to teh Qs. Maybe she will tell her she needs this time with her dad to try to work things out and heal the wound, etc.

Dillon is nowhere to be found during all this...I hope he has at least one tender scene comforting Lulu. THey need to talk about what to do about the evidence that scott killed laura...

Two more hours til my family leaves me for the weekend--I'm so sad I might cry---NOT!

MinervaFan I need a TrAsh prompt...assign me one ficmama! Ha ha. I saw that post from JE!

Edited by hookedongh
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OK...dont know how to do the black thing for spoilers....don't know how accurate these are...but trying to fill the staci gap....

Spoilers from Wubs....













**Tracey wants Lulu to move back to the Q house; Alan pays her a visit the 13th (pays lulu a visit or Tracy?)

**Tracey is accused of helping Luke...and her sanity will be questioned because of Alan.

**Scotty's furious at the turn of events.

**Edward stands by Tracey--even if it looks like she's crazy!

Tracy stands by Luke, but sees him going down the same old path

Also...very funny commentary on the state of GH...writer points out that the script was messed up yesterday with TG...scotty and laura were married when he raped her not dating :


Here is one more article about GF and her lifelong weight issues/alcohol addiction and how she was so depressed they didn't renew her guest contract on GH. She is now a spokesperson for Medifast


**This is me trying very hard to fill the Ms Q. void...next think you know I am going to be making videos--ha ha**

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks Deb! Hope to get to write this weekend. Trying to do a snapfish hard covered album from the Kentucky Derby trip as a thank you gift to the people who took us there. Then am trying to do a scrapbook for my mom of her 65th b-day party. Then I can write...

Renting the Queen to watch tonight--never saw it in the movies, and after going to London...dying to see it.

Keeping fingers crossed for TQ today

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Oh, lawd! Hooked is foot-loose and fancy free (or is that "offspring-free"?) Head for the hills, boys and girls. I think we're in trouble. :D

I'm having a tea party for my birthday tomorrow (my birthday is actually Monday, but we're having the tea tomorrow.) I was going to have seven people, but it's down to like three now. Still, should be fun. At least I have my D.P. to carry and show off. (It's so swell.)

Does anybody know when TQ's vacation starts? I'm really hoping for a goodbye between him and Tracy.

Speaking of which,

I'm also hoping for Tracy-Lulu bonding. I really like them together, and I have been sort of upset that that relationship has been ignored. (Yeah, I like Lulu, even if I don't like her current storyline. Shoot me if you must.)


Congratulations on your 500th post, HookedonGH! You are slipping steadily into madness, and we couldn't be happier for you!

Edited by MinervaFan
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Imaginary Postcard from MsQ:

Hola, Amigos!

Greetings from South of the Border. Loving my vacay so far, exept for the food, music, heat and completely lack of oomphy pelo. I'm counting on you guys to keep the thread going while I'm away.

BTW--true story. Saw this weird guy in Taxaca--tall, slender, with spiky white hair and a Property of PCPD t-shirt on (inside out). He was drinking tequila from the bottle and lamenting his "Spankybuns'" lack of bueno clothes and hair. He also kept repeating the phrase "Spinelli is NOT the New Luke" over and over again, whatever that means. I told him he needed to sober up and go home, and he threw a flip-flop at me.

Mexico is wierd. I miss you guys. Now. POST.

Hasta La Buh-bye!

Senorita Quartermaine

I swear. That's the post card MsQ would have sent me, if she actually sent me a post card. Scout's honor.

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So I am reading it Deb...buying it hook (get it hooked) line and sinker! Had a wonderful afternoon with me, myself and I shopping! Take it no Tracy today...since nobody mentioned it. Bummer.

Will be around later tonight...going to some latin dance/exercise class tonight and then coming home to watch a movie later. Will check in here to see if anyone is around.

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TrAsh Announcement for those of you interested in the Ashton family tree:

I was looking for the date of a scene for Hooked and discovered that I had made a note to myself.

Binky has a real name......it's Bernard ;) I suppose it could be worse. Glad Ned was named for his maternal grandfather though.

Okay, I guess it was an Ashton annoucement, not a TrAsh announcement. Deal with it :P

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Hi all, I would have been in here earlier but the power went off at my work and after three hours by boss FINALLY said "go home" whick my friends and I took as "go shopping." hehe! :) I did see that Tracy was not on today :( but to be honest I half expected her not to be on, oh well. There is always next week.

I do know that according to TV Guide she is suppose to be on June 12 and 13:

I whited them out because I do know how to do that! :D


Tracy insists that Lulu move back into the mansion.


Alan's ghost appears to Tracy

Everybody have a great weekend!!! I can't say that I will be around because I am going to be busy but I will try to poke my head in when I have a second.

Oh and MinervaFan, your 'postcard' from Ms.Q was cute!

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Ahhh...Bernard! Bernie for short??? Thanks LadyA for the tidbit of trivia!

How do you do the black thing or the white it out thing Nex?

So annoyed...my friend is coming over to eat dinner with me and she said she is bringing her daughter. I am telling her she has one hour and then she has to leave as I have no kids at home and don't want her kid here either. I shouldn't have told her she could come over. I don't really want company anyway.

Lainey.. and all your other late nighters...if you are up late working and want to take a break...post a link! Probably won't be around til 10:30 central

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