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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey peoples!! Whats up? I'm so tired, I had to get up way too early this morning to start school!! Plus, august is way too hot to be going to school!

OMG Tracy is actually on today, don't get your hopes up, she's only on for 2 *very* short little itty bitty scenes and both envolve Lulu. Just thought I'd share, lol.

I'll be back later.

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*waves to all*

I posted Saturday but I guess it ate my post or something.

Anyway guess no Tracy today either it seems.

I have missed everyone but what a sad group we all are when there's no Tracy to talk about.


Buck up people.

It'll be okay.

She'll be on again.


And where the heck is everyone anyway?

MinervaFan come out and play.....

And all youse guys.

Ms.Q I really enjoyed your updates and Keith I enjoyed your story as well. :)

So if she's not on this week that'll be three weeks since she's been on right?

Cause July 19th was the last one right?


Anyone know when TG is coming back?

I miss my girl. :(

But that just means when she is on that we'll appreciate her that much more. :)

ETA *waves to Angel and thanks for the heads up that Tracy IS on today*

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Happy birthday, Nex4eva! Glad you got to actually see TQ on your day (such as her part was....) I loathe that green jacket with every fiber of my body. I mean, seriously. Hitler loathing. Lima bean loathing. Serious MF-ing loathing. (Yeah, MF stands for MinervaFan.)

Anyhoo, sorry I've been so quiet lately. Our work has a new policy--you can surf on breaks and lunches, but only at special terminals in the middle of the room (there are four). So I just go home for lunch now, which means I don't have lots of time to be online anymore. (Not that I had so much before.)


I'm glad TQ was on at least a little bit today--she was nice and nasty to Lulu, which made me think fondly of the November episodes. But then the universe turned inside out, and well...the second scene happened. Folks, is it me, or has the basic fabric of the time-space continuum realigned, because...was TQ actually included in the planning of that little soiree? Dudes, do you think she might have even--I hesitate to suggest it--set it up???? No, up is still up, down is still down, the world still spins on its axis. TQ is not...planning surprise parties for teenage girls, is she?

No. It's a fluke. She's not turning into Bobbie (who was also there, trotted out for her bi-monthly 3-seconds of air time). She's not turning into Leslie (who got her six-month mention). She's Tracy Freaking Quartermaine, damnit. Lives must be destroyed, marriages must be crushed. Tracy, come back. Stay away from the light......it's dangerous in there. Therein lies doom, I say, DOOOOMMMMMM!!!!! You'll be like DOOL's elder Hortons, trotted out for holidays then left to rot in the studio cellar for rest of the year.

Stay away from The Nice, Tracy. It don't fit you well, sister friend.

/end lunatic spoiler speak.

No news on the fanfic, boys and girls. I'm dead in the water right now--depression, summer, jerk rednecks have just dried me up. Maybe a little inspiration from Jane on my small screen will help--cross your fingers.

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Tracy was on today and I actually SAW it!! I enjoyed the small part she was on, and then the ending was nice. It means Tracy actually did something somewhat nice for once. I guess this means Tracy must care about Lulu to drag her ass to Kelly's. :)

Here's to Tracy being on again tomorrow! Cheers :D

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*sneaks in*

I'm here.

Met up with some old friends after work, so I couldn't post, but I'm baaaaaaaaaack. ;)

2 very short scenes? I don't care. I'll take it. And yay for Tracy previews! Can't wait to watch. It feels so good to say that, LOL.

*sneaks out*


angel, hope your first day of school went well.

ILoveTracyQ, yay! You're back. My posts don't usually get eaten. Sometimes I accidentally delete them before I hit submit though, LOL.

Message for nex...

:D Happy Birthday! :D

You got Tracy on your special day! Hip, hip hooray!

*sends cyber-balloons and cyber-cake* I might have an Oh, Baby update later too.

knh, May 1993: Tracy is banished. (no audio) Credit LisaChristineJ.

MinervaFan, I've been wondering where you've been. Hope everything RL related works out okay. And yes, the jacket must go.

ClinkBoom, glad you saw Tracy. You start watching GH again, and then she's hardly ever on. Go figure, right? LOL.

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No time for long posts these days, but I can say things like this---





That makes me happy. Tracy and olives. Now, if we can get Tracy, olives, and more screen time...

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If it's of any consolation, Tracy looked a bit like an underripe olive today. A pretty one, but one shrouded in loose fitting, billowing Chanel pants. How attractive. I mean it, Robert needs to show back up just so the woman can have an excuse to wear a skirt again. Whatever was her motivation for putting them away?

I have a backtrack a few weeks to ask a fairly pertinent question: Was I the only one who thought Tracy was about to kiss Lorenzo in the Metro Court bar? The cut was so suspicious. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it looked to me like the kissed him, but the director cut to the camera to pull a gotcha on us.

In other news, Tracy helped plan Lulu's party! Awww. Now, she has to be snarky to hide her good intentions. That's the TQ I know and love.

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Regency, you weren't the only one. I seriously thought she was going to kiss him. Too bad there's not a whole lot of Tracy/Lorenzo one-on-one clips. I could have fun making a video, LOL.

Speaking of...Click here for my newest vid. I finished it up tonight just in time for the end of nex's birthday. ;) I had trouble with transitions yet again, but I think it turned out all right. Feedback is appreciated.

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Oooh, new vid from MsQ! :) I just finished listening to our new 5-CD Disney collection, and there's so many songs that fit Luke/Tracy--

"He's a Tramp" from Lady and the Tramp: totally Tracy about Luke.

"Bare Necessities" from The Jungle Book: Luke to Tracy, about dealing with the Qmaines

"God Help the Outcast" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Kind of sappy, but reminds me of Tracy a little bit.

"The Monkey's Uncle" from The Monkey's Uncle: Tracy about Luke. I'm picturing him at the beginning of the Monkey Fever episodes....

"Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid: Luke to Tracy

Yeah, I need more time away from life, don't I? Still nothing on N&TEA. We always have a house full of rednecks when I come home-not condusive to eating, sleeping, breathing, thinking, or living--much less creating. OTOH, I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off next week for Fey's first days of school--I'll be spending all day Monday at the college library, so I'll try to get boatloads of writing done then. Promise.

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[whispers] Where is everyone?

LIVE UPDATE (Dear God, help me. I'm watching this show live, LOL)

Scene 1: Surprise! Happy Birthday Lulu! Lulu is speechless. Tracy wants Lulu to thank her family. (Please note: This is the only dialogue JE gets all episode...at least up until the half hour mark.)

Scene 2: Tracy in the background. She notices Lulu is protective of her purse. Picture time. Bobbie takes pictures of Lucky/Lulu. Enter Nikolas. He tells Lulu and Lucky that he named the baby Spencer. After their reaction, the camera cuts to Tracy/Bobbie/Elizabeth. And they kind of have this look like, "Why would you name your kid Spencer Cassadine?" Maybe. LOL. Dillon is peeking through the window.

Scene 3: Dillon enters. Tracy's in the background...still. Looking interested and bored at the same time. In other words, I can't describe how she looks, LOL. Maybe Jane is just thinking, "They called me into work for this?" And uh oh. Lights out. Tracy (in the background) pulls out her phone. Lights back on. Phone goes back into her purse. Enter Patrick.

Scene 4: Tracy and Bobbie sitting near each other. Bobbie is silently goo-goo-ing over Baby Spencer, who in his stroller next to Nikolas. Tracy's on the phone. Lucky is evilly looking at Elizabeth/Patrick. Lulu/Dillon talking. Enter Georgie. (This is why GH sucks. You have all these characters in the same room, but they're all stuck in their little groups. Where the hell is the cast integration? Perfect opportunity, but nooooooo. *sigh*)

Scene 5: I guess Tracy left the party 'cause she isn't in the background anymore. But Carly's here now! Isn't that exciting? [/sarcasm]

Scene 6: Party's over. (I'll still recap for the characters who attended.) Dillon/Georgie cleaning up. Elizabeth working behind the table. Maxie/Lucky outside. Kissing. Carly sees and follows. And that is a really ugly top Carly has on (the back of it). Not that Tracy's wardrobe is anything to brag about, but come on...

Scene 7: Carly sees Maxie/Lucky having sex. She tells Elizabeth. Georgie/Dillon never stopped loving each other, blah, blah, blah. Lulu goes to visit Laura. The nurse tells her she looks like her. Lulu enters. "Hi Mommy. It's been a long time. A lot has changed. Went on an adventure with Dad, well actually, tracked him down and rescued him against his own will. I thought we were getting close, but he's gone again. And it's my birthday. You don't know that, but you're here, and at least I get to spend it with one of my parents." (give/take some dialogue)

Scene 8: Elizabeth sees Lucky/Maxie. Georgie fell in love with Dillon their first summer together. Her heart still has his name on it. Talking about maturity. She doesn't want to miss him anymore. They kiss. Lulu is telling Laura about the party. It was great. Everyone showed up. Even Tracy...She tells her about Dillon, how she feels about him, the big lie, but there's a problem. They used protection. Goes on about statistics. It was hard when Dillon hurt her, but it would be all right because she wouldn't have to deal with everything anymore. It would be over...except it's not. It's never going to be over. Lulu tells Laura she's pregnant. And seriously...kudos to Julie B. I know not all of us are Lulu fans. Heck, I could take/leave her...I guess take, just so Tracy can get SOME screentime, LOL, but Julie is so wonderful here. *claps*

Previews: Lorenzo/Sonny. Threatening voices. Oh, I'm so scared, LOL. Robin/Patrick talking about dinner. Carly/Lady Jane. Elizabeth calls Lucky a liar. (Wait a second, wait a second. Isn't this one of the spoilers from SoapDish? I think this spoiler was listed with one of the Tracy's ones...Maybe that means Tracy's scenes with Robert/Anna are still coming. *goes to check*)

Edit # ?: Actually, it's Lucky calls Elizabeth a liar. Oh well. *sigh* Not a good show for our girl today. But at least she was on, right? Right? *trying to put on a smile*

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Since the other post is getting long, I thought I'd do another one.

~ From ABC.com ~ Julie Berman Interview ~

My comments? In what world are Luke and Carly mature?!? LOL! The teen set is more mature than the adult one most of the time. But...How sweet that she mentioned Jane even though Tracy wasn't listed with the so-called mature crowd.

SOD Heads Up!

If anyone gets it, there's a letter in the Mail section praising Jane Elliot. The recap at SoapZone says the person says how wonderful she is. (Me: Well, duh, LOL). But if anyone gets it, could you elaborate?

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