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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Now granted, I haven't actually watched the episode yet, so I may be way off base here... someone please tell me I am. Isn'y anyone else here a little peeved that, this whole time she is being loving and supportive, he is mourning the los of his other marriage? That till death do us part line certainly wasn't about her b/c he's still with her and she's not going anywhere. What gives? Not that I don't absolutely adore them together, b/c you all know I do, but I think it's going to hit the point of sad, if it hasn't already sailed passed it, that he is still so addicted to Laura (gag me) and she is trying so desperately to win his attention, let alone his love. She's already got it, but he isn't doing a great job in that department with this thing. He takes 1 step forward and 3 steps back , it seems. Every time they get close and he is sweet and caring and 'real husband-esque' they make him think about laura and TRacy draws the short stick in a big way.

Thank god I love the actors and the characters more than anything else on TV or I'd have set sail for new horizons... and new shows long ago.

Now I'm off to write some more, watch todays epi to prove myself wrong, and dream me a little Lunacy

edit: ok, so while I was right that that is why he was drinking, I concede that it was a good episode. I knew it would be b/c it was the two of them and it had no other choice but to be fantastic. I did think it was very cute and sweet and I loved all the dialogue and all the times she touched him and the looks and..... *sigh* I loved it all!!! Hope tomorrow is at least has good, wishing it's better!

Edited by knh
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Just watched Luke and Tracy scenes from today's epi. TOTALLY LOVED - "I'm lookin' for you" - damn mama was hot and sexy when she said it, SHE WANTS HIM IN A BIG WAY!!! Loved when she told him she found him damn irresistable too - YEAH!! Loved their whole talk at HS. I caught the hair rub - SWEET! And I thought Tracy looked so pretty and SEXY sitting next to Luke at the wedding and how she was gesturing and telling him she would take him to dinner. HOT!!

What I didn't catch was her rubbing his back or her arm around his shoulder. And I didn't notice her holding his arm during wedding party walk in. And I didn't hear what he called her when he said her snob was showing. - Oh well I guess I have to suffer through watcing it again :D heehee. And maybe on slow-mo again a few times just to make sure I don't miss anyting else. haha.

Geez, everyone is sick or not feeling well. Guys take care of yourselves and get better. We all have to be nice and healthy for the LuNacy love. :)

I finally had the appointment for an MRI of the cervical spine this morning for my pinched nerve. I was lucky to get an appointment at the last minute for the "open" one. Well guess, what? Open or not I PUNKED OUT!!! and they had to stop the the machine!! See and I bet you all thought I was tough ey? The "open" MRI is a 40 minute process and I didn't last more than 10 minutes. When it first started the muscles in my entire body were clenched! So I was like, "ok Mick, you can do this, it's not so bad even though you are in a head lock". LOL. When that pounding noise started on the machine, I started singing "the wheels on the bus...." in my head. It didn't work. "okay mick, okay, think about something calming... LuNacy...." NOPE, didn't work, was getting to excited, "okay ... Tracy ... okay, getting there....Tracy being motherly to Lulu.... ahhhhh... okay, this is good, I feel all warm inside now, and sleepy" THEN BOOM!!!! My chest felt like it was on fire and my heart began to beat out of my chest! ... Deep slow breaths, deep show breaths, opens eyes .... NO AIR TO BREATH!!! Thank god that damn thing comes with a microphone thing. I was like uh - "HELL-O - I can't breathe". And that was it. I was outta there! :(

Edit: hooked, lovin' your new signature :) it matches your avatar!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Break Room: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

And NAH-NAH! I got the new ABC SID! She is the centerfold, dudes, and she looks FRACKING FANTASTIC! Good hair and everything, Ms. Quartermaine! Oh, and a leg shot. Okay, she was wearing pants, but I'm still salivating.

ETA: JE tidbit from the new article: Jane used to sit on the wardrobe room floor and play jacks. I'm in love. I'm also two posts from my 1000th post! Dig it.

Edited by MinervaFan
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hooked, I'd have to watch again. Was it "wife?" Gah. I don't remember, LOL. Love your signature, BTW! And no worries about the scan. Tracey is bound to get it up sometime, and if she doesn't? Eh...It'll show up somewhere, and if it doesn't, I'll get over it, LOL. My scanner on this new printer I have doesn't work either. It's stupid. And for whatever reason...my tooth is hurting a lot again, but none of anything else (those in the breakroom last night know I disappeared for like 10 pages worth of the chat...won't bring that information in here though...LOL).

About Tracy in the Spencer home...Was she smiling at anyone in particular when she entered and turned her head, sort of towards the camera? It wasn't Luke IMO. Almost like she was smiling at Lucky, or Jason, LOL, which you know she wasn't. :lol:

knh, I was just glad we got a serious LuNacy scene...Almost serious, anyway. I do wish Luke was upset about Lulu possibly finding out about the rape though and not upset that Lucky's mother wasn't going to be in her home, at her son's wedding.

And Tracy so needs to make Luke coffee. Remember when the Q's staff went on strike and Monica and Edward were trying to make coffee and toast, I believe? And then the coffee was boiling over and the toaster was smoking, and Lila was sitting next to it, "Edward, dear! It's burning!" (something along those lines). Then Emily (Amber T) entered, went over to the toaster, the toast popped out, hit Edward in the head. AJ walked in on the disaster. :lol: Ahh...I used to have clips. Not anymore on this computer, though.

And HOW MUCH do I want to see LuNacy's dinner tomorrow? What's going to happen is they'll be on, all right...in the background, as Liz/Lucky are married, then they'll sneak out during the reception, and it'll be more Liason Baby Not!Drama. BTW, kind of OT, but remember when I had problems with Tracy's hair? I have a new fixation. Jason's hair. WTH is that? *shudders* Anyway, I must quote this...

LOL!!! CLICK HERE for full article.

For the record, Tracy's hair could have used more bounce today, though. Just sayin'. LOL.

Also, OT, but Lulu is UGHHHHHHHH to me right now, more than usual. Get that girl back to the Casa Quartermaine. Have Julie share scenes with TG and JE...She's much more tolerable with them.

Finally, CLICK HERE for another photo of JE in "One is a Lonely Number." So. Much. Hair. But it worked then on her.

TracyLuv, oh no!!! I'm sorry you freaked out! What happens now? Is there another way to figure out what's wrong? And you're right...We're all under the weather right now in one way or another...or so it seems. I think I need to make an appointment with the oral surgeon. And then I'll end up on more drugs after the surgery, if I need it, but the last of the wisdom teeth getting taken out is better than a root canal, me thinks. Anyway, I stupidly just made this about me. TracyLuv, I hope everything works out for you. Keep us updated!

Edit: Possible spoiler:

From anonymous, so grain of salt and all that. And EEEEEE! Deb!!! I want SID!!!!! What is she wearing? Tell me!!!! LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Oh man!!

All I have to say is Thank GOD for Soapnet.

Because I watched "live" at my office (before I got crazy, stupid busy), and when I got home at #$*(&$*(@# 12mindnight to REALLY watch it.. TIVO didn't tape it **GASP!!** Thank God, it reruns at 3am. Thank god!

Okay -- what I saw (and I saw about 90% of the Luke and Tracy), was AMAZING! Sizzling, hot awesome.

You know what I think is going to happen.. I think we WILL see some action after dinner. The reason I think this is because I think it's going to get interrupted by GhostAlan.

GH never does anything without a reason.. and they clearly seem to be setting up something with this 'dinner,' so I'm thinking it's some hot mashing, and Tracy desperately tries to get Alan out of her room -- but he won't go!! Wanna bet?



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Sorry I hadn't read this post before we were in the breakroom. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I had to take my friend the other day for an MRI cause she is so chlautrophobic and they ahd to give her a big time xanax for her breast MRI. I had to drive her home.

I had a pinched nerve in my neck too once. Luckily for me, I always just fall asleep in the machine thing. I have had several of them. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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Lainey...was thinking of you today and how much you were going to be loving it!!!

So I said tonight in the breakroom that I could see the same thing happening...that they finally start kissing or something for real and then ghost alan appears and she pulls away and says, "I can't do this with him watching" and Luke says something so luke like "It's could be sort of kinky" or "I like when people watch" and she slaps him and it ruins the moment-- ha ha!

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OMG!!!!! After watching, downloading, editing and rewatching todays show I cannot believe that nobody mentioned the fact that you can see Tracys bra!!! Go back and watch, just as Tracy asks Luke to get her purse, I swear you can see the top of her bra. I think her shirt is not a shirt but a scarf that was tucked into her jacket. Check it out! :)


Credit goes to Shazzer edited by me!


Ms.Q, I think you were right as Tracy entered to Spencer home she was smiling, I think she was smiling at Lucky and she kinda half waved at him. He was the only person in that general direction so I am going with Lucky. :D

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Nex, Thanks a ton for posting the edit for today! You are a doll! Funny 'cause when I went to watch again earlier tonite, right in the middle of the episode, my TIVO does a freak out - and WHAMO - all my episodes from March are gone - POOF! I have just about had it with my TIVO box. If I wasn't such a Tracy addict I'd throw the freakin' thing right out the window.

oh, and Nex, you are right! That is TOTALLY Tracy's bra showing! heh heh. And I believe it is a scarf she is wearing with the jacket, I even thought so when we saw the spoiler pics from MediaNet.

MinervaFan - It was great to see you in chat last night!! I know you are only able to make it in there once a week, so next week just make sure, it's when I'm there. LOL

Anyone: I know i should remember, but I don't, the days Tracy was on this week 'cause as well as trying to download from Hella Good I think soapnet re-runs this week's episodes over the weekend so I would be able to TIVO again. So, was she on Tuesday, Wedneday and Thursday this week? Someone?

Hooked, Ms. Q, Well the tech said I would have to come back to get the MRI done. He suggested I get a prescription for anxiety meds (even the thought of having to take drugs gives me anxiety) from my doc so I don't flip out during the MRI next time. He also said I could have someone sit in the room next to the machine. I mean even if someone comes in with me, I wont be able to see them because my head is in something where i can't turn it. :(

Lainey, I hope you are right!! I want LuNacy action tomorrow, or at least an attempt since Ghost Alan will prob show up to ruin it. But I bet if they continued, he wouldn't be able to stand watching so maybe he'd take a powder. haha

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She was on Tuesday, Thursday and hopefully today (friday). Not monday or wed. Gotta run....will rewatch for the bra!!! How could did I miss that one? I'm slipping!

Nex....thanks so much for editing the clips from yesterday...definitely a saver episode!

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OT: Walking at 6:45am in the dark AND in the rain SUCKS. A lot.

Tracy will be on today. She's at the wedding. Not sure about the dinner. I'm a downer, but I still believe it's so TIIC can get LuNacy offscreen for the rest of the episode, so they can focus on the Liason Baby garbage and other more "important" stories. :(

Thanks nex for editing the clips.

TracyLuv, good luck with the whole MRI thing. Hope it goes better the second time. And yes, I got the link from the breakroom. Thanks!

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TL, as someone who suffers from claustrophobia, I can totally feel your pain on that MRI thing. OMG, just thinking about one makes my skin crawl.

I'm pretty sure TQ will be on today and (sorry, Lainey) I think all we're going to get of that "dinner" is the off-hand mention from yesterday. TIIC drop hints all the time and let them crash, unnoticed, to the floor. Maybe we'll get to see Tracy and Luke on the floor playing jacks. (Nah-nah, MsQ! I read the article!) Either that, or Maxie will crash the wedding and TQ and Luke will become wallpaper.

Sorry, I'll try to be more positive tomorrow? :D

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I just stopped in the grocery store on the way home from carpool! I was literally in my pajamas (could pass for sweatpants though) and a sweatshirt over them but figured who cares what i look like I must find that magazine...but it wasn't out yet...still had the old one. I wasn't about to go store hopping in my pjs!!

Deb...did you see the old clips that Schatzepage put on JE online...she added about three more yesterday. There is more of tracy/paul the jerk and him turning her down yet again....then a scene with tracy and alan and her asking him what she should do and why paul wont' sleep with her. She hugs him....go watch them...

BTW...for those of you in the breakroom last night...I checked the transcipt from yesterday and Luke said, "Come on NOW (the missing word I couldn't tell what he called her) your snob is showing". Now I can move on with my day--LOL

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