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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Diane Wiest is one of the old-guard Woody Allen standby's. She was also in Edward Scissorhands, Practical Magic (Aunt Jet), Bullets over Broadway, The Associate...and several shows on television that I never watched because they were cop and/or lawyer dramas. She is dreamy-eyed, funny, smart, and just perfect as a foil to actresses like Stockard or Jane.

I'd watch it. ;)

I'm looking forward to seeing who Tracy rakes over the coals worse--Lulu or Dillon. I'm thinknig it's gonna be Dillon who gets smacked the hardest. After all, he should freaking KNOW better. He's older, and come on--his mother is Tracy Quartermaine. Like he shouldn't recognize a predatory, scheming female by now???? (LOL.) Oh, I know, she sheltered him, but not that much.....

Can't wait for the fireworks.

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OMG, that would be *so* worth watching! ::sighs:: We can dream can't we, lol!?

I'm so mad I didn't get to see JE on 'Law and Order', instead I had to go to this park with my aunt, three cousins, my aunt's friend and her three kids and three kids she was watching! Added to the fact that I've been having major mood swings today and I don't have the slightest idea why and that in turn is making me mad. Ugghhhh, sorry everyone, you know I love you all I'm just going through my evil-moody-!@#$%^&*]y-teen phase/ways.

Anyways....... No TQ= Head+desk+whine

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Dianne Wiest was in the Law & Order episode that Jane Elliott was in today. It was funny to see them on the same show just a short time after I read your post.

Can we add Kate Mulgrew to your dream cast? I love/miss her... would love to see her back on tv again (especially with that cast!)

Oh.. and can I just say, the previews were the best part of GH today! I must have rewound Tracy's "Oh my God" about 15 times. Hilarious!

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OMG I was rollin' when I came home and saw the episode of Law & Order with both Jane and Dianne in it. Especially after reading MF's post while at work!!! And now on the WE network Baby Boom is on and Jane has a teeny tiny part in that. I think this is a sign. B)B)B)

I can't wait to see Jane on Monday's episode! :)

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LOL about the Jane Elliot-Diane Wiest thing. I've been madly in love with Diane Wiest since I first saw Hannah and Her Sisters ten zillion years ago. She was in quite a few Woody Allen films early in her career, so I have this image of her as a very smart, neurotic, funny character. To see her paired opposite Jane Elliot would be fun.

Oh, JE's part in Baby Boom was a riot! I hated her hair, of course, but the part was just so funny.

LaineyBev, Kate is totally cast in our new show! I love her gravelly voice...ooh, lala. In fact, we should just have our show star all these women in recurring character parts. Maybe a huge ensemble show with weekly guest stars like Glenn Close (hey, she did Will and Grace, she can do our show!), Diane Keaton, Bette Midler, and Lily Tomlin.

Oh, btw, new fic has been posted. Finally. This one is an AU story, with a sort of wierd format.

Prompt #15: Alter The Game. Dillon turns Tracy onto a game of speculation (based on the movie The Butterfly Effect), and Tracy begins to speculate on the choices she's made in her life.

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Whoa. It's dead in here.

Ms.Q! I live in Fort wayne, Indiana! What part are you gonna be in?

I liked the new fic, MF. I was a little confused the first time i read it so I re-read it and i liked it alot! You come up with the most original ideas on the planet! lol

Well...............ummmmm....how 'bout them Yankees? ummmm....ok. *bows head in shame and retreats slowly for lack of subeject matter*

ETA: OMG! You guys are the most aweswomest eva!! I LOVE the stars for our show! I have ALWAYS been a candice bergen fan! And Glenn Close as a gueststar? too rich for words! Add at least a two part episode guest starring the ever fab Helen Mirren and I just might invest my daddy's hard earned money into this little shindig! lol :D

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LOL--we could have a Brit-Fest week. Helen Mirren, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench--ooh, and "Pats and Eddie" from AbFab! Let's see, ultra-chic Magazine Publisher Jane Elliot is taking on a new British unit, and has invited their Brit counterparts over for a two-week conference. Creative Editor Diane Weist and Managing Editor Stockard Channing are a little concerned, because they're afraid Kaiser Jane (as they call her) is thinking of doing a staff overhaul. So they enlist the Guru of Snark, Chief Writer Candace Bergen, to play a little trick on Jane--resulting in comic mayhem that leads to a heart-warming Full House-esque "awwww" moment at the end when they realize Kaiser Jane was really trying to do the best she could for the publishing company.......

I so need to get a life, don't I? Am thinking Jane needs more time on GH, before I go fully over the edge. Looking forward to Monday's !@#$%^&*]-Slap-O-Rama.

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*waves to ILoveTracyQ*

This dream show you're all discussing is making me sad for what could be. :(

We got a Cable Guide Spoiler for Monday, and then that's it for our girl. But spoilers can be misleading, so here's hoping we get at least 2 days of Tracy this week! *crosses fingers*

angel, so that's 9 kids? You could have your own day care. Eh, sort of. LOL. Oh, and L&O airs re-runs continuously, so I'm sure the episode will be on again.

tracyluver, we're heading to Monticello. And yeah, it really is dead in here. *cries*

MinervaFan, your story has been read/re-read/reviewed. :)

Fanfiction Update: Chapter 46. Chapter 47 should be up before I leave.

Edit: Oh man! I'm not going to be able to win the cyber-appliance for Page 100. Oh well. There's always Page 200. ;)

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Oooh Angel I love the banner and the avatar.....tracyluver love your avatar too.

You guys are so clever and fun !

And MinervaFan......EEEEEEEeeeeee !! Your story.

Tracy and Marco.

EEEEEeeeee !!

*runs around and jumps up and down*

*bumps head on ceiling*

*falls over and gets back up*

I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!

And you know,if Gerald Anthony were still alive,what with all the old guard soap stars coming back,he'd be GREAT.

Bless him for giving me the little bit of Rocky/Marco I got.

He was an awesome,awesome actor.

You know I heard at first he committed suicide and then heard his family said it was a heart attack,although they may have said that to cover up.

If it was a suicide....how sad. :(

Bless his heart.

THAT story was sooooo good though.


It makes me miss what might have been.

I have a request,has anyone already said Joan Cusack?

Cause I think she would fit with that group of women,too.....she's younger but she and Jane,maybe with her as Jane's assistant.they'd ROCK together.

Oh,someone needs to write an outline and pitch it to the networks.


Diane Keaton would be good,too.

Who else?

You know who I loved back in the day that did great screwball comedy?

Claudette Colbert(who of course is long gone,but....someone like her would be awesome.)

My favorite movie is probably CC and Clark Gable in "It Happened One Night"...which I sort of liken to Tracy/Luke's relationship in a way.

Gotta go guys...I'm hoping next month I might have enough money to buy my own home computer,but for now I'm at the library and my minutes are almost up.

Love you all and Ms.Q,if you pop in before you leave,I'll be praying for a safe trip for ya.

Let us know how it went when you get back !

*waves to everyone*

EEEEE !!! ETA *waves to Ms.Q who is lurking*

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Fanfiction Update: Chapter 47

This is probably my last post until Friday or so. :( Know that I'll miss ya dearly, and that I look forward to reading your posts when I return. And of course, here's hoping for A LOT of Tracy! *crosses fingers and toes*

BTW ILoveTracyQ, I responded to your PM, but my internet connection went out as soon as I hit submit, so I'm not sure if you received it. If you didn't, I'll respond again next week. Thanks for the safe travel wishes!

*hugs to all*

*begins to leave*

*sneaks back in*

*more hugs*

Take care, everyone.


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Hey, ILTQ, did ya like the story much?

Oooooh! So he did call her "Rocky"!!! Fey told me that once, and I loved it, but later she said she couldn't remember for sure if he'd called her that or if she'd just imagined it. Damn, I wish I had clips of them together.

ETA: New fanfic--just a little dreamy-like thing I wrote, probably ridiculously pretentious, but hey--it's words on a page, right? :)

Prompt #16 Peace Parle-moi de ma mere. Tracy strolls along the Vienne River, lost in thought, holding on to hope in the form of a letter from her mother.

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Yeah I know right! And the park we went to had a day camp there as well so it was almost impossible to keep track of our 9. ::sighs and rolls eyes:: My aunt and her brilliant ideas!

Me? Clever and fun? Uh no, lol jk. The avatar is just a pic of Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams (love her and that show) and the banner was made at a board called hothouseflowerdesigns.net, all I did was tell them who to put in it and gave the pics (those 4 are my fav in hollywood)!! I couldn't make a banner to save my life! The only thing I try is icons/avatars which end up horrible compared to everyone else's.

Anyways.....I've gotten really OT haven't I!?

I *so* can not wait until Monday!!! ::jumps up and down uncontrolably::

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New fic posted:

Prompt #17 Beach Christmas at the Beach. The City fic. Set in December 1996. Tracy is broke, shut out from her family, left horribly in debt by a botched attempt at blackmailing Sydney (Morgan Fairchild). She spends a few minutes at the bar (The City) with Jacob Foster, commiserating over pretzels and martinis. (Jacob Foster with Angie Hubbard)

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*waves to everyone*

Ms.Q I loved your update,but couldn't leave a review just yet.

Yes MinervaFan he really called her Rocky.

It was cute. :)

And so fitting,I think.

I loved your stories too....especially the City one.

I would so lurve to see Darnell Williams as Jacob but on GH...he'd fit right in at the Haunted Star.

I loved his friendship with Tracy,it was so unexpectedly sweet. :)

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I would love to see clips of JE and GA together as "Rocky" and Marco! ;) Anybody have any lying around on videotape that they would be willing to copy for me??? *wide eyes*

Also, I'm stunned at how much I love Jacob on The City. And I have to admit, if his pictures do him justice, I would so get behind him as an May/July romantic interest for Tracy. Even through transcripts, they had chemistry, and she really could use a nice guy in her life who isn't being forced into a relationship with her by a Cartel of her ex-lovers! ;) Honestly, he's seen what being on the wrong side of the Qmaines drove her to--I'm willing to believe he never truly believed that a family could drive one of its own to the level of desparation we saw in Tracy during her stay on The City. But ten minutes in the Qmansion would turn him into a believer. I could see him becoming very protective of Tracy, since he knows how far she was willing to go, and what risks she was willing to take, to provide for her son.

And frankly, I think they'd look pretty together, and I'm shallow that way......

TQ's on today. I am looking forward to watching the tape tonight. Work is pretty decent, believe it or not.

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