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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms.Q thanks for the LIVE updates! I just downloaded your video on my work computer (lets hope I don't get fired) and will watch it as soon as my boss goes home. Can't wait :D


The vid was very good and I liked the song!!!

~~thumbs up~~

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So....guess I should just tape tonight's GH and FFw'd to get to the Tracy?

Or is it even worth taping for if all I'm going to watch is the Tracy?

Can anyone post Tracy clips?

Hate to say it but I don't know if I want to waste that much tape space for sixty seconds of Jane.

The thought does not appeal to me.

Problem is,I can't just sit and tape her scenes without watching live. LOL

And I ain't disposed to doing that either.

About certain people being brilliant. I'm not an acting expert.

I just know what I like and who and what I don't.

I don't even think Jane is brilliant all the time.

But I'm glad YOU liked JB's scenes Ms.Q. And if they were any scenes except those designed to manipulate me into "you MUST like Lulu. You MUST feel sorry for Lulu," I might actually be able to just take the scenes in context and enjoy them.

But anytime the Luke/Lulu or Lulu/Laura scenes come about I feel an invisible sledge hammer over me ready to slam down on my head any minute if I dare say I didn't like the scenes.

I can say and will say if I didn't like a scene of Jane's and she's my favorite.

So why can't I just say I don't like this or that character or this or that scene of other people without feeling like a mean evil monster?

It's not you Ms.Q. It's this stupid stinkin' show.

It's the way some characters are promoted ad nauseum and others are shoved aside and forgotten.

I choose not to like her mainly because I feel TIIC WANT me to.

I HATE that. I want to make up my own mind about something without feeling TIIC are force feeding me sympathy for this or that story or character.

So yeah I don't like Lulu. I think JB is a capable actress but again due to the "forced" emotional manipulation feel of a lot of her scenes I can't really get past all that to KNOW if she's more than a mediocre actress.

I mean when JE has a "soft" scene as Tracy the writers seem to still hold back and let the viewer make up their minds: feel sorry for Tracy or continue to hate her.

I don't feel that option with Lulu scenes or Robin scenes or Carly scenes or Jason or Sonny or Sam or *whew* several others.

Sorry. Rant over for now. Again Ms.Q it's not about you at all.....just had to get that off my chest.

I think sometimes it comes across that I dislike Lulu JUST because she's crappy to Tracy.

That's just a small piece of it as far as I'm concerned.

Rant over.

About the vid....I'll have to watch tomorrow.

I can't watch a vid with sound in the library.

*waves to everyone*

*happy one day late birthday nex.

I'll be going back to work tomorrow.

*joy* :) *note sarcasm

I did finally pick the paint color for my bookshelf and rocking chair.

Some tulip color or something. Sunny yellow.

I may flip through the SOD to see if the letter is worth buying the mag.

I also saw a comment from TG in the latest SID....saying that Julie can keep up with him and Jane(and after Jane's name said something like "and that's a tough hill to climb.")

Yeah that's right Tony and don't forget it.

JE's the best costar you've had in terms of talent and you should FIGHT for more material with her.

Well anyway I hope everyone has a good night. See you all tomorrow. :)

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Hey Tracylovers!

1. Happy belated birthday nex4evr! Okay, judging by this logic, I think we should start having birthdays everyday.... Hope you liked your surprise Tracy birthday present, I toiled ruthlessly for months to arrange it.

2. Saw your video this morning, Ms. Q and loved it. Cute little song and I liked the scenes you picked.

3. I FLOVE the idea of Peggy Lee's 'He's a Tramp' for Tracy and Luke. That would be an awesome video.

4. The one shot today that killed me was the reaction shot where Tracy had to look like she gave a flying fig about what Nikolas named his baby. I just mentally heard Jane's voice saying "Look away from the trainwreck...look away from the train wreck....."

5. Happy that Tracy was on today. Happy they are keeping with the Tracy really does care for Lulu, but can still be her hardass self. Sad that her hardass self was reduced to one line before being regulated to the ABSOLUTE REAR of Kelly's. Tracy...wallflower? Nononono. Maybe she was looking for olives behind the counter. I HATE that outfit. Why does Tracy have African ceremonial robes, and why are they cut in the most horrible way ever?

*sings* This show is a trainwreck...this show is a trainwreck....

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Keith! I was wondering when you were going to post again. :D

ILoveTracyQ, I understand completely. I cannot stand being "told" who I'm supposed to love or hate. The writing is so slanted, it's ridiculous. About the TQ scenes...I can get the clips up eventually. She doesn't do much at all really (yesterday's had more substance), but it's fun to wonder what Jane's thinking about. LOL.

nex and smirks, glad you liked the video. The music skips a bit at the end. You've probably noticed but are too nice to say anything. ;)

Regarding the outfit, I have to bring this over from TWoP (I hope KerleyQ doesn't mind me sharing):

:lol: They looked like pajamas to me too.






According to Wubs...ELQ is in trouble. *thinks back to last year* Remember when Wubs had those ELQ spoilers? The good spoilers? Tracy goes all pro-active and makes her move to save ELQ...or something. And of course, none of it played out as Tracy mysteriously disappeared to Europe one day. Anyway, I do have a point. ;) I bet these scenes don't get cut. Oh, they'll air all right. It's about making Tracy look incompetent again. It's about spitting on the Q's. And I HATE it. I'll hate it even more if the Q's don't get much screentime out of it. *pouts* This is just stupid. TIIC give our girl the CEO position back in a freakin' throwaway line and for what? To take it back while we all point and laugh at what an incabable businesswoman Tracy is? I'm not buying into your garbage, Guza. :angry:

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I may be in the minority here... but I would be happier had she NOT been on the last two days. Monday she shows up at the very end of the show for two minutes to haul lulu off to a party that everyone on this thread knows "our" Tracy wouldn't be caught dead at. Tuesday, she's essentially set dressing along with Bobbie/JZ.

Sorry - I would rather JE leave than allow what happened to JZ to happen to her. Tracy is a great saucy, !@#$%^&*]y, independent, unique character.. and to reduce her to what she's been reduced to in the last two days is really really sad. GH is wasting JE/Tracy.. and they need to stop now.

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I'd like to say that I agree, that I have JE's best interest at heart and I want her to be used, appreciated, and given work... but I'mmore selfish than that. I just want to see her. Regardless of whether or not she makes the show worth watching, which she obviously does, I just like to see her on anything. I don't know that she would be getting much work elsewhere, no matter how much we all want her to, since she is no longer "in her prime" as far as tv is concrned. It's terribly sad, all of it, and I hate that I am being as selfish as I am, but that's how I feel. Now I'll go say a few Hail Marys, hope that this all-about-me phase passes, and go to bed.

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LaineyBev, I'd agree if I wasn't so desperate to see TQ on my screen. I guess I just figure something is better than nothing. I reserve the right to change my mind though. Heh. JE is much too talented to be wasted, and if she's reduced to just appearing at weddings, parties, etc...I might be willing to let her and TQ go. Until that time comes, knh, we can be selfish together. ;)

Fanfiction Updates...

Still feeling "eh" about the ending of the anniversary story. On the bright side, I did add a couple of chapters to Oh, Baby: Chapter 54 and Chapter 55. Kind of feeling "eh" about these too, but I think part of the problem is that I'm more than satisfied with what I've come up with for the anniversary story so far, and therefore everything but that story is all of a sudden "meh" to me. Hope that makes sense. LOL. Anyway, any feedback (positive or negative) is accepted. :)

Guess what I made? A lil' cute promo. *** (Tracy/Luke) It's small (about 3 MB), so I don't think it'll take dial-up users a long time to download.

*** The first promo I posted had a spelling error in the 2nd to last clip. I typed "Sony by" instead of "Song by." The second time I posted it, I realized I typed the wrong track number. Hopefully, the third time's a charm. :)






So according to the sister, all those spoilers happened within the last 2 weeks except the Edward/killing one, which I guess could be referring to him asking Jason to kill Alcazar...Or perhaps Edward's going to end up even richer in the near future since "make a killing" might refer to making a bunch of $$$. Anyway, I'm thinking these spoilers were in fact accurate. So, can Anna/Tracy please make a spectacle of themselves soon? Or am I going to have to assume the scenes were cut? TIIC have been cutting FH's scenes since she returned, so it wouldn't be surprising if these ones were also cut. :(
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Hey, gang. I didn't even watch yesterday's show. It's still in the player, waiting to be rewound, but I don't know what the point is. I'm still firmly in the "some TQ is better than no TQ" camp, but watching Trace as set-dressing would have been too much for my clinically-depressed nerves lately.

On the fanfic front:

MsQ--liked the two new chapters. The first was okay--sorry, too much Q-snark and not enough Tracy for my taste. The second was much more fun--I loved the scene with Tracy and Luke at the window. Her comments about Switzerland. The "discussion" about the party. You have their chemistry so perfect; it's just so much fun to read. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the anniversary story. It might not be as bad as you think. Always open for beta-reading services, if you need help.

My stories are coming along at the paragraph-per-day speed. Ned & Tracy's Excellent Adventure got about six paragraphs last night--and that's with special effort made to write. I've been obsessing for some reason on Barbara Bennett (from Change of Habit) for the last few days, so I took out my Barbara/John story and wrote a page or two on that. Nothing much in the way of accomplishment, but at least I'm getting words on the page.

SPOILER talk.....

Anybody know the exact date of TG's return? Because I remember a spoiler about him coming back to find how tight Tracy and Robert have become and getting jealous. I know I'm tripping on my fantasy world here, but wouldn't that indicate that they'd have to let Tracy and Robert become "tight" first? I know they worked together on the whole Lulu and Dillon having sex thing, but that's not the kind of tight I was expecting.

Oh, and while I'm at it, I read an article with Tristan Rogers somewhere that he listed all the women Robert Scorpio had had a fling with in the past...this article came out during the Monkey Fever sl...and he listed Tracy Quartermaine amongst Robert's former conquests. Does anybody know about this? Is he just remembering wrong, because I haven't seen anything like this anywhere but that one interview.

/end spoiler talk and curiosity

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hey--watched yesterday's ep on my lunch break today. TQ/JE looked bored out of her mind, but I did notice her staring at Dillon & Lulu when they were talking. Keeping an eye on the randy yunguns, our gal is. *rollseyes* Also, Maxie is uber-stoopid, isn't she, talking so loosely about her and Lucky two inches away from his stepmonster! Not too ight-bray, Jonesie. So, aside from TQ looking bored and grabbing for her phone, you didn't miss much ILTQ. I hope JE got payed something fierce for her time, because it was totally wasted on that day of filming--even Jackie Z. got more lines than she did, and Jackie Z never gets more lines than ANYBODY!

So, we've had our token TQ appearance for this two week period, what should we do now? Placy jacks? Tic-Tac-Toe? Maybe a drinking game--every time somebody says a line that TQ could deliver better, take a drink? Naaah, we'd be drunk before the end of the teaser.

MsQ, watched your mini-promo this morning before work--liked it muchly. Especially the slo-mo on the Take a Bus kiss. I noticed you do that a lot--slo-mo the kisses. :D Not that I'm complaining....just wish the director would do the same thing, next time TQ/LS kiss on screen......

So. How long till whasisname gets back from Amsterdam? It's a long, depressing summer, isn't it? *Kicks stupid Sam fans, and Maxie fans, and Sonny fans, and all those other fans who are getting fat and lazy with their character's overexposure. They need to be like us, with that lean and hungry look going on.....*

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Anyone else having trouble with the site?

MinervaFan, I also liked the second chapter better. The mulit-character chapters are harder to write too. Too many characters. Too much going back and forth. Not a lot of room for narrative (IMO anyway). But I just couldn't have a Thankgiving dinner without all the Q's. ;)

About the promo...Thanks! I needed to upload it again because I spelled "Song" as "Sony" by mistake. I've edited the corrected version into my original post if you or anyone else is interested. And actually, I didn't do a slo-mo on the "take a bus" kiss. I did do one for the vow renewal clip though.

ILoveTracyQ, I doubt it. I think most of the people in the room noticed Lulu's attachment to her purse, and she quickly covered for herself. On the other hand, the camera did cut to TQ in that scene for a short bit, so maybe something will come out of it.






I have no idea the date that TG will be back. He's supposed to have a short 2 week run or so sometime soon, isn't he? Late August? Early September? I read that ES is back for 3 weeks on September 28th. I'm so confused, LOL.

About Robert/Tracy...I believe SOD said that "might" happen. SOD knows about as much as SoapDish. Heh.

Guza in TV Guide: He doesn't have a Hallmark renewal of vows planned for Luke and Laura. (Whoa. It can't be a renewal of vows anyway unless LnL were still married, right? Because then it would be a re-marriage. Or is it the same thing in this case? And does this mean he has a vow renewal planned, but it's not going to all hearts and flowers and all that? Or does it mean no vow renewal at all? Excuse the rambling, LOL.) Guza also said that he's going to honor LnL's anniversary in his "own way." Thoughts? This might be good for us. *sigh* I'm kind of feeling like a selfish TQ fan right about now.

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I'll comment more later....just had an AWFUL client.




And it doesn't help that he was a registered sex offender.

Despite all that I try to treat people equally...it's hard to swallow my anger and be objective but I do it because I have to and I don't want a discrimation charge. LOL

Mostly for the second reason.


So I have one more client and then I'll reply. :)

*waves to everyone*

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((**popping my head in to see whats going on**))

I was just over at SoapZone and I saw a message from a person called ARealSimonforTracyQ, now I need to ask WHO IS THAT??? MinervaFan is that you?!? I was rollin' when I saw that name.

Ms.Q I watched your Lacy promo video this afternoon, it was great! (I am so going to get fired for downloading at work) Also the new chapters of Oh Baby, they were great as well. :):)

Gotta get back to work!

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TTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can't guess, i FINALLYn read Mother Freedon, carry Me Home and.....wow....just....wow! I don't know what to say. I know that i am prolly the last person to read it and it took me forever cuz my internet sucks but i DID IT and it rocked OUT! Oh! I am just so excited. you are phenomeonal and thank you soooo much for everthing you tried to do to help me read your story! You too, Ms., you guys are awesome!

About Trcay scenes: missed monday but i saw tuesday. i personally think that a lot more was going on than what was "seen". ya know. I think Tracy knows. In fact,. I'm sure she does. Yeah, everybody saw her sudden connection to her purse but everybody else seemed to buy her story (maybe cuz they were too wrapped up in their own drama to notice...or care?) but tray seemed to really...get it. i dunno. just how old was tracy when she had Ned, anyway?

I'm just happy that we saw her at all. i just watched her the entire time and yeah, when she was watching Lulu she seemed observant but any other time she seemed annnoyed. And didn't it seem like she made a point of pressing the buttons on her phone to anyone else? I thought it was either a) there was a reason for this and Tracy and her phone calls will come into play later B) everybody there had somebody to talk to but her which i found irritating or c) JE was just like how the heck could you drag me out of the comfort of my own home for this?! I dunno, just somethin i noticed.

oh, another thing. at first i thought that party was weak jwith it being only Luky liz bobbie and tracy there at first but then i thought, TRACY is there! (I know i dont make sense yet, stay with me) It wasn't like this was some HUGE event with the entire cast and tracy just happened to be there, she was an active (well, as active as you can be with no speaking parts, lol) part of this party. That's why i think tracy knows lulu is pregnant. maybe she sees and recognizes (from experience?) the signs of a young girl hiding a pregnancy and maybe shell be there for lulu. there has to be ome reason that there establishing this connection between them. like i said, they could have just as easily not have tracy involved at all.

Anyway, talk over. gotta go curl my VERY pregnant cousins hair, since she gets to tired to easily now (her iron count is like a 4. seriously, who has iron that low.) anyway gotta go. TTYAL! Happy Tracy-days to you all!

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