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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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spoiler for those who haven't today's epi- Warning: I'm in an eerily good mood today so I might be taking it to easy on GH today-








I actually enjoyed the whole show today believe it or not. As for Lulu telling Luke, it wasn't her place to say especially after she told Tracy she wouldn't but I don't blame her reason for telling (and i know i'm gonna have to run and hide after I say this), she told Luke for most part because she wanted him to know that Tra#y was the only one not berating her for thinking about having an abortion and in my very humble opinion, although she *so* shouldn't have told, she meant well. Anyways, omg at the endkwas I seeing things or did Edward and Tracy actually have a decent father/daughter scene for a split-second (during that whole montage thingy)!?

ETA- Luke's reaction was basically nice and understanding (wow did I actually just say that about him) and he thanked her for not forcing Lulu to do anything that she didn't wanna do.

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angel beat me to some of it...Oops. *waves to angel*

The Luke/Lulu conversation happened offscreen. We found out through a Luke/Tracy scene. :D See? Me=Positive. Quick recap: Tracy told Luke she didn't want Lulu aborting the child and having to live with that regret the rest of her life. Luke asked, "Are we talking about Lulu, or are we talking about you?" Tracy: Me?!? Luke: Lulu told me. Tracy looked up, blink back some tears (maybe) and sadly/sarcastically responded to herself, "Thank you, Lulu." And then to Luke, she said she told her not to tell. Luke is grateful that Tracy did. She's the only one in that house who allowed Lulu to explore all of her options. Luke thanks her.

About the hair...Eh. I miss the curls. Like REALLY miss them. Looks like it's been straightened. It got really long in the last however many weeks, and even though the outside scenes weren't really outside, GH could have fooled me. Someone did a good job of making it look breezy. Heh. Ooh, hair looks soft though. :)

Edward/Tracy's conversation about Georgie/Dillon didn't air. But, Edward/Tracy had their 2 second part (one scene total) of the montage in which everyone else got at least 15 seconds (3 or 4 scenes). Liz/Lucky got to fight. Maxie got to sit on a bed and be sad. Nik got to drive home. Carly/Jax got to sit on the couch with Michael/Morgan. Sonny got to hug Kristina. Sam got to stand there. Ric got to look evil. Dillon got stand on the patio and be sad. Luke sat with Laura. Lulu prepared for the abortion. And every 5 seconds, a clock was shown. Starting at 6:55 and ending at 7:00 (when the episode ended). 7pm was the time of Lulu's abortion...

Anyway, LOL...In Tracy and Edward's 2 seconds, Tracy approached Edward, who was sitting on the chair with a newspaper. She put a hand on his shoulder and crouched down so they were on the same level. Edward put his hand over hers. And Ms. Q goes "aww" and forgets how evil Eddie Q. has been to his daughter. I would have liked for Tracy to have hugged Dillon, while he stood alone on the patio, with tears in his eyes, but I'll take what I can get.

So overall? We got LuNacy! I can't complain...much. Tony made Jane laugh. It was sweet. Oh, and previews? Luke/Robin. Georgie/Lulu. I miss Tracy already. But...Staying positive. Tracy was on! And got decent material! :D

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Figures the only day I am away from the tv at 3, Tracy is on. Sounds like some good scenes actually. Lunacy apears to have gone a hundred thousand times better than I thought it would. Maybe the writers do actually 'ship' Luke and Tracy after all. I was expecting yelling and blood and vengeance...not praise. I think Luke pimped our girl a little bit. I am also curious to see how the Edward/Tracy scenes pan out. I know that Jed Allen's Edward was a little more touchy feely (not in that way, you sick, sick people) with Tracy than John Ingle's Edward, so I am really interested in seeing how well that played out.

But I am tired and I just lifted three tons of Swedish furniture down the stairs, so it might have to wait til tomorrow...Tracy or no Tracy.

TGIF indeed! I can't wait to spend my weekend with a puzzled look on my face and an Allen key in my hand.

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Lulu gets to live.

Luke gets to live, because he made our girl laugh so pretty--I rewound.

Tracy is the Ultimate of Gorgeousness. Beauty incarnate. I'm in love.

I almost felt sorry for Edward for about a quarter of a second. Over it.

No time for the Break Room at the moment--we're off to supper.

Oh, and while I missed the curls, MsQ, her hair was sooooooo magnificent--fluttery and shiny and thick---LeSigh. She's so purty.

We really shouldn't go weeks without a TQ/JE fix. It makes us goofy.

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Uh... Ditto.. Ditto.. Ditto.. Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!


1) I LOVED all things LuNacy. In my opinion, they couldn't have done that "reunion" any better.

-Tracy was angry at Luke, and wouldn't let him touch her (at first), but they still talked and "connected." Think about it, Guza & co could have had the two of them screaming DIVORCE the minute they hit that patio. Luke could have painted Tracy as a monster for opposing the abortion. OR they could have had Tracy not even mention the Holly thing, and forgive him by omission. Or they could have played the whole thing for laughs... and they didn't do it that way!!! This felt good to me, folks.. it felt "right." The writers are DEFINITELY setting them up for some sort of "connection," whatever the hell that means.

2) I HATED all things that involved LAURA (this is going to become a theme, my friends. Apologies in advance). But there were 2 things about today's LAURA scene that really bothered me. 1- They could have had Luke having that conversation with Tracy. She has been his emotional touchstone lately, not Laura. It didn't really "feel" right.. and it reminded me HOW ready they are to go in the WRONG direction with L&L. 2- Those comments Luke made on Laura's bed re: corporate greed are a very very very bad omen for LuNacy. It could be the LuNacy "split" comes over the condoms and not Laura.. dunno.

P.S. -- Angel , your banner is amazing! Where do the words come from?????

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I am NEVER making another music vid again as long as I live. I'm done. I'm through.

I downloaded all those clips. I fiddled and fiddled with the timing. It's FRACKING GORGEOUS.

And WMM decides to pull a stupid "For Good" on me and claim I have source files missing. What that means, in layman's terms, is that this video will never see the light of day and all that work was for nothing. I can start from scratch on a completely different file and hope this time the stupid program will work, but I don't know if want to.

I am so frustrated I want to kick something.

Where's Guza when you need him? :angry:

Just thought you'd like to see some of the graphics I made for the video you're never ever gonna see...










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