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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Per SoapZone, our girl is ON! She's propping Lulu, but she's ON! And there's also some LuNacy! *gets out popcorn for later* Speculation of TQ wanting out of the marriage; something about how Luke is going to unintentionally break her heart. :( *gets out tissues* Oh, and the Q's are being nice to Lulu.

And yay nex! You get a virtual appliance of your choice. :) Anyone else want to guess the other three?

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As MsQ said, Tracy is on!!!!!!

Spoiler for who hasn't seen today







Okay, Lulu comes and tells Dillon, Edward and Tracy (Georgie's there too) that she had the abortion and expects them to be mad but they act really understanding towards her. Dillon asks if she's ok blah blah blah. Edward asks Tracy if she would care to join her father for a brandy in the study(? lol idk which room he said), they leave. [i'm guessing the scene where they discuss Lulu was cut] Luke comes back to the Q's and he and Tracy talk about Lulu and Laura. Luke says Tracy was "stand up" throughout this whole thing and she replies, "why wouldn't I be stand up, I'm your wife." really kinda sweet. Thats it really for Tracy scenes.

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Have I mentioned lately that I love Ms. Tracy Quartermaine Ashton Williams Hornsby Solieto Spencer? Cuz I really do. I haven't even seen today's episode, but I love her. Just because. She didn't have to do anything. She didn't have to say anything. I just love her.

Nothing more to add. Moving along now.

ETA: In The Break Room for a little while. Oh, and I got a YouTube account. Uploading what I consider my best vids so they'll have a permanent home. Just an FYI.

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The Lulu propping wasn't that bad IMO. ILoveTracyQ, are you too angry to post because of that? LOL Heh. But what is this I'm reading about Luke trashing the Q's again and needing to protect Lulu from them? <_< It must have happened in the Laura/Luke and Lulu/Luke scenes that I didn't watch. *glares at TIIC* I'm sensing some upcoming conflict. Seems as Tracy is upset with Luke (as she should be), and she's not hiding it. That scene angel mentioned; I'm not sure I'd call it sweet. She seemed sad, angered, not to mention jealous. Angst is coming, my friends. It's already here. *buckles up* I hope it's a good ride.

Ooh, and Edward offered to take Tracy into the living room for a brandy. I need to watch the scene again 'cause I could have sworn he used the words "good, ole Dad," and that he actually escorted his daughter out of the room. :o

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-Hmmmm. There are two ways to read the scene when Luke and Tracy are talking about her being stand-up. The first way is EXTREMELY hopeful. When I watched it live, I spent the whole rest of the show CONVINCED he was going to pop up in her room at the end of the show all sad about Lulu and Laura and ask for "wifely" comforts. I WAS POSITIVE he was going to turn to her for comfort in that way (hence the La-La Land reference above). Did you see his eyes? The way he looked at her was absolutely DELICIOUS!!!!!!! They were smiling and connected. It was fabulous!!!! Ms. Q, I read your comments above earlier- after I watched live- and I was totally confused. I didn't see the sad, angered jealous thing when I watched live. I was totally confused....

-But then I came home.... and I watched the Tivo version. And while I still saw his smiling eyes, I did see a certain stoic-ness in her face that didn't fit with my original picture. AND, I noticed that while they were holding hands (I'm certain of it. I rewound it several times to check), you never see it. She puts down the brandy and steps close, and you can see both their arms move. They are DEFINITELY holding hands, except GH edited it out. Which means either sloppy editing (and there's been a lot of sloppy editing lately), or they decided not to show it for a reason. Grrrrr.. I don't know.

-In Lainey's la-la land, what happens next (tomorrow! before Luke leaves!!!!) is he goes up to her room and almost apologizes to her for chasing after a cure for Laura. He tells her she's been a great support, and he really wanted to give her the respect she deserves, so he wanted to tell her he'd be gone for awhile to do this thing for Lulu. He would stress that it's for Lulu. And then she would tenderly kiss him on the cheek, and it would turn into this passionate sex scene. Then afterwards, towards the very end, he gets up to go in search of Laura's cure, and kisses her goodbye while he thinks she's sleeping. But she's not sleeping, and as soon as he's gone she just BREAKS DOWN... starts to totally bawl. **HEY, IF I WERE WRITING IT, IT WOULD BE THIS WAY!!** So folks, pray for this. Lately I am believing in the power of prayer. So all of us here at the lovefest need to grab hands... and pray.


EDITED : Minverva , while I was posting my rant, you were posting your story. Talk about delicious! TOTALLY DELICIOUS!!! You have MUCH more control than me. I would have had to ended that story with them f****** in the Rose Garden. You are a better person than I am. ;)

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I also believe in the power of prayer.

So we better pray. LOL

CAuse with these folks?

WE might not even get a "goodbye" scene.

Much less like the one you described Lainie.

That kind of scene belongs on a good soap that treats all it's characters equally.

As far as my interpretation of it: I just thought the scene was weird.

I do think Tracy was on the verge of tears and she said the word "wife" with definite angry undertones...maybe because of Luke spending his time with Laura instead of her while the abortion was happening?

That could be a reason. I know if it were me I wouldn't be too happy my husband chose to be with his EX-wife.

I did think the first scene was kind of sweet though...but I definitely think the change of attitude was about him being with Laura.

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Okay, my turn to chime in on yesterday's scenes. Granted, I watched them at 7:45 this morning, so my judgement may be cloudy.

Scene 2-3 with Luke: I guess I saw the undertones there, but I don't think they were as major as you guys imply. It's just TIIC setting up "conflict" for with GF returns. Yeah, she's upset, yeah she's hurt. She's *always* hurt when he mentions Laura, every single time. It was as evident as early as last year, when she said something to him like, "I thought you were more into the insipid types, like Skye and Laura."

As for the sadness, once they moved past the initial farcical aspects of the marriage, all of Luke and Tracy's scenes have had an undertone of sadness, even the "comic" ones. These are two very broken people, fighting against life and each other and their own personal demons. They are sad people, living desparate lives, wearing masks to protect themselves from the storm. When they are together, they recognize it in each other, and whether it's out of fear or self-preservation, they give each other space. They allow each other to be false, to wear masks, because on some level they both understand why those masks are necessary.

Whether they will get together before Laura's return, I don't know. I still don't think, legitimately, that Tracy has been pushed far enough, is brave enough or desparate enough, to admit her feelings overtly. And Luke is even less self-aware than she is. So what I can predict, from this group of writers at least, is the following: The moment truth comes, and Luke is spending a hell of a lot of time with Laura. Tracy becomes more and more despondent, perhaps with a little "encouragement" from Edward (see below for more on Edward.) Right before Laura's recovery, Tracy gets drunk (because there's no reason for the writers to be creative when they can get her drunk--again) and spills it to Luke that she loves him, that she's scared, that she is jealous of Laura. Then they go from there, with Luke realizing he's in a situation here. Unless the writers are very dim or very good, I doubt Luke and Tracy will actually "hook up" before Laura's return. I just think the cards will be on the table, probably with Tracy in the vulnerable position, with Luke unsure of what to do now.

Now, on to Scene 1: Pod!Edward. Dear, freaking GAWD, I was just staring at that alien creature who looked just like ELQ wondering, who the hell is he and what did he do to Edward? That scene, for Edward, was sooooo OOC as to be scary. I seriously mean it creeped me out. Dillon and Tracy were IC as far as I'm concerned, but Edward? Edward?

And then, then, I figured it out. Of COURSE he's being nice to her. Here is an 18 year old girl who got pregnant and went through the trauma of an abortion because of the defective ELQ condoms. She still has enough to levy a lawsuit against the company. She can still nail him and he knows it. So of course he's being nice to her. The baby is no longer an issue, he can no longer fight for it. But he can fight for the only other thing that matters to him--his money.

The little thing with Tracy? Didn't get it, didn't want to, and very nervous that he's trying to lull her into a false sense of security.

There it is--in a nutshell, my take on yesterday's episode. (Yeah, I know there was a whole other show in there, but I haven't seen it yet.)

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I do think part of them...all of them..being nice has to do with the ELQ/condom thing.

At least that's what I think Luke suspects and I think that might be mostly where his comments to Lulu might be coming from.

Yeah I thought yesterday was weird. But then it could have just been Lulu propping. I thought there was supposed to be a big story with the faulty condoms but it doesn't look that way to me.

I think I probably give these writers less credit than any of you based on the specs about Lacy.

I even seriously doubt that they'll progress. I think after Laura leaves it will just be status quo.

And in my mind it's just not in character for Tracy to spill it to Luke first...but if she were drunk she might.

But Tracy in character and sober might carry it with her and NEVER tell.

You all have good ideas about how it should happen though.

MinervaFan I agree about the undercurrent of sadness in their scenes.

That's good drama though so I don't mind too much. :)

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I was going to give my assessment on yesterdays show, but after reading everybody elses comments I realized that I agree with what everybody said. ILTQ I also thought Tracy was on the verge of tears when Luke said she was stand-up, and she replied by saying "why wouldn't I be stand-up, i'm your wife." I think Lukes comment broke her heart a little by thinking she wouldn't come through during the whole ordeal. LaineyBev, I also noticed Lukes dancing eyes and the smile on his face. And I believe they were touching or at least Tracy was playing with his shirt, something was happening that couldn't be seen. :( But I do believe the Q's were being nice to Lulu because they wanted to, not because they feared she might still sue them or something.

MinervaFan, I went to You Tube to check out your vids that you have posted, and may I suggest that in the "tags" section you might want to put a space in between the words General Hospital. Only because when I typed General Hospital your vids were nowhere to be found, it wasn't until I typed generalhospital did I find them, and most people won't type it that way. Sorry, but its only my opinion.

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Yay! A happy story by MinervaFan! Thanks Deb. :D LOL about your reaction to Edward, by the way. And I'd love to see your scenario happen; unfortunately, I'm not expecting a good-bye scene at all. *shrugs*

Lainey, I didn't catch that the first time, but I rewatched, and you're right. It seems as though there's some handholding going on there. Darn the editing department for taking it out.

nex, I was thinking the same thing about You Tube and "generalhospital." I'm sure you don't have to apologize. :)

From the "Quote game..."

Tracy to Sam after she found Sam and Jax, um, together, on the desk, in the office. Tracy to Alan, Monica, and Edward during Murder Mystery Week. They were walking down the stairs (obviously). Tracy made the comment. Alan was all, "What's that supposed to mean?" And Monica instructed, "Stay away from her, Alan." LOL. Tracy to no one in particular as Nik arrived to his wedding in handcuffs.

Per SZ...Luke/Robin/Patrick, Lulu seeing herself as catatonic...OMG! I just checked again. She's ON! Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Luke wants to leave; Tracy's upset. Our poor girl. :(

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MsQ, I'm learning this whole thing. I just checked SZ, too, and she's on!

Three days in a row. Is it Christmas or something??? And it sounds like a LuNacy scene, and a serious one at that. Man, I wish I wish I wish I had time to watch all three of these episodes. I am literally going through before work and watching the Tracy scenes, because I'll go mad if I don't.

ETA: Corrected the YouTube tags, per your request. I did that because I saw another video like that, and thought maybe that's the way it needed to be. Thanks.

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Per SZ, Luke/Lulu had 2 scenes or whatever, and Luke left. I *really* hate how the episode follows Luke around but not also the characters he interacts with. Kinda like...Oh, Luke's with Patrick/Robin! When he's done with them, they disappear. Oh, look! He's with Tracy now. Oh, all done. Tracy disappears. I wonder if the little bit of LuNacy that aired included a good-bye?

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According to recaps Lacy had two brief scenes...if you call Luke telling Tracy not to be a nag then yeah they got a "get your butt outta my house" scene.

Well...I doubt she said THAT.

Meh. I know I'll be disappointed in GH. I usually am. :)

But I gotta give em props..I honestly didn't expect her to get a scene with him. So *throws one piece of confetti* there ya GO, Guza. That's all you get.


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