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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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For the love of everyone here, where the hell is Tracy?!?!

I'm going nuts. I think if Anna weren't on today, I might have tossed my tv through the window. I was so fed up I started writing fanfic...that is until my 8 year old computer crashed. I need a new system badly.

Where in the world is Tracy? Is she hiding out with Carmen Sandiego? Is she on her lengthy annual Europeam summer vacation (...which, if you'll notice, always happens just as the teen story heats up and her son needs her most)? Why is it that the writers so blatantly ignore people who should be righfully and naturally a part of stories to include everyone, including the devil himself? Oh, maybe Tracy's busy overseeing construction of an electrically charged wire fence to keep rutting in the boathouse down to a minimum (and perhaps accidentally solve the problem of that pesky Willoughby mutt)? Maybe she really is a super secret agent and is keeping the world safe from ...really angry mutant cheese...while Anna is in town to give her daughter pep talks. Maybe she caught up to Luke and the marrieds are having a wild connubial encounter on some exotic island somewhere....


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Missed ya, smirks. I thought the same thing about the teen SL. Are TIIC really going to have her disappear again?

Lulu: Dillon. Whatever do you, don't tell your mom I'm pregnant.

Dillon: (laughs) Do you think I'm stupid? Besides, she's in Europe. Don't worry. She won't be finding out anytime soon.

Me: :angry:

Although...I do find it strange that a defective ELQ condom is to blame for Dillon's predicament (per AHTQ's spoiler). Funny how GH made Tracy CEO again a couple months ago. I can see it now: "Mom! This is YOUR fault. Your stupid company sells defective condoms!" Of course, I wouldn't be completely opposed to a scene like this, just 'cause I'd get to see Tracy.

MinervaFan, you can PM/email me your Ned/Tracy story if you want. :)

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My theory on the condom (I never thought I would ever have reason to type that phrase)...

It satisfies a number of things for the writers all at once:

A. It gives the Quartermaines a story, without actually giving them any screentime. So they can answer any claims of "Hey Guza! You @#$%@#$&%&!!! Why are you ignoring the Q's? Why can't you take time away from the Sonny hour to give them a @%&#&# story!?!?" Guza: "Hey now! You want Q's? No problem. I've got this great Quartermaine story *coughplotpointcough* coming up off of the teen storyline. Turns out Dillon's defective condom...Dun-dun Dunnnnnnnn...was an ELQ condom. What will those crazy Q's do?"

Cue one scene with Edward scolding Tracy for letting production values at the pharmaceutical plant go down. End of story.

B. If Tracy is indeed CEO of ELQ, I had forgotten that (or maybe just didn't get the clips for that episode), it does the nice job of making the woman in power look stupid, setting back the women's rights movement 50 or 60 years. Silly woman...trying to run a business?!?!

C. Guza can use this to make ELQ backrupt again, because by this point he's forgotten that he already did that a couple years ago, so this will seem like a new and novel idea to him.

So it's your basic Guza ploy of giving the Q's as little screentime as possible for their storyline, combined with a nice nasty hit on their power, and effectiveness. He's betting that if he can either A. turn them into a joke, or B. put them offscreen until people forget about them, that he can slowly marginalize the entire family into oblivion. He's been doing it for years. He's succeeding. It's tragic.

*also, makes note not to read MinervaFan's posts too fast, because one can definitely take the words 'smut' and "Tracy and Ned's Excellent Adventure" the wrong way in the same sentence. :lol:

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smirks, about the CEO thing...You didn't miss much. It was a throwaway line in a Skye/Edward scene that aired in June, I believe.

nex, you posted the May 20, 2005 (the Q's find out Luke/Tracy are married) scenes. Not the Tracy/Lulu ones. ;)

Does anyone else get the feeling that we're not going to see Tracy in a really long time?

LULU SPOILERS........................................................................


Week of July 31st: Pregnancy test.

Week of Aug. 7th: She tells Laura.

Week of Aug. 14th: Georgie finds out.

And this rate, Tracy has a better chance of having another random scene with Lorenzo.


To those who haven't posted in awhile...We miss you. :)

Fanfiction Updates:

The Right Thing: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. (This is the Anniversary story, by the way.)

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Laura?!?!?! What the heck??? It's too soon to have the shock of it bring Laura out of her catatonic state.. so I wonder what's going on there.

Thanks Ms. Q for helping to feed my Luke-Tracy obsession. This has been an extra shitty week, and your story has definitely helped make it a little better.


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Are we ever gonna see Tracy again?

That is the question on everyone's mind.

Anyways, MsQ, I love your new story, it's very good :D. MinervaFan, I don't know if i've already told you, but I loved you AU story. Tracy and Simone were awesome.

So I hope Tracy(at least a little bit) gets to be involved in the whole LuLu fiasco.

And thats the only positive stuff I have to say about the show at this point.

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Going to analzye/try to make sense of the current situation...I've done something like this before, and ILoveTracyQ might tell me to stop trying to rationalize things again (especially since on the show, rationale and logic do not exist), LOL, but I'm going to do it anyway. I'm feeling evil. :P:ph34r: Does this smiley work for that? LOL. I never used it before...Heh.


And so I begin with the 1 million dollar question: Where is Tracy this summer?

According to Guza, this summer, Tracy is going to be slammed back into motherhood is a big way, whether or not she wants it. (give/take some words)

The TQ Thread: *rejoices* Yay! Tracy! *dances around in circles* She's gonna be on this summer! *speculates*

Fast-Forward>>>>>>>> Lulu and Dillon have sex in the boathouse. Tracy goes "OH! MY! GOD! Never will this happen again!" To our surprise, she plays Mama to Dillon ("Rebound relationships never work") and Step-Mama to Tracy ("Do you really think you can base a relationship on a lie?"). Not to our surprise, this lasts a total of 3 episodes in a 2 week span. Tracy inexplicably disappears.

We move on to another question: Was this what Guza meant?

A. Yes. Guza is a liar. He's overexaggerates. The man cannot be trusted at all.

B. No. Tracy was supposed to play a much bigger role, but Laura's return messed things up. (Me: Not too sure about this. GF's return was obviously known about in the June 28th episode, so it should've been known for any future episodes. Of course...It is possible that the June 28th scenes were added at the last minute to accomodate GF's return.)

C. No. Tracy was supposed to play a much bigger role, but TIIC took JE's comments on SoapTalk the wrong way. They decide to punish her by pulling her scenes.

D. No. There will be much more Tracy to come.

E. It doesn't matter. Stop, Ms. Q before you drive us all insane. :lol:

Another question: What about those Quartermaine alliances?

My guess? This still might happen. It won't be as big as it sounds, and it won't last as long as it should, but Lulu hasn't even found out she's pregnant yet. It's going to be a good month before the Q's find out and form their "strange but interesting" alliances...if they form them at all.

And that's all I got on that front. *exhales*

Thanks LaineyBev and kenna for the feedback! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I had fun writing the latest chapter...especially the "rock" scene. :lol:

Anyone working on any videos? I need Tracy vids, LOL. Tracy vids, Tracy fics. Tracy anything!

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MsQ, FF.net is being a big patootie pain in the buttbutt, and making it impossible for me to send feedback on "The Right Thing." (Great title, btw.) Totally dug the two recent chapters--like the way you're going with it. For the record, you've got Dillon's dialogue spot on. I'm not sure how big a Dillon fan you are, but you have his speach patterns perfect. LOL. So....is Luke gonna help Tracy with her bath, like he helped Holly?

Oh, and thanks to you and knh for the offers of help with my Ned and Tracy's Big Adventure story. I don't do well in the summer with my depression--heat and humidity are murder on my emotions. So thanks for being there to help with my needy, neurotic writer fits.

nex4eva, you are the bestest in the world! Thanks for the clips. I'm downloading them now.

smirks, no, the smut is not the Ned and Tracy story, although she did send an entire classroom full of 13-year-old boys into a hormonal fit when she sashayed to the front of the room in her high heels and miniskirt. (Hey, it's the 70s. It could happen.) I tried to write some femmeslash, but it turned out like everything I've written this week--not to my liking. Hopefully I'll be more productive this weekend.

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It's dead here. *cries*

MinervaFan, as always, I greatly appreciate your feedback. LOL about Luke helping Tracy with the bath. As for Dillon? Used to be a big fan. And now? Only care about him when he's sharing scenes with his mother. Heh.

Per SoapZone: Today's show features Lulu/Lucky, Lulu/Elizabeth, Lulu/Baby Cam. I'm not opposed to their interaction. Just wish my girl could have something to do before Christmas...Or, I guess, before JE's contract is up.

LULU SPOILER (You're going to hate it...)




Week of August 14th: During the blackout, Lulu is stranded with Sonny. She tells him that she's pregnant. *

WTH? So, this blackout? How come I get the feeling it's not going to involve the Q's one bit? And how come Tracy couldn't be the one stranded with Lulu? Sonny makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Does he not have enough screentime? And then there's Luke returning in late August, which I'm no longer excited about because this Sonny/Lulu thing guarantees numerous Sonny/Luke scenes, while Tracy is of course nowhere to be found. :angry:

* I know we had "Lulu goes to Sonny for advice" spoilers, but Cindy R. sometimes gets stuff wrong (just because of last minute rewrites and all that). These most recent spoilers came from ABC.com (they're the "teasers" for the following week). Looks like it really is happening. :(





So, anyway, I'm out of optimism. Really out of it. I want Jane Elliot to leave this show. No JE/Tracy at all is better than JE/Tracy being wasted. Do you hear that Guza? Send TQ to Europe for the rest of her life. I don't care. I just don't want my girl on your pathetic excuse of a soap opera.

Me? Bitter? Nah. :P Come on, guys! Cheer me up. No lying this time. (I know. I know. I told Keith to lie, LOL) Please? It's the weekend. No work for 2 days. I should be happy. Sadly enough, TQ on my screen makes me happy, but since that's a lost cause, anyone else got anything?

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[pants] OmG, (pants) that's been biulding up for days!!!! LOL[/pants]

Ms.Q, i pm'd you back, that was so sweet to do, thank you. :)

Ok, so i totally have been logging on and reading the posts everyday, jotting down notes in my mental journal of things i wanted to say when i posted and the only thing i can remember of any of it now is lol on the Ned/Tracy smut confusion! oh, and ff.net is being a pain in the ass and i cant read ANY new stories! I almost cried in frustration after waiting for so long in anticipation to read both stroies...this is prollty alot to ask but ms.q, mf, can you PLEASE upload (or whatever you call it :D) these stories to lj, so i cvan read them??? I would be foreva indebted (sp? lol)

Oh, and can somebody tell me what "ICAM" means? I feel like an idiot for asking but i really dont know. oh, and when speaking fo fandoms, what does "canon"mean? it prolly obvious, lol!

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MF- I downloaded your story today and have read it. I'll se what i can come up with. I love it so far, but I'll try to think of something to help you out. Though it may be me writing parts I think should be in it and you taking and tweeking what you like more so than just straight auggestions. I find it easier that way. But you're welcome to any of it obviously.

We have a weekend, so I hope someone can read my movie in their freetime, assuming there is any. My withdrawls are bad this week, but I just watch my movie in my head and can see her playing it, so it takes the edge off a bit.

hope everyone has a great weekend!! see you all here on Monday, I'm sure, though I'll be checking in all the time every chance I get. I'm a hard core addict now.

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