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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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~ Memoria Day/Pre-Going Away Gifts ~






Screencaps from Clarissa.


Screencaps from pinkpopsicle.

MinervaFan, adored the fic! Cracked me up that she was wearing the shirt of another man while with Luke. LOL! And SQUEE the purple Vegas shirt! Really, really enjoyed this.

Lady Ashton, yeah! More TrAsh fic. Loved it! Tracy's probably wondering "WTH is going on?!?" Oh, really sweet Tracy/Monica scene too, once Edward and Lila left for the cafeteria.

Since TG will be on vacation... It's an SOC thread. Lots of TraLu discussion.

Hella Good Character Game. 5 characters remaining, and it seems as our poor girl is the next target. Boo. She went from 64 to 59 in less than 24 hours. We must put a stop to the madness! (Sorry - It's late).

The hardest letter to write. And the easiest. Aww.

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Loved the banners, MsQ, and downloading the vid as I type. Thanks for the link to Scott's letter. I really like what I've read about him, and I think his departure from the show is very classy.

LA! Squeeness and such at the new chapter. I'm madly enjoying this story, and can't wait t read more.

Okay, MsQ, I just watched the video, and I'm all wibbly now. Very very nice. *sniff* It was soooo sweet. :D

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Deb loved the story! Love that she keeps a "trophy" from each person from the past. We should send you purses more often if you keep writing stories like this one!

Ms Q...So is that Tracy's court jacket? I think it is the same one from the Skye trial in 04 huh? I just watched those clips you sent me the other night...too funny..but I think that is the same one White, with black piping. Hey at least she was in the previews huh? That is rare! Going to watch your video in a few....thanks for the almost going away present. Love the banners. I want to steal the second one as it matches my avatar...

LadyAshton...love the update...each chapter is getting better and better! Love it. Obessed with TrAsh right now!

We had people at our house from 2:30 til 9:30 last night. It was really fun. It rained and rained, but the kids all swam in the rain. It finally stopped and got nice around 6pm. Don't know why I popped up at 6am this morning. Everyone is still alseep and it is 6:45am. I should go wake them up like in knh's story and go jump on them and sing...but there is no school, so no reason to do it!

Hope to be around tonight...around 9pm central...have a make up art class...

Edited by hookedongh
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Yeah, Hooked. It's all about the purse. I love the purse. I have bonded with the purse. The other night we were at Tumbleweed's, and I checked on the purse in the booth next to me to make sure it hadn't fallen on the floor.

It's a really good purse, although I think Fey and I had the girl at Wendy's Drive Through questioning her sexuality now. (She oohed and ahhed over it when I was getting the money for our drinks, and then Fey had to tell her it was a Dyke Purse and explain the concept therein. She's mean, that girlfriend of mine.)

Already getting an idea for another prompt story, although Mary Lee Slutbaby has been scratching at my subconscious recently. I may pull that woolly mammoth out and see if I can do anything with it......

Tracy is on today, ya know. I seen her...in them previews. Yee-Haw.

Edited by MinervaFan
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This should be a good day, cause I don't have to go to work! Ha!!! I'll just worry about work, which is less stressful.

Hey... I won't be home at 3p, and my Tivo may still be on the fritz (If I don't get D to fix it before we leave the house), so PLEASE!!! clips tonight, folks. PLEASE!!!!!!! (TQ was in the previews, eh? Yipeeeeee)

LOVED your new vid, Ms.Q! Loved it!

So let me get this straight... you guys are in the middle of nowhere Kentucky, and you start explaining the theory of Dyke Purses to some little Wendy's girl (who probably has some pretty strong feelings about "Dykes").

Talented AND brave (and a little nutty). I like that.



(We're going shopping!!)

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Sounds like a good day Lainey (especially the shopping part) ha ha! Oh, btw...remember we were talking about flip flops that could hold a lip gloss or chapstick? Well I saw in In Style that Reef makes flip flops for the beach where the heel slides out to make a secret compartment to hide money and a key so you don't need to bring a purse to the beach or leave it by your towel, etc. Why or why couldn't I have thought of that and marketed that idea--I could be rich! :lol: I am for sure needing those for Hawaii!

Deb That is hysterical about the wendy's cashier and the purse.

Ms Q-- LOVED your video and all the new clips...but WAIT...there is a clip I don't have in your video at 1:45 in...she is wearing a quilted silvery/grey jacket...at the haunted star I think...you must upload for me before you leave :) (if you have time)

So this is the first official day of summer and the kids home wth no school or camp at all this week. I am praying and I do mean praying which I never do that they are all going to Dallas this weekend to see my inlaws and leave me home alone for three days. It is my ultimate mom dream fantasy...three days alone with nobody bugging me, talking to me, asking me for food, drinks, friends coming over, etc. If they go, I am even boarding the dog. Sad, what your life comes down to! Sad, but true...

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Actually, it took the poor dear a few moments to catch on to what we were saying, then she just LOL and reaffirmed that she wasn't "like that." Fey's muttering under her breath, "We are," and I'm thinking, Oh, this girl of mine don't have not one single ittywitty bittle fear of death at all. :D

Oh, MsQ, check your email. I responded to yours. It looks like it's only a proofread away from post-worthy. I can proof it for you if you have a little time, or if you just want to go for it--post away. heh-heh. I love being FicMama BetaChick. I get sneak previews of ALL the good stuff.

Now, if only I was home watching Tracy on GH....

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Week of June 11th from Got Info:

I love the Q's:

What does this mean:

hooked, you can have the banner for your signature. :) That clip is up at in the 2005 section of my LuNacy Clip Collection...

2007 Clips

2006 Clips

2005 Clips

You want 5-16-05 Part 2.

Oh, hooked, vote for Tracy at HellaGood!!!

MinervaFan, I didn't get the email. :( But I'll proofread a bit later.

Thanks all for the video feedback.

Oh, watched today's show, or rather I FF'ed everything but Monica/Edward/Jax/Jerry and the Alan/LuNacy/Court scenes. I was underwhelmed. There was a cute bit with

But other than that, I really wasn't "digging" the scenes. Of course, that might have been because she spent the second half of the episode as window dressing. And maybe it was just me, but these courts scenes seemed to move very, very quickly. Usually, GH drags them out a lot more, which could be a bad thing, but I don't know. I guess I was expecting more from this one. hooked mentioned this in the breakroom once, but someone should've put Tracy on the stand and asked her to describe the circumstances of her marriage to Luke. :o At least then, she'd get some dialogue.

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I'm Back!!!! Burn to a crisp and sore as hell, but let me just say that after three summers of trying my best to just stand up on a wake board the fourth time was the charm. I can now stand up for a whole minute before slapping my face on the water.

I have a ton of catching up to do, but let me see if I can cover my basis:

MinervaFan, I loved both your stories the LuNacy and TrAsh one. :)

Ms.Q, Loved your vid, banners, and WOW to your organizational skills when it comes to all the Tracy clips from the past three years!! Also, I voted for Tracy this morning at Hella Good. :D I also got you PM and thanks.

Hooked, thanks for finding that Lacy story and posting it, it was pretty good. Also like Ms.Q, said go to Hella Good and vote for our girl she needs help!

I thinks that it but I'm sure I missing something.

I see Luke and Tracy were on today! :) I can't wait to go home and watch while doing all my laundry from this past weekend.

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Tracy was sexy as hell today. i was shocked to see her on. i dont know if it was in the spoilers as i havent been able to check lately for lack of time, so it was a welcome surprise, even though she didnt get much dialogue. i do think that short snippet in the courtroom was great. i especially loved the supportive looks she gave him when they brought up the rape. it was also not lst on me that Lulu noted that this was a "Spencer" family issue, and Tracy was right there with them. maybe it was just me but they seemed more together today, like she was more accepted as a part of them. i mean, she didnt say "this is a spencer family issue tracy so you mind your own damn business and im coming to court" she just noted that they should be together. yeah, i got a whole lot of a whol two seconds of airtime, but still, i thought today was pretty good.

PS- what the hell was up with Lukes hair today? he looked a mess, seriously

Edited by tracyluver
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Ms Q/Nex...I voted early this morning on Hellagood! I'm not slacking I promise! :) I liked today...like how she said she hoped their was a female judge who would find him as devastating as she did...loved how she came in at the last minute and grabbed his hand and they showed her as window dressing, but her hand wasn't in his, but still sort of on top of it. Even though not much airtime, still they did seem very together as one and she did seem accepted as his wife. I mean she was sitting next to him, not bobbie, not lucky, etc.

She did flub one line today...anyone notice that she said that Scott was going to bring up stuff about Laura, and then she will start in on Nicholas or something like instead of he will. THen she said and then Alexis will turn around and blah blah blah...

Breakroom tonight about 9 central anyone? I'm off to a make up art class.

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Finally home from work and so excited to watch today's show. Hooray for Tracy Tuesdays!

My theory on the ambiguous spoiler is maybe it's referring to our own speculation that

. I hope not though, 'cause I'd like to see Jane sometime before October or whenever TG comes back from Amsterdam or wherever.


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