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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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About the wardrobe being worn before: After thinking about it (LOL), I've decided that she MIGHT have worn the skirt when Carly called the ELQ board meeting while she was at Rose Lawn (December 2005) and when Courtney waltzed into the Q's, telling them she didn't kill AJ (Feb. 2005). Oooh. Now that I REALLY think about it, she could've worn it when she and Edward were going to be witnesses for Nikolas and Emily's wedding that wasn't. I just remember her wearing a shorter black skirt those times, and it was NOT frumpy. And wow, I should just stop. Shouldn't I? :blink:

TracyLuv, you're right. Dates were June 27th and 28th, I believe. And she also wore it to the Haunted Star in late November 2004 after she and Skye teamed up to get Edward out of Shady Brook. Then, the three of them with Luke's help were trying to expose Heather. I can't remember all the details though...But regardless, the top is LOVELY. I love it a lot! Oooh, I have an idea! Someone should write the magazines, praising the wardrobe...or something.

Video Update: It's been more/less done since last night. A very nice person, who you all know, is taking the time to custom-make a certain effect for me, so when I get that, I'll be able to add it to the video, and post it here.

*off to SOC*

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As per usual, here are today's clips:


Credit goes to Shazzer, edited by me!

As for her wardrobe, I do believe she wore that shirt last summer when Maxie tried to get money out of the Q's during the whole defective condom storyline. It was the day where she was literally window dressing, she didn't say a word, she just stood there with her arms folded accross her chest. I also think she was wearing that shirt back on 6/25/05 when she and Coleman were "together" and Tracy was trying to make Luke jealous. Anyone remember the Dani California video? :) Ok, I think that is all I can think of! As for the skirt, who knows! :D

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Ooh..thanks so much for editing and posting Nex! I was just saying in the breakroom last night that I hoped Nex would edit them for us! You are awesome! See in some small way it is good Tracy is on once a week otherwise it would be too much for you to keep up with every day like if we were all into Lulu or something (ha ha)

BTW...yesterday was a Lulu free day! The first in many moons!

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Nex, Thanks for the clips!!

and, yeah, I have a screen cap of a pic of her with Coleman wearing that blouse loaded into my screensaver slide show. His hands are on her @$$ and Luke is looking down at Coleman's hands!! LOL

here is the pic...


here's another...


Edited by TracyLuv
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That's so funny you posted those TL as I was literally just watching that clip...that was a good one! Then I log on and see your screencaps! Cute barrettes too...!

But the skirt she wore yesterday was way more flattering with that blouse....the other was too ruffly and busy!

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You guys.... she wore this blouse SO MUCH BETTER yesterday. In the picture above it looks like just another TQ extravaganza (I think it's the crazy a$$ jewels that adds to that effect). She's lost weight since that picture, and yet the blouse yesterday looked tighter and more tailored (I.E. much more flattering and hotter! - Yeah way hotter!!! ;) ). It looked totally different. Totally better. TOTALLY!

Ugh.. off to work. And once again, I SO DON'T WANT TO GO! (What's wrong with me lately?)

ta ta


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Hey guys! I haven't had much chance to make an appearence lately.

OT: sick, yet again, (102.5 degree fever again) so I'll be home to watch live. Hopefully this whole Tracy Tuesday thing works for today. And the whole school delema I was having where the teacher wouldn't give me my grade... we got the board of higher education involved and it was supposed to be worked out with a grade by last Friday... nope. WTF, why can't I just get this damned thing fixed?!

Ok, back on topic.... oh my god, I loved yesterdays epi. I know some where disappointed b/c scenes were cut and I am too. That being said, I loved what was on. She looked fantastic, though everyone has already said that, the scenes were all great, even in Scotty's warning was lame. She was great! We got the cute and sweet and totally in love Tracy with Luke and we got the good ol' bitchy take no crap Tracy with Scotty (even a little with Luke when she told him that Scotty doesn't think she's gotten the best from him and he wants her to double cross him). If I weren't laid out on the couch I'd have done a little happy dance. I still was doing it on the inside, but that only counts for so much.

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nex, good call! She did wear the blouse (and the skirt) when Mac found out about Maxie's "pregnancy." Tracy had ZERO lines of dialogue that episode, but at least she was wearing nice clothes. :)


And here, in the first picture, there is another time she wore the blouse - the skirt was the huge, ruffled one...ugh - and in the second one, she might be wearing the same black skirt that she wore yesterday (and that day nex mentioned)...And I can't believe GH tried to pass off Jed Allan as Edward Q. :lol:


knh, sorry that you're sick again! And that totally sucks about the grade. *hugs*

Good luck with work, Lainey.

TracyLuv, thanks for the screencaps. You inspired me to post my own (as you can see above). LOL.

I think GH was just trying to be funny, ILoveTracyQ, so I just sort of shrugged it off.


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Double posting...


*breathes again*

This is the safe place. This is the safe place.

*hugs the TQ thread*

*hugs the TQ thread again*

I sound nuts, don't I?

Heads up SOC posters: Those who do NOT have Jane/Tracy/LuNacy/Quartermaine as part of your name (nex, MagicHappens, MinervaFan...I love you. ;)), I could use some help in this thread.

Because I want to share before we're no longer in the "Mother's Day spirit" (haha)...

MOTHER'S DAY VIDEO (Version 1) - or rather, the first version that's being put online. I have a couple other versions before this one, but those are all "rough."



The second version (with the other effect) will be up as soon as possible.

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MsQ, I posted a response to that thread.

Personally? I think Genie Francis getting a Supporting Actress nomination over someone like Nancy Lee Grahan, who had a huge storyline and blew me away on a consistent basis, is just absurd.

Don't get me wrong--I truly enjoyed Genie's visit to the show. It propelled a lot of my favorite storylines forward and also gave me a lot of good angst to work with. However, offering Genie Francis an Emmy nomination for four weeks worth of work (over people like NLG) is like giving a retired cop "Officer of the Year" for attending the Policeman's Ball.

ETA: Completely OT, but LaineyBev, didn't you say you watched Boston Legal? I posted a very short fic on my LiveJournal--it's Paul Lewiston. Yeah, I'm gonna conquer Schmidt soon, but Paul just captured my heart last night.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Deb, Yep, those little barrettes are sooooo delicious! I agree.

Lainey, ROFL with the "crazy-ass jewels" and "TQ extravaganza"!!

Hooked, we were talking about the Coleman pics and the yummy top/hands-on-@$$ in the breakroom last night remember? I was going to watch the clip also but I loaded pre-2007 onto discs and I was too lazy to dig 'em out.

Ms. Q, Thanks for the Mother's Day vid. LOVED IT!! LOL at the Barry Manilow song. I used to be a big groupie. Thanks for posting the other caps. It was interesting to see the comparison.

The ruffly skirt was an interesting number BUT not made for her body type. But the blouse has never looked as good as it did yesterday. The whole package - make-up, jewelry, hair, legs ;) , yummy top, flouncy skirt, kiss, attitude, the whole ensemble worked! - we were surrounded by beautifulness. Our girl rocked the house yesterday in a BIG WAY! - go Mama, you WORK IT!!

Knh, feel better pronto! and that's an order! -AGAIN! :)

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