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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey all,

No Tracy today. But there was a mention of her. When Lulu was leaving Leslie's to go meet Dillon, Luke said to her "Well now lilsten to yourself, you are limping after a Quartermaine" and Lulu said "Like you've never gone after Tracy" and Luke replied, "yeah, well I don't limp.

Ms. Q, Thanks for the great vids!! Really love "Take Me Away" - great Tracy angst scenes and LuNacy hug/kiss scenes!

Edited by TracyLuv
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No, you don't need an account. When someone says they're in the breakroom, they usually leave a link. Click on the link, eventually it'll bring up the log in page, sometimes it takes a few minutes....other times for whatever reason, we can't get in at all.

But if you get the log in page with the TQ Lovefest Breakroom and Jane's pic on it, it'll have a space for your user name and profile.

Profile optional.

Type in your user name, you can go by daysfan or your real name, whatever you want, and then hit enter/login, and it will eventually take you to the chatroom....no account needed. :)

Come join us !

Sometimes, it's just a few of us, other times, it's a crowd ! There's no particular time we chat, but someone usually posts the link when we're in there.

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*crickets chirp*

Where is everybody?!?!? I went to post yesterday but by the time I hit the Add Reply button the site had gone under construction. ;) Sorry, I haven't been around but I spent my entire weekend moving to my new apartment. I have so much crap in boxes and I am just dredding going through them. As of now I currently have no internet, cable, or phone and let me just say its like living in the stone ages. The cable people are coming on Thursday so hopefullly I will be around again to join in the breakroom in the evenings.

Shhhhhhhh, I am so going to get fired for this but I have been downloading clips and vids to my work computer so I can later put them on my computer! :) I have tried my best to hide them by putting them within a folder in a folder. hehe! I hope nobody finds them!

Ms.Q, I LOVED your new vid!!!

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I'm here. Dentist appointments suck, especially when they don't know what's wrong. I am NOT seeing some super expensive specialist. *pouts*

Hey, guess what? Our girl is wearing AWESOME (although recycled) clothes to Liz/Lucky's wedding...


And nex!!! HI!!!! And don't worry. My lips are sealed. And we've missed you in the breakroom. I hope the cable people get everything to work really quick on Thursday! :D

Thanks for the video feedback everyone!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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LOOK!!!! She is wearing the same green suit she wore back in....June? Remember the "you robbed robbers to rob yourself" tongue twister? It looks to me like she lost a LOT of weight because that suit fits her completely different now. I think Lainey was right, she is losing weight getting ready for her Lacy hot monkey sex scenes! :D

Thanks for posting the pics Ms.Q!!!

Edited by nex4evr
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Hey all!

Nex, Welcome back and good luck with you new place! Hope you are out of the stone age in into the 21 century ASAP!!

Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the pics. Where can I see those in larger size?

SOC Posters, There are a couple of threads over at SOC (new ones). One is a poll currently LuNacy has 53 votes for those that want them to be a real couple (which we know they are already).

I know I've been bugging alot about the SOC stuff, but we have to represent out girl and her man :) even more so now while they are on screen and in light of someones possible return. :P

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As soon as bigger pics get put up, I'll post them here.

*~LuNacy Recaps~*

First of all, HUGE amount of cast included in today's episode. Luke, Tracy, Ghost!Alan, Mac, Sonny, Stan, Carly, Jax, Skye, Lorenzo, Ric, Alexis, Scotty, Bobbie, Lulu, Dillon, Milo, Spinelli, Maxie, Logan, Cooper, Alexis, Ric, Kristina, Emily, Nikolas. Unfortunately, our girl didn't get much to do overall.

Second of all, recycled wardrobe. It's the same outfit she wore when she attacked Luke on the sofa, the same outfit as Tony's memorial, her "39th" birthday outfit. Good news is that she found her roundbrush. That's right. Tracy's hair has BOUNCE. Bad news is that it needs to grow faster, LOL.

Scene 1: Tracy/Luke in the interrogation room. Luke says it took her long enough. She said he needed time to cool off. She's not sure if she's going to post his bail. Luke: If she doesn't, he's going to spill the truth about the will. Alan appears; she wants him to stay out of this. Luke reminds her she's talking to a file cabinet. Tracy's expression is like :huh:.

Scene 2: Luke wants Tracy to sit down. She's talking to air. Tracy's fine. Just tired. Luke wants her to post his bail. Then, he'll fix her a drink at home and tuck her in. They argue about Scotty/Laura. Alan appears again. He wants her to admit that she'll always come second in Luke's heart. (Ouch). Tracy wants him to shut up. Luke: You're doing it again. Somewhere along the line, she tells him that Alan won't rest until she tells the truth about the will. Luke wants her (again) to post his bail. Then, he'll drive her to the airport. Tells her she needs a vacation. He'll send her to the Bahamas (Why don't you go to the Bahamas with her?!?). Alan is standing over her shoulder; it's not going to work. She can run, but he's not going anywhere. Tracy brings up the will and how Alan was insane to leave 3/4 of his estate to Jason's children...children he doesn't even have. Luke thinks that Tracy is insane. He urges her again to post his bail before the men in white coats come and drop a butterfly net on her. Tracy's not posting anything 'til he promises to leave Scott Baldwin alone.

Scene 3: Tracy's posting bail. $50,000. Scotty and Bobbie show up. It's not necessary. Scotty is dropping charges. It's what Laura would have wanted. Luke and Scotty argue. Luke threatens Scotty. Tracy says Scotty deserved it. Scotty says Tracy needs to stop letting Luke pine over his ex-wife. Scotty to Tracy: Have you no self-respect? Mac puts a stop to all the craziness. Laura's not here, and arguing about her is not going to bring her back.

Scene 4: Tracy agrees with Mac. Laura is not coming back. (Translation: Laura will be back in May). Bobbie says they need to move on. Scotty brings up the sham of the wedding and wants to know why Bobbie went along with it. She said she did it for Laura. But what about Luke? Scotty basically says he's married to Tracy for the Quartermaine money. Luke doesn't disagree. Scotty notes that he and Luke are both Laura's ex-husbands. "May the best man win." Luke and Tracy exchange meaningful glance #8214.

Overall? Me=Disappointed. I want more Tracy and Ghost!Alan and less discussion about Laura.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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It has come to my attention that I have been completely ignoring the Lovefest, and thusly missing out on all the fun.

*hangs head*

It also comes to my attention that I should be very angry at one Mr. Luke Spencer from Ms. Q's recap. I will have to watch that scene again...I will admit to being somewhat entralled by a combination of the idea of Luke tucking Tracy into bed...which sent my mind other places, and being really, really amused by the look on Ghost!Alan's face. He seems so incredibly bemused that he's freaking her out...like "you thought a little thing like death would stop me from tormenting you for the next 20 years?!? Think again Tracy. *teehee*"

I agree about the more Ghost!Alan, but I also enjoyed the vet cast integration...even if it was about...*channels Spinelli* "the chair-bound one".

Edited by smirks
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Just a quick comment before I go watch todays episode... it looks to me likes she's hinting at something in those pics. Her shirt is unbuttoned pretty far for a cast member in her sizties. They don't usually have any of them dress like that. That's all I'm saying

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smirks!!!! :D HI!!! My mind went places with Luke tucking Tracy into bed too, and yes, all those vets in one scene was nice, but when it comes to all things LuNacy, I am not easily pleased, LOL. I guess I just wanted more...

BIG PICS!!! (Click to enlarge; courtesy of SoapEscape)

109032-1457-pre_100x100_c.jpg 109032-1607-pre_100x100_c.jpg 109032-1597-pre_100x100_c.jpg

I doubt I'll be in the breakroom tonight. I have some planning to do (lesson planning SUCKS), and well, the topics of these lessons are NOT fun. How do I make it fun for the students? :(

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I should make a point not to watch the show BEFORE I go to work. I was like giving everyone the stare down. I was in such a bad mood after watching the show today.

rant letter to Luke and Tracy,

uh- HELL-O - LUKE (and Tracy) - you guys are married now FOR REAL - stop with the 'you owe me's" and Luke DO NOT THREATEN YOUR WIFE with turning her in about the will! You are good at kicking scott's ass when it comes to Laura, but you better start defending YOUR WIFE buddy!!! You guys are a team, a sweet sexy team and you are ON THE SAME SIDE!! Remember that!!!! AND Tracy, stop reminding the man that you support him and lulu financially.

rant letter over... for now..

Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the enlarged media pics. Luke and Trace look really good together in that first one.

Smirks, It's good to see you!! You should stop in more often!! BTW, this is "LoveThatTracy" from SOC :)

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Awww...you go and be demanding, Ms. Q! I understand where you're coming from! I want more too... but I'm happy about shallow victories, like Luke talkin' dirty to our girl, and smiling Alan, and 5 vets who are never on in one scene at the same time on a non-holiday.

I love the hi-rez. Who's taking a bet that Luke sneakily tries to peer down that blouse?

Also, I flove the second shot, as I have never seen either Luke nor Tracy so expressionless in my life. You can tell that weddings really 'wow' them. Are those life-like mannequins they are using for stand ins?

PS - What subjects are you trying to make exciting? I am a teacher at heart...and one day I'll be licensed too.

*waves to TracyLuv and makes a note about LoveThatTracy being the same person*

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smirks, you must post here all the time. Your posts are so much fun! LOL @ the mannequin stuff.

BTW, that's not to say I don't enjoy everyone else's posts because I do. TracyLuv, you're welcome! And LOL @ your rant. Breeeeathe. :)

BTW, lessons are centered on bargaining in a Latin American market. Spanish I class. Gah, I hated that unit when I was in Spanish I...or was it II? It was II...Still hated it though. :lol: Anyway, first lesson is an introduction to the kinds of products that are sold. I think what I have will be fun enough. I will be looking for suggestions on Day 2 and Day 3 soon though, so everyone, be prepared!!! ;)

New spumor (You all aren't going to like it):

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Ahh...as a Canadian my Spanish is unfortunately limited to what I learned from "Sesame Street" and "Encino Man" .

But as someone who taught a foreign language...I see bargaining roleplaying in your student's future for lesson 2 or 3...make it a game to see who can make the most money or sell the most goods or whatever by the end of class. Could be fun.

Oh, and that spumor...so vague I wouldn't even worry about it. I mean, TIIC does so many concrete things on a daily basis that ire me, so that I don't even worry myself with vague spumors anymore.

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