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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh wow. Mixed emotions. This post is going to have it ups and downs.

Let's start with an up: Tracy is ON! She appears in 7 scenes (she appears twice in one segment), and although she doesn't get a super-lot, and although the Monica/Tracy join alliances lasted about 2 seconds, we still got Tracy verbally smacking down Skye and Tracy/Monica agreeing on something.

Moving to a down: This link has photos of Alan's memorial, which takes place at the Q mansion. OT, but Monica's hair looks lovely. Tracy's in some of the pictures...

1) Tracy/Edward and Robin/Patrick

2) Tracy/Luke; Tracy's got a hand on her face, Luke's got a hand on her back *cries*

3) Ned/Dillon/Alice/Tracy/Edward/Skye/Lorenzo *laughing at how Lo looks* Also, I FLOVE Skye's hair.

4) Edward/Tracy sitting; I FLOVE Tracy's hair here; her hand is by her face, he has her hand *cries again*

5) Edward/Alice/Dillon/Tracy/Ned all looking surprised; they're looking at Monica.

And it took me a minute, but these photos seem so empty, and then Ms. Q realizes...Alan's not there, and then she starts to cry again. (Despite napping, I'm really, really tired, and that is definitely playing a role, I think).

Let's go back to an up: LuNacy is ON today! They respect each so much, and I love it dearly. Too bad we couldn't have seen when Luke and Tracy got their coffee. LuNacy is also on today with Spinelli (as mentioned previously). Spinelli's name for Tracy is so unoriginal, "Wicked Stepmother." I adored Tracy and Luke's facial expressions in the LuNacy + Dillon, Milo, Spinelli scenes. I laughed out loud in those scenes, and yeah, some of it wasn't acted very well, but it made it all the funnier, and Spinelli called Dillon, "Almost incestuous one." :lol:


Down, down, down: I have to be up at 5:30am again tomorrow. And Friday, too, is going to be a looooooooong day.

Up: ProfessorNiceLadyButExtremelyUnorganizedToAPointWhereNoOneKnowWhat'sGoingOnAnymore has decided to give us the weekend to finish our unit plans (the class techincally ends this Thursday). ProfessorNiceLadyBut... is also giving us more or less indefinite extensions on our Portfolios, as long as we're not student teaching in the spring (woot! woot! I student teach in the fall), AND she's giving extensions on clinical journals...

And ending on another up note: (Back on topic)...I'm going to try and do the breakroom tonight. It'll be earlier, and it won't be for long, but library plans have been put on hold, and I miss talking to you guys. :) (I know, I know...it's only been like 3 days, LOL).

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Ms.Q, I was just going to post this exact same link, from SoapZone. Your right the pics are sad and I totally got teary eyed looking at them. :( It also looks like (if you go to the next page) that Lulu is at the Spencer house recovering and then the next pic she is dressed to go to the funeral.

OT: but it lookes like Jane cut her hair again, cuz it looks really short in these pics, even shorter than it does now. Or maybe its because she is wearing the fur collar and I can't quite tell how long or short it is. ;)

MinervaFan, I read your little ficlet this morning and it was wonderful!!! I will read the others later tonight when I get home, I can't wait! :)

Edited by nex4evr
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I did see the rest of the scenes in that one, I just thought that was comical!! I got them all from Eldon, but I don't know if I can make clips. I'm gonna see what I can do, but I'm not promising anything.

Hooked, so happy for ya that you got your story up!! I already told you I loved it. I can't wait to see what happens next

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Anybody up for the breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Loved, loved, loved Tracy's scenes today. Oh, the facial expressions during the Spumoni/Three Stooges scenes were priceless.

MsQ, :( about the memorial pictures...

Edit: I SO adore the picture of Jane and Stuart that Tracey is using as her avatar on JE.com, that I made an LJ icon with it.


Ooh, I remember this one....Like it....


Edited by MinervaFan
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Let me just start off by giving my favorite non-Tracy thing today.... Spinelli calling Dillon "Oh Nearly Incestuous One"

made my whole damned day. Well after it was already made by the rest of the tracy stuff.

She was phenominal, as always, and I am more exstatic than I have been in a while that she wason so much of the show!!

I noticed something that I'm sure Im not the only one to notice, but it was very small..... I'll save it for the breakroom. If you're not there you'll miss out!! just kidding, I'll put it up tomorrow.

Rege... amazing story, as they always are, keep 'em coming. I always forget how much I like your stories until you put one up. It's far too big a gap between them for my taste.

MF, loved your's as well. There hasn't been one yet that I haven't, so it's pointless for me to bother telling you anymore, but it was very sweet. I loved everything about it. The whole short was well done and romantic, to me, but I absolutely LOVED the last few lines. Clearly the intention was for those to be the big ones, so all I have to say is mission accomplished.

Already commented on Hooked's story and she knows what i think anyway, but loved that also. I always thought it was a good story, but i think the edits were perfect. it was just enough without going overboard, though I'm sure I'll get to tell you in the breakroom later, if you don't see this first.

now keep them coming guys! I know I always ask and never get to post anything on here myself (sorry bout that, by the way. I find short scenes harder than a whole big long story for some reason), but they have been few and far between lately. So thanks for posting these!

ps: I'll be in the breakroom for a bit (probably for hours, so don't worry about timing) in a half hour. 9:00 eastern

edit *waves to Lainey and welcome to phychofan*

Edited by knh
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ummmm..... (Lainey enters.. looks at floor. Kicks it. Clears throat and slowly, softly, humbly approaches mic).

uh hello....

I'm wondering.. if anyone noticed......

THAT LUKE HAS HIS COAT ON IN THE Q MANSION!!! -- like he just came in, like he doesn't live there!!!!


HELLO! HELLO! WTF IS GOING ON HERE!?!!?! :blink::blink::blink:

Now, maybe.. maybe.. Lesley is taking care of Lulu while her leg is busted.. but I don't think so. TIIC is too cheap to bring back Denise Alexander for that.

My guess is Luke and Lulu have moved back in. The question is: WHY!?!?! :o

I'm confused, especially since Luke and Tracy have been getting along so well lately. My gut tells me that after Alan dies Luke tells Tracy that he can't live in separate rooms anymore, and yet it doesn't seem right to take their relationship to the next level right now.. so he moves out for awhile. That seems sorta right.

But there is also the chance that Tracy goes apesh_t on Lulu after Alan dies, and she and Luke move out because of that.

There is also the possibility that Lulu freaks after Alan dies, and they move out because she doesn't feel right being there.

There is also the chance that just Lulu moved out cause she freaks when Alan dies, and that Luke has his coat on because he tried to talk her into going into the funeral. And he's just returning from that visit (whew.. this might be it. Might be!)

Thoughts anyone? Anyone?

EDITED: oh! My hysteria caused me to forget something VERY important. I LOVED Tracy today.. LOVED HER because she was "soft" and "real." I LOVE when she's not "evil Tracy." I LOVE this Tracy. LOVE HER!

Edited by LaineyBev714
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while these are all great reasons behind it (my personal fave is the one where luke tells her he won't sllep in seperate rooms cuz that will be great later on!!! wink hint wink), I choose to ignore that he has his coat on. If the reason isn't that the family went back from the church to be at the house when people arrived and luke was just walking in after that then I think it just down't happen. I know he's family, but he also is probably not the limo type, so didn't ride back with them. He was just not taking it off yet after walking in, not long after the rest of the fam.

ps. as much as I do and will ALWAYS love JE and I thinks she's stunningly gorgeous on her worst day, I have to say I like her hair longer than she has it in the funeral pics. It kind of looks the same as it did for Lila's funeral. exact same cut, same style, same color again. She also, pay attention to the scene with spinelli in the hospital, looks like she's lost a lot of weight now. I know we've said that she looks like she has but it is probably just that she has better clothes right now... but no, she looked thin and amazing. Just thought I'd share

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I think luke went to pick up lulu to drive her to the funeral cause she can't drive (and WTF is she wearing in those photos of some spagetti (Spumoni) strap little halter mini dress with fishnet hose to a funeral? Maybe she went there to recuperate as the Q mansion was under such chaos. Or she feels guilty cause Tracy doens't blame her and neither does monica or dillon or anyone. THey blame skye.

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And at least she is in a tailored black suit and shell instead of a long black gross flowy coat!!!!! I thought the same thing about her hair being the same exact as when lila died. IT looks like it is more of a bob thing with the back shorter than the sides.

I really think luke has his coat on cause he picked up lulu for the funeral for whatever reason she is at lesley (rick webber killer's) house---ha ha...my new theory

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My God, I actually forgot to comment on this!!!

I agree with you 100%. I love her this way. I love the evil Tracy to no end, but I love that she is not that same person with Luke. It's part of why I love them together so much. She is herself with him, but not the evil, meanspirited, out to make a buck b-tch Tracy. She is loving and vulnerable and sweet and beautiful and I adore her (so they need to all stop making her out to be the be all and the end all of evil ways). They are equals and they are perfect together and it is because she is Not that same b-tch with him.

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My God, I actually forgot to comment on this!!!

I agree with you 100%. I love her this way. I love the evil Tracy to no end, but I love that she is not that same person with Luke. It's part of why I love them together so much. She is herself with him, but not the evil, meanspirited, out to make a buck b-tch Tracy. She is loving and vulnerable and sweet and beautiful and I adore her (so they need to all stop making her out to be the be all and the end all of evil ways). They are equals and they are perfect together and it is because she is Not that same b-tch with him.

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I have a lot going on, so I can't chat right now, but Lainey, when you freak out, it scares me. :( *positive thoughts* I was in the breakroom earlier with MinervaFan and ILoveTracyQ, and I brought up the Luke/Lulu photos. MinervaFan didn't seem too concerned, so that's good. *reminds self to breathe* hookedongh, I'm going to go with your explanation, I think. Later all!

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