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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay, spumor talk:

I'm in the minority. If Jane has to leave, I wouldn't mind a story like that.

First off guys...and I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings and all...but it's irrelevant if Tracy was talked about or seen on screen at the time. Guza can and would change that if necessary.

This is Guza/Fron/JFP's GH.

Check your logic at the door.

I can see if Tracy WAS there, she went there to stop Alan from killing Rick, and when she got there Rick had the upper hand and was about to kill Alan, so SHE killed Rick instead.

Alan would be just as protective of Tracy as Monica or his children.

ANd if it happened, I believe this time Edward would not only NOT disown Tracy, but defend her, if necessary, to the death.

It would kill Lacy, but Tony and Jane would rock it.....and Tracy could go out in a blaze of glory instead of in disgrace.

IF Jane left, I wouldn't mind it at all, as long as her reasons for killing Rick were to save someone else.

And the reason she let Laura suffer?

Helena planted the memories in Laura, and ERASED it from Tracy's mind....she has a chunk of time she CAN'T remember.

there ya go.

ETA There is a rumor that Alan wrote Luke a letter that details who did the killing, I guess, to be delivered upon his death? That doesn't sound good, if Alan knew who did it and wanted to wait until he was dead and gone, unless HE really did do it.

spumor talk over

and Lainey.....:) if I get mad enough at her, you won't have to guess who LemonFace is, cause I'll let loose on her. :)

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Laughing so hard at the elmo thing...but let's all just think about this....Tracy has never killed anyone. That is not her style, unless it is self-defense or to protect one of her kids, etc.

I refuse to believe that....la la la la I am not listening to that spumor at all.......

Do you really think they would let her go in May??? Surely not! Let Monica go first......she is more expendable now that alan is going to be dead. Not our Tracy!!!!!

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ILTQ, do NOT give them a plausible way to make Tracy the killer. Just don't even GO there.

First of all, these guys are not above revising history for their own nefarious purposes.

Second, as logical and well thought out as YOUR scenario is, they'd just take it and twist it into something about Jason....

If this spumor comes through AND we lose Jane/LuNacy in the process, Elmo is not the only furry cute thing that's going down....


I'm telling you, if they do this, Sesame Street is gonna look like downtown Beirut before I'm done....

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Re Spumor:

WTMF!!!! This CAN NOT be true! There are so many anonymous posters over there it could be anyone. For that matter, how do we know it's not a s-spy, a bora fan, or someone who is jealous that ghost Alan is appearing to Tracy. Tracy is NOT a killer. And I wouldn't want her to be Rick's killer even if Jane were taking a powder. Though I wouldn't mind if she blew up Port Charles in it's entirety on her way out. Hey if she's gonna be a murderess, may as well take out the whole town - in a BIG WAY - and go out with a bang in more ways than one, along with her partner-in-crime-and-love. He hates PC anyway.

AND I am TOTALLY going to have to go spumor/spoiler/rumor free. Because even if this spumor is not true (and we know it's not) it takes the enjoyment out of what has been developing between LuNacy and my experience of Tracy/Jane in all her beautiful gloriousness, in the interim!!!

Deb, before you mutilate Elmo, could you put a voodoo spell on it and carve Guza's name into it?

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Hola todos. Sorry about bringing over those spoilers. To make it up, I'll bring good news. Tracy's on...

So far, one 30 second (if that) scene. I won't be able to do recaps for the whole episode (I have to leave soon), but for now, she's with Alan. She asks he wants her call someone. He wants to know about Emily. Tracy explains. Alan is glad that everyone got out all right...Nik, Emily, Lulu (has a short spiel on Lulu; I don't think he's aware she hasn't gotten out, and Tracy might not be aware either). Tracy says it looks like Alan got the worst of it. Alan talks about Robin too. And then he asks about Jason (:ph34r:). Cut to Jason and Liz in the elevator.

Shallow, but JE looks a lot older in scenes with SD/Alan. I don't know if it's RL related, 'cause she's upset that he's leaving or what...Also, OT, but this isn't TG's best work; much too OTT for me.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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She can't be Rick Webber's killer...she just can't. She wasn't on the show then in 2002 and then she acted totally surprised when Monica said she had taken up with rick again. Maybe she found the letter that alan wrote a long time ago and covered it up? I just can't accept that she could have killed him.

It is probably some stupid rumor!!!! I like the spy idea!!!!

Too funn about the muppets!!!!

I'll be home this evening if anyone is up for a chat!

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Ok, my two cents about the spumor... (I already gave one opinion, but I put no money on it till now)

Never gonna happen. gotta love my mommy for bringing down the voice of reason. They will never make a Main character a killer unless they are mob related. And yes, no matter how much we b-tch and moan about how little she is on, she's a main character and on way more than any other vet with the exception of TG. They'd never do it b/c it means they'd lose them and I don't think they'd be willing to lose her. She 1) just keeps coming back, and 2) she makes the show when she does, no matter how many cheap knockoffs they write, she is the real deal and no one does it better.

so we're all safe..... though I did have myself a good cry, Ms. Q, got over it though

now debate if you must, but those are my beliefs and I hold them near and dear to my heart. ain't nobody gonna ruin it for me!!

Edited by knh
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Yeah, what they said. Wow. The Muppets are breathing a sigh of relief.

Oh, and I just wondered something. Are they are bringing Jane in like, everyday, filming 30 second/two minute scenes? Or did they film all the hospital scenes at once? Because I can so see Jane--Okay, let me get this straight? I get up, get in my car, fight LA traffic, have my HAIR STRAIGHTENED, put on my make-up (which is supposed to look like she's not wearing any), put on my costume, go to the set, film for 25 minutes, go BACK to the dressing room, take off my costume, take off my make-up, put my street clothes and make-up back on, get BACK in my car, fight the LA traffic again all for 30 seconds of film? And you want me to do this every day this week?

Yeah, no wonder she's stressed and tired looking.

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OK I just spent the last 15 minutes writing this big long post and my stupid work computer decides to lose internet connection! grrrrrrrrrr

It went something like this (lets see what I remember):

Thank you Ms.Q for posting the missing Tracy clip. I can't believe I missed it but it was late and I was tired.

I don't know if anybody mentioned this or not but Tracey from j-eonline posted a bunch of new articles and pics of Jane. :)

I was going to post last night that after watching yesterdays show that it looked to me like Tracy was refering to Lulu as her 'daughter' but hooked took the words right out of my mouth.

MinervaFan, I hope you are feeling better!

Ms.Q, I downloaded your vids last night and all I can say is, it looks like you have been a busy girl. Three vids, WOW! I especially loved the "Listen to Your Heart" vid. ::cough:: You Tube ::cough:: I might even PM you for some clips that you used that I know I don't have. hehe

As for the new spoiler about Tracy being the one who killed Rick Webber. All I can say is "what a bunch of crap," there is no way that Tracy is the culprit. First Tracy didn't come back to town until 2003 and when she came back she was broke, therefore she was not blackmailing Alan. Which refers to the conversation between Tracy and Edward about "keeping it in the family" was all talk. Not to mention the look on Tracy's face when Monica said that she and Rick had started up with their affair when he came back to town, she was shocked......and had no idea.

OK I think that was all of it!

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Bummer, so only one short scenes today again huh...I haven' watched yet. You are so funny...I can totally see her saying that. Hopefully they filmed all her little hospital scenes together at once like she said in that soap talk appearance to save time and money. Maybe she is laughing driving home saying, "I am the most overpaid, underworked person in daytime"

MinvervaFan, when you get a chance, could you tell me how to post something on the fictathon site. I wanted to edit that story a little bit more and then post it.

Thanks :)

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Hooked, just wanted to say good luck posting it!

*waves to Rege*, long time no see! Can't wait (or should I say still waiting) for that story... heart's raising a bit in anticipation, but that's me, good ol' addict lookin' for a hit

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I found some spoilers, they seem pretty accurate:

They are in no particular order






-Luke and Tracy scheme to steal Alan's estate

-The Quartermaine dysfunction oddly enough, helps Emily cope with the loss of her father

-Skye and Lorenzo's appearance at the funeral causes problems

-Dillon steals Alan's letter and discovers who Alan names as Rick's killer

-Dillon, Lulu, and Spinelli dig up dirt on Scotty

-Edward prevents Tracy from lashing out at Sonny and Carly

-Alan left everything to Emily. Luke and Tracy plan to steal the will and do a little editing

-It hits the fan when Alan's will is read

Funeral Attendees

Carly and Sonny

Nikolas and Emily

Luke and Bobbie

The Q family

Robin and Patrick





Elizabeth and Lucky

Ned gives a moving and emotional eulogy

He leads Alan's memorial

Wally airs for 3 days

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Darn...I wanted them to steal it from Skye, not Emily. Not cause I like emily, but because with St. Emily tracy will really look like an evil stepwitch. If it were skye, then at least we couldn't blame her!!!! But then again, who cares if Tracy and Luke get to team up together...they can steal it from Monica!!!! AT least he didn't leave it to Jason I guess.

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