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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Part 3 of Chance Encounter is up at http://hookedongh.livejournal.com/2467.html Inspired by my extremely happy Tracy day today.

MinervaFan, this is my contribution to the annivesary because I can't focus on writing anyting else at the moment and am leaving town on Thursday.

Lainey, you are right. IT was the Tracy show today. Everyone else was just Tracy propping IMO!!!! :)

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I agree with Lainey! Lacy ROCKED today!!!!! See, if they just give them a chance I believe they can actually become a loving couple. I can't help but wonder if with Scotty back in town and constantly snarking at Luke about how evil Tracy is and him constantly coming to her defense, that it might finally click in that thick skull that he is in love with his wife.

Today's episode could have been better and should have lasted longer but overall the focus was.......Tracy! hehe! :lol: I think the only part of the show that made me cry was the short conversation between Edward and Tracy. The montage was pretty good but they used the same scene of Alan and Lila that they used for her funeral <_< they could have used something new, you know be a little creative.

Is it wrong for me to say that I am so sick and tired of Jason and Sonny that I kinda want something bad (not serious, well maybe a little serious) to happen to them in real life, that would keep them off the show for a few weeks errrrr.......months? Does that make me a bad person? Becasue really I can't take it, I spend the whole show giving them the finger. I want Sonny to die and I want Jason to choke on his "grief" if you can call it that. Sorry, its late and I'm cranky!

Before anybody asked I decided that I would just post today's episode. I edited out as much as possible (Sonny/Carly, Jason/Liz, and the Spencer's) so enjoy! :)


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this has to be short, or I'll be late for work.

Tracy. Fracking. RAWKED.

And as for the Luke/Tracy moment--my girlfriend, who has been so SICK of my Tracy/LuNacy obsession recently, made me REWIND that part and watch it again.

Luke, my boy, when you come through for our girl, you do it with style. Now we just need more of it.

Oh, and since I am completely dedicated to shaping LuNacy history via fanfic, I'd like to share my post-Monkey Sex nicknames that Luke and Tracy will use. He will call her Miss Cotillion (in reference to her high class status) and she will call him Hot Rod and/or DangerBoy.

Yeah, I TOTALLY need to get out more.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Thanks MinervaFan for your comments about the fanfic! The sad part is I have three sons of my own and know that one day I will have three impending dauther in laws who will all hate me and rag on me--ha ha! Maybe one will like me? One can only hope....

I will try to not be as manipulative and controlling as our little friend TQ is with her sons!!!

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I have about fifteen pages on this thread that I need to go back and comment on...vids to watch, fics to comment on, etc...that I haven't had time to do.

I've read all or most of the fics and love them but can't do detailed feedback at this time.

Maybe this weekend?


Anyway, about some of what Lainey said, *turns spotlight on Lainey* :

I actually love that Tracy can be soft sometimes and harder at other times, because that actually makes her more human and more relatable.

It also makes her more interesting, because you don't always know how she's going to react. I do agree that Guza has written her as more angry, especially in the beginning when she first came back. He's also famous for "we need someone to do something EEeevil, let's get Tracy to do it."

But, Guza seems to be a lazy writer, and that's what lazy writers do. Make the character fit the plot instead of the other way around.

As far as her being in love meaning that she can't be softened and also hard, well...yeah, she can. This is Tracy. She's lived far too long a life putting up those walls, for them to ever come down permanetly and completely.

She's a brick by brick person.

And WOW. I just had an epiphany. No pun intended. But as I typed that, I remembered where I'd heard that expression before.

I used to work at a facility for rebellious teenage girls...I was a dorm mom and everything, LOL. But one of the girls one time, was talking about her walls, and how they weren't built overnight, and how some people have that rush of an experience where their walls come toppling down, and others are brick by brick people.

Well, Tracy is a brick by brick person.

It's *totally* Tracy, to be and feel close to Luke one day, and then push him away by saying "earn your keep" the next.

And it was only for a split second, maybe I misinterpreted TG's facial expression in the previews, but it looked like Luke was a little hurt by what she said.

JMO from that split second.

I loved the Lacy scenes yesterday, and the Ned scenes. Best stuff in the whole show.

I would have liked to see a hug or something between Lulu and Tracy. Scripted or not.

She's standing on my last nerve again.

And hooked I am loving your story ! :)

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Thanks ILoveTracyQ for your comments. I am posting a ton today cause I am home packing and in and out of my office.

That is such a perfect description...a brick by brick person. Love it. Also, who cares if Luke gets a tiny bit hurt...he has sure hurt Tracy with his behavior. It was nice he was sweet to her yesterday, but she had to keep him on his toes. Of course we don't know how the rest of the scene will play out, but...

And I agree...Lulu is soooooooooo self-aborbed right now and uncompassionate. I mean not even a word to monica? Tracy?

Loved how tracy called lulu/dillon "Nick and Nora" yesterday. It was such a good day. Hope Ned is around for another episode or two.

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OT: Those at SOC know I was up too late last night. :o I was in bed around 2am. Woke up at 6:20am, which was about 20 minutes before I had to be out the door. Yes, that was intentional so I could get in extra sleep, and yes, that meant I didn't have time to shower. *tries to focus*

I want to make a sort of public apology to the thread...I've made some shallow comments lately, and while I meant no harm, I still feel the need to apologize. I'm sorry everyone.

hooked, I will catch up on your story as soon as I can. I know it's wonderful.

ILoveTracyQ, glad to see you're posting more often. I hope the 2 emails I sent you didn't make it seem like I was forcing you to come back. I was just curious as to where you were. :)

MinervaFan, LOL, that is funny.

I bring Got Info Spoilers. Unless things are cut, someone's going to find out about Tracy and

I am almost excited 'cause this sounds like it could be good material for them.

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Ooh...that does sound good. Or at least it will be very funny. Luke is probably thinking...both my wives have gone nuts--ha ha! Maybe that is why he is drowing his sorrows before lucky's wedding. Ha ha.

Thanks Mrs. Q! Now i must really go get some stuff done today...until later!! :) I am going to try to write one more chapter tonight if I get all packed!

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