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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I don't know why but this so struck a chord with me. Does it make Tracy superior to Skye because she'd be willing to put up with being someone's third or fourth best? Or does it make her really, really, REALLY pathetic?

In other words, should I be rooting for Skye because she has standards or Tracy because she's lived and learned to accept that to be loved we must compromise?

I don't care for this train of thought.

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Oh I don't know.

I just have heard Skye say she wants more than Luke can give. So far I haven't heard Tracy say that out loud.

It wasn't until Laura came back that anyone even bothered to tell her she deserved better.

I think:

Tracy, like she told Skye, had gotten to the point where she didn't believe in love anymore.

Tracy, unlike Skye, has never had a man TRULY love HER.

Unless you count Larry, I think he did in the beginning.

Tracy has been told by her very father, the one who told her today she deserved better (?), that no one would ever love her.

She's been told that by other people.

She's NEVER had a man she loved, that didn't cheat on her, even Larry.

Is she pathetic for still wanting Luke?

If he goes back to skirt chasing, yeah I'd have to say she is.

Is she pathetic for accepting that another woman has her husband's heart (or most of it?)

If this were RL, I'd say yes.

Since it's a soap, I'd say Luke and Tracy STILL have the potential to have *something*.

I don't think Tracy can or will ever have a conventional marriage or romance.

The fact that she's a loser in love defines part of who she is.

It just does.

I used Skye because Skye is still young enough to believe that there is a man out there that will put her first.

Tracy gave up on that a long time ago.

I don't think Tracy's pathetic, but I get how others might think she is.

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I don't think Tracy's pathetic. I adore here and will sympathize with her up to the very moment she kills someone's newborn child--which Guza will hopefully never have her do. It just seems really sad that Tracy would have to settle for being someone's third priority. Maybe that's just me hurting for her because, as Edward stated, she deserves better. She may have never been THE love of someone's life that doesn't mean she shouldn't be.

Hell, she's the love of my life and we've never met. :D I should send her a post card.

But, seriously, she doesn't deserve better than Luke. She deserves Luke, or his romantic, emotional equivalent. She deserves someone who would put his entire life on hold to make a moment of hers easier. Someone who accepts her faults and never makes plans to improve or change her "for the better." She deserves that certain twinkle Luke used to look at her with. She deserves Luke.

I just don't want this version of him for her. *shrugs*

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When did you get so heavy on the Lacy bus, and where are the rest of your fics?


I find it profoundly sad that Edward, who has spent most of her developing years drilling into her head that she is nothing, is the one now telling her she deserves better.

A little late, Ed. And it makes me more sad for what Tracy might have been, and how more well rounded, if she would have simply believed all this time, that someone out there could and would love her, because she WAS worthy of it.

I miss the twinkly flirtation, too.

I don't know. *sigh* this is really just a no-win situation, her being married to Luke. Because even if Laura were killed off, the most die hard L&L fans will still NEVER accept him with anyone else.

With Laura alive, most of Luke's heart will be with her.

I'd *love* to think he will move on with Tracy, but history and common sense, says he will never love her the way WE know she deserves.

And it IS true, that Tracy would cease to be Tracy as we know her, if someone loved her unconditionally. She WOULD change.

I'm not sure I like that. I know Jane would play it as if she didn't change THAT much, but still.....

I'm all for a new man coming in, during one of Luke's absences, and totally getting "into" TRacy.

The story could be he's conning her, or not, he could be a bad guy, or not, but ultimately the man's presence causes Luke to open his eyes.

OR the man and Tracy get together and stay together.

But he should definitely be someone that challenges Tracy. A Luke like character, but without Luke's hangups.

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Can I just say, if only? :rolleyes: That's what makes it so difficult, for people who aren't Deb, to write someone new for Tracy. Pretty much any relationship in which she would thrive would have to resemble her relationship with Luke. And when you do that, what's the point?

Though I suppose that could be fun. You know, watching Luke watch her banter with someone else, without the underlying tension of a rutabaga--though a darling rutabaga--as an obstacle to feelings that could become very strong. ;) That is Tracy's convention and, dare I say it, her idea of love.

Edited because I totally ignored the rest of your post, ILTQ. The rest of my fics are with Deb and are in safe hands. I'm currently writing more LuNacy that isn't all angsty and such. I'm sure you've figured out that when I say I plan to post "tonight" I mean three nights from now after true inspiration has struck and improved whatever dreck I started with. *nods*

And, I'm so not on the LuNacy bus. I'm like an optical illusion. It only looks like I'm there.

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The thing about Tracy is, she's good with lots of different men.

That's mostly due to Jane, but she does have the ability to love ALL kind of men.

As to who her best match is?

Not even a contest now. Luke.

In days past I would have said Marco Dane.

And in a strange way, I really liked her and Coleman.

Those three, for the Tracy she is now, are the best options.

But GA who played Marco is dead, Blake Gibbons who played Coleman is on recurring, and AG as Luke has another woman in his heart.

See? Our girl is stuck between a rock and a hard place. *sigh*


So if you're not on the Lunacy Bus Reg.....why the Luke pimping?

Am I missing something? I'm confused. LOL

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From what I can gather, today was supposed to be Tracy walking through the gardens (trying to shrug off Luke and sort of "reclaiming" the space that Laura took from her earlier in the day). They DEFINITELY cut one scene with DILLON. The one they aired didn't entirely make sense, so there must have been one before the one that aired where Dillon runs into Tracy and they begin a conversation about Laura. The Tracy "breaks down" scene was DEFINITELY shaved. They got out of it just as she was beginning to "breakdown." And -me thinks- there was one more Tracy in the garden scene that got cut - maybe the one where Luke ignores her.

Anyway, after watching today, I think what GH might actually do is have Tracy divorce Luke while he is away. Then he comes back and SHE's the one who went to the Dominican!!!!! Ha!!! And he has to whoo her back. Could happen. Might happen. I both LOVE and HATE the idea. I LOVE it because it would be Tracy taking her power back. I HATE it because once they're divorced I don't think TIIC will resist Luke playing the field like he usually does, and I don't think Luke and Tracy would ever get married again. And - I gotta tell you - I love the idea of them has the happily married dream scheme team. Love it! Love it! It may never happen, but it thrills me to DEATH.

I also had this dream about Luke calling Tracy after his RL Break and asking her to meet him somewhere to begin "reconnecting," and she agrees but then her plane goes down, and he can't find her!! I really did dream this, and I'm not sure what to make of it. Oy. :unsure:

EDIT 1-What's the prize going to be for turning the 200th page?? We're awfully close, and we haven't mentioned it yet. Last time it was a breadmaker, this time.............

2-I'm almost at 100 posts! (If I don't post for a few days, maybe I can do my 100th post at the top of the 200th page! ha! oy)

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This reminds me subtly of the movie "Something's Gotta Give" with Diane Keaton. I don't know why but I would just love Tracy to pick up another, maybe younger, guy and move on with her life only for Luke to realize the error of his ways and disrupt her life again with the declaration that he's a changed man. It would never actually happen, but it's just so them.

Anywho, I see no reason why Tracy should be lonely while wedged between a grave and the first wife. Though, as much as I adored them together, I really don't want my Tracy slumming with the barman at Jake's. I do plan to write that in my "she went to jail for killing laura fic." Why not Noah? Or Mac? She could teach them a thing or two. Ha! Noah would take her to AA.

ETA: No, I'm not on the LuNacy bus, but I recognize LuNacy as Tracy's most viable relationship right now. I am one to cede to the inevitable. Unless someone gets some common sense and brings someone appropriately handsome to hold carry Tracy's purse and give as good as she gives. Eh...damn it, that's Luke. I meant someone else! Like I said, unless someone better and more worthy comes alone, this is it. I say make the most of it, as well as spend an inordinate amount of time writing her in the romantic company of people no one would approve of (i.e. Jax, Helena, Robert, and some random woman named Nora.)

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Funny, I was thinking the same thing today when I was watching Deb. I totally agree with you!!

I think Tracy knows that Luke is not in his right mind right now and I think the mere fact that his feelings for Laura can affect him this way is what concerns Tracy the most whether Luke loves her or not.

Yeah, I was wondering too if the spoilers had been exagerrated because they played out more subdued like. Well I hope the "tender moment" spoiler that is supposed to happen before he leaves doesn't turn out to be a pat on the back.

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My sentiments exactly. The Dillon/Tracy scene was definitely a WTH. It cut so abruptly and started weird. Perkie at GHF in his/her observations mentioned it too. And I won't even get started on the breakdown that wasn't. I HATE this.

So, stupid questions, but apparently, there's a good chance GF is returning. It's all over the net. So, my questions are: Do we get Luke/Laura/Tracy triangle? Do we get Luke/Laura trying to avoid the Evil!Foolish Tracy (think Wile E. Coyote)? Do we get Luke/Laura and no Tracy at all? Did I mention I hate this? *shrugs* It's going to be a loooooong time before I ever want to write Tracy or LuNacy fanfic again.

TracyLuv, that tender moment is a spumor. Probably won't happen at all with our luck.


Edit: Gah. It's late. I should be sleeping, but UGH...From GotInfo (who has been confirmed by Wizard in the past): Surprisingly, her (Genie Francis's) last day on screen leaves a return wide open, which I found interesting. And from what I mentioned above, someone from another board met GF in NJ during an event/autograph thing. She said her return is a possibility, and they're "in talks" right now. ILoveTracyQ, you soooo called it. Now, when I wake up, can I hope for an early morning post tomorrow (err, technically later today since it's past midnight, but I digress...) by MinervaFan or Lady Ashton that wil cheer me up. Please? :)

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I still think Luke and Tracy have a chance. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I think they are perfect for each other. I agree with MsQ (?) when she says Tracy knows Luke is not in his right mind, and that he probably never will be when Laura's concerned. And yeah, I'm sure this has been a serious revelation to her.

It's what Luke does when the smoke clears that's going to determine the outcome. Will his so-called love for her stand up to apathy and distraction and other shiny things to pursue? Will he try to go back to the pre-Laura status quo, and expect Tracy to just accept it? (God forbid.) Or will he realize he cannot have Spanky on his terms any more. They've admitted they have feelings for each others, strange and flawed though their relationship may be, and now they can't just go back.

What will he do? Will he pursue? Will he wallow?

We know what Tracy is going to do. She's going to wait and watch and let him make the first move. I doubt there will be a quickie DR divorce while Luke's away. I think she wants to be married to him, I think she wants to be in love with him. But I think she is going to need more than he's given her and he has only one more strike.

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Wow ILTQ, yes your predictions were very close, especially the "wife" comment - dead on! and A little scary! LOL

possible spoiler below = from SD

"Lulu sets out on an adventure that could possibly bring laura back!" something like that anyway.

WTMF!!!!! Can we or Tracy get a freakin' break already!!!!!

Then there's another one saying she sets out on an adventure to prove Laura's innocence of her step-father's murder. what's the point? It's not like she hasn't killed before.

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Just for you Ms. Q :D

Bottom line is I was VERY disappointed. Particularly? because I stayed up until 11:00 to watch it on Soapnet because our ABC station bumped all the soaps yesterday to cover a funeral. It felt very butchered to me. Like all the scenes involving Tracy got cut and pasted into the episode cause there was no where else to put them. Dillon just happened to find Tracy outside like that??? Edward too? And that was pretty out of character for him as of late. I would like to have seen a lot more context.

And if that is someone's idea of "breaking down" i can't wait to see what a meltdown is.

And for the record, I don't dislike Luke and Laura, I just like Luke and Tracy a whole lot more.

Anyhoo, got up late this morning so gotta get the caffeine going here. Happy day everyone!


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I think GF's return or the possibility of it is something we should prepare ourselves for.

WOW, what misleading spoilers. And they were "official" network ones, too.

Jane rocked it though, and I wonder what you all think about the significance of her still being outside right at the spot where Luke chopped down the tree, when Dillon and then Edward came by.

Had to be a little time passing. I'm just thinking, was Tracy expecting Luke to come back? Was she staring at the chopped down tree and comparing it to her marriage? Was she just too sad to go back inside where it was warm? And I loved how Jane chose to react mostly angrily to him, although you could see the pain, too.

Also, funny that it was warm enough for an outdoor wedding yet suddenly cold enough for a jacket outside.

I think Dillon and Edward's roles should have been reversed, but I guess Dillon still worships Luke to an extent and it would be less likely for him to say Tracy deserved better.

I did like both scenes though, and how sweet that Dillon gave his mom his jacket.

I like Luke and Tracy sooooo much better than Luke and Laura as well.

What's going to happen to Jane?

Eww. We're staying positive, so I'm stepping away from that one.

Today will be better. *she says, gritting her teeth*

You see, I thought LUke gets drunk and angry today and THAT'S when he goes off on her.

We'll see I guess.

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