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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Now there would be a fun little episode or two: Tracy popping in on Luke while he's on some exotic island: Tahiti... or Fiji... or Bali. "Oh you hoo, my son knocked up your daughter, but it's just so damn hot and tropical here, let's sit around for a day or two and get hammered as hell on frilly pineapple drinks while flirting like two teenagers. And hey, if we end up in bed... well worse things have happened."

Ha. If only they'd go there... but you mention that Luke comes back with Holly, which means he's been with her the whole time, which is going to snuff out the possibility of any fun, romantic reunion in lala land. God I hate this show. Why do I watch again? I think I'm going to stop watching and choose to get my fill of Tracy from Minerva's fiction.... it's much more fun than anything I've seen on GH lately.

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Hey, guys. I tried FF.net this morning, and after a few refreshes, it let me in. I suppose it was just the VolePit being wonky. The story, she assures them, is still very much there...and desperately wanting feedback to soothe the poor author's nerves.

As for the spoilers, I am just so "whatever" about them. My new policy on spoilers--they ain't jack until I've seen JE's pretty face saying the lines. Amusing speculation, like your daily horoscope in the paper, but nothing to hold your breath over.

Thinking of doing two versions of the next prompt (Happy): one for general audiences and one an NC-17 version. I know there are folks on this group who don't particularly care for the adult stories, but I'm wondering if anybody would be interested in reading a saucier version of what I come up with? Please PM me if you're interested. If nobody is interested, I probably won't take the trouble.

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*Yeah* for TQ spoilers....even if they do include the booze incrusted loser's female spawn.

*cough*....oh wait keeping this positive.


*leaves post and comes back in*

Yay! For TQ spoilers! Yay that two or three spoilers are better than NONE !

Yay! for TQ and Lulu maybe bonding!

Yay for hopefully Tracy putting the smackdown on Luke for not being there for his daughter.

YAY for the hopeful catfight between HOlly and Tracy.

Yay for Tracy winning alleged hoped for catfight.

YAY for my tiny hope that Lulu will carry this baby to term...ONLY because it means a brand new Q....something we haven't had in a while.

Yay for angel and MinervaFan's fics. angel I'm still wondering who it is that has been watching Luke and Tracy all this time....are we ever gonna find out? :)

I hope it's Helena and I hope Tracy drop kicks her crazy butt.

MinervaFan your story was great. As far as Ned....in GH time he was ten in 1980 and Tracy had been in town at that time for two years and I think she'd been divorced from Larry for at least a few years...so my guess is Ned was sent to boarding school about the same time they divorced....maybe he was about five or six?

The "partying" Ashtons....always the way I have imagined it. Tracy WOULD be that way without a kid around when she was younger. She had Ned waayy too young and for the wrong reasons IMO...so it makes sense she'd kind of let loose and do those things without him with her.

I could totally imagine such a story happening not after her divorce from Larry but maybe after her divorce from Mitch...or a breakup with another boyfriend.

It's not much of a stretch.

And while some people condemn Tracy for it...because she's a fictional character and it's not real children she's parenting...I kind of like how Tracy is more like a friend...or as Dillon told Georgie more like a big sister...than a mom to her kids.

It's a bad way to raise a real child...children need guidance and a PARENT...not a friend. But for FictionalTracy it's great. I love it.


Who thinks Tracy would encourage an abortion...who thinks Tracy would encourage Lulu to keep the baby..and who thinks it could go either way...and what do you think Tracy's reasons would be?

I can see her mostly encouraging Lulu to keep the baby...for sentimental reasons as well as practical. For one it makes it easier for GQ to stay apart if Lulu keeps the baby.

And while I don't think Tracy's eager to be called Grandma...I don't think she'd want to willingly encourage someone to abort her grandchild either.

Plus the abortion would be a scandal on the family...much more so than just raising the child.

Not talking about spoilers...just ya'll's opinions. What do you think ?

ETA *waves* to Keith and MinervaFan*

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*waves back to ILoveTracyQ*

I, too, think she'll encourage baby to term. For all the reasons you stated. From her own sentimental reasons to ELQ scandal. Although with this ELQ Condom thing...:rolleyes:

Of course, like Lainey, I'm almost more tempted to stick with our fiction than ABC's. :lol:

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I may be in a minority, but I can definitely see TQ encouraging Little Lulu to have an abortion. Not only that, I can see her driving her to the clinic, beating down the pro-life mob blocking the door, holding her hand in the waiting room, having Alan on the phone to translate all the medical jargon to make sure Lulu knows exactly what the doctor is going to do (and if they can trust the doctor), rocking Lulu as she cries afterwards, giving her wisdom and love and advise--and then getting slammed from all sides for "forcing" Lulu to have an abortion.

In my little fictional world, Tracy had an abortion between Ned and Dillon. She knows how precious life is. She also knows how terrible it is to be pregnant when you can't afford it, handle it, or get support from your family.

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MinervaFan actually I can agree that Tracy might have had one...and that she knows how precious life is...but that kind of argues that she would want Lulu NOT to have to go through that.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they have Tracy tell Lulu she had one.

I'm glad for TQ's airtime and hopefully it'll be substantial and as someone said hopefully we'll see TRacy go looking for Luke.

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Here is my take, while I do see Tracy going with Lulu to the clinic and doing all the stuff MinervaFan says. I just don't see her encouraging her to have the abortion. In the end I think ultimately that decision has to be Lulu's, I would hope that Tracy would support any decision Lulu makes weather its to keep the baby or to abort it. For me I don't see adoption as even on option, there is no way the Q's are going to let "one of their own" be raised by someone else. I guess we are going to have to wait and see! <_<

OT: Does anybody have clips of Tracy and Alan when AJ died?










What will Tracey do when she finds out about Lulu's baby? The answer may surprise you.

(slammed into motherhood???)

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GUYS!!! Im sry i haven't posted in so long but i just got a new job (im a waitress/hostess at a restaurant) and i havent been able to get to my aunts to ppst this:

I think i have the slammed into motherhood figured out : okay, theres a whole slew of pregnancies coming up soon, right? and somehow they were all caused from defective ELQ condoms, and Tracy is CEO of ELQ. Get it? shes gonna be "slammed into motherhood", but it won't have anything to do with her own children or her being a mother herself, persay, except that her son and and step-daughter will be having children of thier own. She'll be slammed into the motherhood of others. make sense? obviously there is gonna be a big flall-out/ lawsuit and Tracy will be taking most (or all, knowing GUZA) of the blame for it. "s'ammed inbto motherhood in a BIG way", that has to be it, cuz we know that if anything is in a big way on GH it can't just be a great story for TQ on her own. she HAS to be being mocked or ridiculed for her supposed incompetence in some way. anyway, that's my take.

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It's funny you say that nex because


I had the funniest thought that Lulu will find out she's unable to carry to term...just as she decides she wants to keep the baby...and they have Tracy carry the baby for her.

Now I doubt medically speaking any doctor would advise that a late fifties woman would be the best choice for such a thing...and I doubt the "never before done" thing Guza was talking about would include Tracy...but it's a wild speculation isn't it?

And I may be stepping on toes...but it's Dillon's choice as well as Lulu's..it may be Lulu's earthly body but it's not only her decision. That is...if Dillon wants to step up and raise the baby.

But I definitely think the father has rights too.

spoiler talk over.

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Now i'm no doctor but I don't think it is medically possibly to take a month old fetus and implant it in someone else. I know OLTL did some kind of storyline like that years ago with a mother carring her daughters baby for her and her husband, and it turned out to be the mothers actual baby not her daughters. *make sense?* Now if this was DOOL than maybe the storyline could play out, they do all kinds of surreal storylines there, like having Marlena get preggers at her age. But GH is never going to do that. ;)

ETA: page 123!!!!!!!

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oooo, i would LURVE for Tracy to carry the baby for Lulu! That would be awesome (but kinda wierd, considering she would be "pregnant with her sons baby"......yeah, that's nasty. if you lookl at it that way then it's weird. but i dont think its an abortion. they might talk about it, but then they always do or they "consider their options" but to me abortion just aint that big of a scandal no more. honestly. people really have strong feelings about it, but i don't think its scandelous, just controversial. make sense?

oh, and i think tracy would encourage lulu to have it. i think know trcay regrets the way she raised her kids and while you could say that she would tell lulu to have an abortion for that very reaon ( lulu's too young just like she was, dadada), you could also look at it and say that tracy knows what it is like to have given up the honor and responsibility of raisng your child and it it a pain and regret that will never subside. yeah i could see her saying she had an abortion before, but i still see her warnning lulu off of it, or at least telling her to be ABSOLUTELY sure because that is a commitment just a big as actuall having your child-either way you have to live with it everyday. JMHO

ETA: nex, ive seen that done on the discovery health channel so yea i think it can be done. i cant remember if it was successful or not tho...

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Actually, Luke first returns for a couple of episodes in the beginning of September. Then, he takes off again and re-appears Sept. 28th, which is Holly's first day back. So, basically, it looks like those few episodes in the beginning of the month are going to be Holly free. :)

*hands on hips* What? Is my feedback not good enough? ;) But seriously...You have nothing to worry about. There are not enough words of praise in the world to describe your stories.

Chiming in on the abortion issue: Whatever happens, I don't want another round of "Tracy is eviiiiiiiiiiil." I'm not sure if I could see her encouraging Lulu in either direction. Of course, it's spoiled that the Q's want her to have the baby. It should be Lulu's decision, as well as Dillon's. Speaking of Dillon, how come he gets to be on 5 days this week (err, at least 4, not sure if he's on tomorrow), and his mother can't even average 1 day? *sigh*

Welcome back, tracyluver! I've missed you and your posts! I don't like your take on "being slammed back into motherhood", LOL, but it could totally happen.

As for Tracy carrying the baby, I don't see it. No way. If Lulu couldn't carry the baby to term and it was possible to implant it into someone else, there would be a list of other women to do it. Elizabeth...Carly...Emily (not too sure because she had chemo, but maybe next week's Lulu/Emily bonding means something other than Emily is so pure, good, and wonderful...Gosh, I hope not, LOL), or even a stranger. No way is Guza going to have a woman in her late 50s carrying another woman's child...Although, Tracy carrying her son's baby? Oh, it's just so soapy. :P

*waves to angel and Keith*

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