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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thrilled beyond belief at all the people posting on this thread.

*staring at MsQ's banner*

I love those pictures. Dayum, I love those pictures. I think I need to go home and watch those clips again..... *sighing over OliveLove!Tracy*

Anyhoo--MsQ, could you maybe post pics of these alleged outfits of which you speak? I was watching the first of the Luke Kidnaps Tracy clips you posted (i'm reduced to one download a day, if I'm lucky--argh!) Is the Orange Thing the outfit she wore when she was telling Skye AJ was dead? (Oh, and I loved that scene--Skye: You don't know him at all. Tracy: I knew him when he was getting drunk on Alan's booze, when he was cutting class in school, blahblahblah--which all translates to STFU, skye!)

Now, I have to admit, the Green Dragon Lady outfit sounds intriguing. But then, I love most of the clothes she wears - except lately. Even some of the "ten yards of floating jacket" thingies are kinda cool, if the material is right.

Sorry ILTQ, for thinking it was MsQ who corrected me about the banishments. I really only knew about three--78 Fake Heart Attack, 93 - Paul Hornsby/Hit And Run, and 96 ? - Taking over ELQ, TQ going to be the star of The City. What was the 2003 banishment over?

Wants more Tracy NOW. Nownownownownow!

*pets OliveLove!Tracy pic.* Could we have some more scenes like that, please?

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Read and reviewed "Homelands"...awww. :)

Great chapters.


*thinking of something else positive to say since Tracy wasn't on today*

*still thinking*


I got one.

I love this thread because any and everyone can post here.

Nobody's "clique-y".

I feel welcomed. :)

And I hope everyone else does,too.

BTW welcome to Pest Spray. :)

Clinkboom I'm with Ms.Q....if Tracy isn't on I don't watch.

The best way to catch up?

If you go through the thread a lot of clips are posted....most recently the first kidnap scenes were posted...speaking of those, what did you think of them MinervaFan??

Other than telling you to watch clips from last and this year,and going back and reading transcripts....I don't know what to tell you,LOL.

A basic run-down:

Helena and Tracy sometimes teamed up(UGH) to do various dirty deeds.

Tracy double crossed Helena pretty much every time though.

Yay for Tracy ! LOL

Anyway Luke was trying to lure Helena(who had faked her death) out of hiding to get Nik out of prison for her murder.

He used Tracy as bait by drugging her and setting it up to look like Tracy had stolen money out of the Cassadine bank accounts.

So Luke drugged her and kidnapped her and of course Helena came sniffing around.

She even shot Luke at the HS,with Tracy watching (and the promise SHE would be next) but Luke was wearing a bullet proof vest.

After Helena was captured,Tracy decided to keep the money($15 million) that Luke "deposited" into her account from Helena's account.

Luke decided to get the money back from Tracy by getting her drunk in Vegas(she went there thinking Dillon and Georgie had married) and Tracy and Luke got married.

He set her up in bed with Coleman when she demanded he sleep with her or give her a divorce...and they off and on have played various pranks on one another,all according to them,in the name of being "free" of each other.

Luke carried on with Skye until Skye finally had enough,sometime around February of this year.

Luke and Tracy have had various bonding moments in between all the fighting bickering and carrying on with other people.

Both dug in their heels about the divorce unless Tracy would give in and give Luke(of course LUke has no plans to give the money to Helena or Nik) back what he calls HIS $15 million.

Tracy refuses to give Luke the money and Luke refuses to give Tracy a divorce without the money.

It's been a while though since either one of them has mentioned the money.

Lately they've been growing a lot closer.

And *whew* I only covered it generally,for specifics you'd have to read transcripts and watch clips.

Anybody wanna add anything?

ETA waves to MinervaFan and the last banishment was over Skye,and how Tracy tried to blackmail Skye into $5 million to keep Tracy from revealing Skye wasn't really a Q.

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Well, here is some good news for all us TQ fans....according to the previews it looks like Tracy is going to be on tomorrow :) It also looks like she is wearing a new jacket, its light blue and her hair is still curly! So, if the spoilers are true about Lulu confessing to Tracy on thursday then that means she is going to be on two days in a row. **doing happy dance**

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:DTRACY! TRACY! TRACY! My 600th post is going to Tracy! TRACY! TRACY! TRACY! :D

Catching up...

MinervaFan, The Orange Thing (chest and up) and The Orange Thing (bottom and top). Green Dragon Lady Outfit (chest and up) and Green Dragon Lady Outift (bottom and top). And heh, I love the banner too.

ILoveTracyQ, I'd add more, but I think you did a fine job of narrowing everything down. My post would've been super long and included too many itty-bitty details.

ClinkBoom, about the clips ILoveTracyQ mentioned...They're all expired (unless they came from GQ Daily), but if you're interested, I can re-post.

And nex? Thanks so much for telling us about the previews! I just went to check my tape (because I had to see our girl), and yay! I'm so happy she's on! Tracy to Dillon: "How long have you been having sex with her?" (give/take) Yay again! Tracy is being a concerned mom! Please be more than 2 scenes. Oh, and guess what? No Emily in the previews. No Sonny. And no bravestrongloveswithherwholeheart Carly! *throws confetti*

Hmm, should I do anything special for 600 posts? It's not that cool of a number. Not like 100 or 500 or 1000 or something. LOL. *tries to come up with an idea* Well, can I just say how much I love you all? I realize I don't "know" know you (if that makes sense), but we'll still talk about RL sometimes, in addition to the wonderfulness that is Tracy Q, and I agree with ILoveTracyQ, it's really welcoming here (IMO). This place is just grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat [/Tony the Tiger impression]. LOL. *hugs to everyone* :D
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*does a Moravian swan dance in honor of Ms.Q's 600th post.


I have no idea if there is such a thing as a Moravian swan dance,and if there is...I wouldn't know how to do it.

I can bake though....*cyber sends Ms.Q her favorite cookie.

YAY !!

*swirls pom poms*

Our girl is on tomorrow !


*love and hugs,until tomorrow*

I am FINALLY leaving work.

I just hope I can sneak out without setting off the alarm.

Soooo tired. *yawn*

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Aww, thanks ILoveTracyQ. LOL. *eats the cyber-cookie* And wow...Just leaving? Sounds like a long day. What time did you get there (if you don't mind me asking)?

Fanfiction Updates: Chapter 48 and Chapter 49 :D

Edit #1: *waves to Keith*

Edit #2: *waves to nex*






The one SD poster who spilled "Lulu moves out of the Q's, even though Tracy tries to get her to stay" seems to be accurate. He/she spilled some stuff a few weeks ago that just played out today.

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*does happy dance for spoilers, MsQ's 600th post, and fanfic updates!*

Speaking of which:

A Brief History of Humanity Prompt #21 New. Tracy has an odd New Year's ritual she doesn't talk about, one that goes all the way back to when she was seventeen.

Yeah, ILTQ, more Teen!Tracy.

Next prompt might not be as sweet and lovely as the last couple have been...I'm thinking...I'm wondering...if it might just be time to cross *that* bridge. Yup, Paul Hornsby bridge. The prompt is "beggar."

Oy. Angst-ahead, maties...

*toddles off to read Ch. 27 of Homelands, and the newest Oh, Baby updates.*

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Awesome updates ya'll......Ms.Q you kill me. Sometimes,I actually adore YourLuke.

And yay for Skye.

But what will Coleman do?

And MinervaFan, your story...*double sniff*

CRAP. I really shouldn't read your angsty stories at work...they always make me cry,as do everyone's whenever they have VulnerableTracy.

don't read below if you don't want to be spoiled on MinervaFan's story.

I had a similiar experience as YoungTracy did,in HS.

Which made it all the more poignant to me. :)

And I have no idea what happened to the boy,but I hope he beat his disease.

His name was Chris and he was a year or two behind me in school.

We were both on the school newspaper staff and he had been battling leukemia for years.

Because of that he was small for his age and pretty much he kept to himself,he usually wore a baseball cap over his head so it was hard to tell how much of his hair was falling out,and sometimes he had no hair at all.

Anyway we went to Little Rock for the Arkansas HS newspaper press conference and stayed in the Excelsior Hotel overlooking the Arkansas River.

Oh,we thought we were the bomb...HS kids away from their parents for a whole weekend,basically unchaperoned except for our teacher.

There was a dance after the banquet that Clinton spoke at that night....and I had saved up for a blue dress,just like Tracy in the story(sort of,LOL)

Anyway I was not then nor am I now,very big on those kinds of things.

But,everyone went, and I forced myself to go onto the dance floor determined to have a good time.

Chris asked me to dance and we did,and it was obvious(LOL) that neither one of us was used to it.

It was just one of those moments though that you don't ever forget. We were never a couple,just friends...and even if things had been different,we probably would not have been. But still....I considered him a friend.

And I wonder sometimes what happened to him,if he beat the cancer...but I have no idea.

I like to think he did. :)

And that's enough of the depressing stuff. :)

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Hey, ILTQ, thanks for sharing that! Odd how some things happen that stick with us the rest of our lives, huh? I remember little moments from high school (I'm 40, now) sometimes better than things that happened this month.

Good news--remember the drama with my dad? Well, he heard from his oncologist, and he doesn't have the ReallyBadNoTreatmentJustTakeCareOfHisPain kind of cancer. He has the HighlyTreatableWillLiveLongEnoughToBeABurdenOnYourChildren kind of cancer. Of course, he still hasn't picked up the damned phone--I get my updates on his life via email. :rolleyes:

Somebody wanna post a recap on Tracy's scenes today for the shlub at work? Preferably with wardrobe comments?

Oooooooh, my friend from work taped Jane's appearance on SoapTalk for me, and I'm dropping by her house (she's on medical leave) tonight to get the tape. Can't do clips, but at least I can see it! *does happy dance at Pretty!Jane*

Hey, ILTQ, thanks for sharing that! Odd how some things happen that stick with us the rest of our lives, huh? I remember little moments from high school (I'm 40, now) sometimes better than things that happened this month.

Good news--remember the drama with my dad? Well, he heard from his oncologist, and he doesn't have the ReallyBadNoTreatmentJustTakeCareOfHisPain kind of cancer. He has the HighlyTreatableWillLiveLongEnoughToBeABurdenOnYourChildren kind of cancer. Of course, he still hasn't picked up the damned phone--I get my updates on his life via email. :rolleyes:

Somebody wanna post a recap on Tracy's scenes today for the shlub at work? Preferably with wardrobe comments?

Oooooooh, my friend from work taped Jane's appearance on SoapTalk for me, and I'm dropping by her house (she's on medical leave) tonight to get the tape. Can't do clips, but at least I can see it! *does happy dance at Pretty!Jane*

ETA: to wave at coolkid and Cheap21!!!!!

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I'll have more to post later, but here's a recap for MinervaFan (I'm so glad to hear the good news about your dad, by the way. :D) and anyone else who's interested...







Scene 1: No Tracy yet, but Dillon and Lulu have spent another night in the boathouse. Dillon starts rambling. He fears that his mother already knows, that's she going to "do what they do in the army...like a bed check," and then she's going to be angry. Lulu decides to sneak back in the mansion. Dillon isn't too sure.

Scene 2: Dillon enters the living room from the patio. Edward/Alice are there. He's not subtle at all about what happened the night before. Lulu comes in. Dillon is rambling again, something about a CD. He wants to borrow it from Lulu. Alice joins their conversation (I guess she has the CD or something, LOL), but Edward stops them. He's not buying this. He knows that the two of them were out last night...joy-riding in his Bentley. Enter Tracy (don't have much to say about the wardrobe, except that I liked it...the 2 necklace things might've been a bit much, but nothing outrageous): "Oh, they were joy-riding all right, but not in your Bentley." Dillon has a comment about his mom being weird if she doesn't have her coffee. Tracy tells Edward the truth, that Dillon/Lulu were having sex.

Scene 3: Not too much Tracy. Edward does most of the talking. He's angry that Dillon took advantage of Lulu. Lulu insists that's not true. Lulu is late for work and asks Dillon for a ride, but Edward is going to take her. Their conversation isn't over. Dillon's about to bolt, but Tracy stops him. Dillon says that he/Lulu are careful, and that he wants to be with her. "Since when?" asks Tracy.

Scene 4: Tracy thought that Lulu/Dillon were just a one time thing. She wants to know when he started having sex with her. Dillon doesn't respond at first, but tells her it was when Georgie cheated on him with Diego. Tracy asks if he's sure. Dillon takes a seat at the table, and Tracy joins him. Tracy doesn't believe it. She says Georgie is faithful. Dillon tells his mother that Lulu saw it with her "own two eyes." Tracy gets up, pats Dillon on the back, and is all, "That explains it."

Scene 5: Lulu enters the living room and sits down. Tracy shows up right behind her. She tells her that she's clever, but Lulu wants her to go away. Tracy says they have a lot in common (and instead of going into Daddy issues, absent mothers), she points out Luke, and the fact that they both think for themselves and they both want Dillon away from Georgie. Tracy tells Lulu what she did to try and break up Georgie/Dillon (even mentioned the naked pictures thing), but she couldn't because they love each other. Georgie wasn't intimidated by Tracy, so Tracy wants to know why is it that when Lulu decided to be with Dillon, Dillon/Georgie went kaput.

Scene 6: Tracy says the only proof Dillon has is Lulu's word. She asks if Lulu would stoop that low. She gets thisclose to her face, and Lulu denies everything. Tracy wants to know if she thinks she can build a relationship on a lie, knowing that she had to con a man into sleeping with her. Lulu says Tracy does it all the time (Me: WTH?!?). Tracy backs off from Lulu, who tells Tracy that she feels terrible, that Dillon makes her feel like a different person, and that she tried telling Dillon the truth. When he thought she was being noble, she liked him even more. Tracy brushes Lulu's hair out of her eyes. She wants to know what really happened that night. Lulu tells her that Diego/Georgie were in the boathouse, but they weren't having sex. Dillon overhears.

Scene 7: Lulu wants to know what Tracy is going to do. Tracy's not going to tell Dillon because he wouldn't believe her. Tracy tells Lulu that they've come a long way and that she doesn't hate her. Oh, and if she squints her eyes like "this" (JE has a cute expression here), she can even see herself in her. Tracy isn't going to threaten Lulu because she knows she is going to suffer enough. Tracy has never met a love that's worth holding onto that is based on a lie. If she continues with this, Lulu is going to get hurt. She wants her to tell Dillon again, cut her losses, and maybe someday, the two (Dillon and Lulu) could end up friends. That's all Tracy's got to say. Beyond that, Lulu is on her own. (Me: Does this mean the advice spoiler happened one day before it was supposed to, and that Tracy won't be on tomorrow? *cries*)

Special thanks to GreenAppleJones of SZ (I used his/her recaps as a guide...)

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Ms. Q thanks for the recaps, I can't wait to get home. The afternoon is going to just d_r_a_g on now. :( I think you are right about Tracy not being on tomorrow since she was on today. **cries**

So, i'm guessing this is the spoiler about Tracy being "slammed" back into motherhood?!?!











Anybody know when Robert is going to kiss Tracy to make Anna jealous?

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Isn't it sad, nex, that we can only expect 1 day of Tracy a week? Granted today was a good day. A very good day (decent screen time, decent material...heck, JE got more to do than Steve Burton for once!). But still...I want more.

I think the motherhood thing has ways to go, or at least I'm hoping. Guza made it sound bigger than what happened today, but this is Guza we're talking about. Plus, with all the supposed rewrites and the sudden spoiler drought, I don't know. It just seems like things aren't in our favor. Doesn't stop me from hoping though. :)






I'd guess sometime once FH returns (she's on vacation). Anyone know when that is? *sigh* We know nothing. LOL.

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Sounds good, can't wait to see it.

MinervaFan I'm very happy for you and your father, no one should have to go through such a pain.

Sorry if this post isn't as long and peppy as it should be, I'm in a *really* bad mood right now (see my livejournal for info if u want). But you guys have at least cheered me up a little (which you always do), so thanks!!

ETA- ::waves to MsQ::

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*waves to angel*

Sorry to hear about what Bonnie said. It was completely uncalled for.

Will this cheer you up?

Tracy being a GOOD Mom to Dillon.

Tracy wanting to talk to Lulu.

Tracy in Lulu's face.

Tracy giving Lulu advice.

And for MinervaFan, screencap of the entire jacket.

Where have all the TQ fans gone? smirks, I know you watched. ;) Come share your thoughts.

Catching up from earlier...

MinervaFan, as soon as I read the next prompt, I'll provide feedback. I bet I'll love it.

Thanks ILoveTracyQ for commenting on Oh, Baby. I'd never thought you'd say "Yay for Skye," LOL. You don't think she's out of character, do you? And what about Luke? I just ask because you wrote "YourLuke," and I don't know if that means mine is completely unlike TIIC's Luke or not. Sorry for all the questions, LOL. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

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