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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey! I'm at my aunts house (if that answers your question about my posting situation, Ms.Q). I just got done lighting the fireworks and I think this has been the best independence day, eva! I haven't seen todays eppie but i just wanted to post because ILTQ asked us to. I'll see ya later!

ETA: You guys are just awesome. That is all. lol

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Hello all,

I have been lurking for so long... figured it was time to dive in.

I may be in the minority here, but I was really disappointed by today. To me it was the beginning of JE/TQ flying solo for a while.. and that was sad to me.

I knew TG/Luke was leaving for the summer, but I kept hoping for some sort of hot, sizzling connection between Luke and Tracy before he went riding off into the sunset. Instead, we got this little kiss (that was full of 'oh so much promise'), and now we have to wait an entire summer before Mr. Man comes back into town dragging his tail between his legs.. and then we have to HOPE and PRAY the powers that be manage to stick the two of them together before they're ripped apart in October for the return of 1981's Super Couple of The Year.


Or maybe I'm wrong.. tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that TG/Luke isn't really gone until fall (A girl can hope, can't she?)

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MinervaFan great icons!!

For all of you on vacation that missed TQ on todays eppisode here you go:


Credits go to Shazzer edited by me :)

Also, as an FYI according to tv-now.com an eppisode of Law & Order called Ego with our girl Jane will be on Friday on TNT at 2pm EST.

**Welcome LaineyBev714**

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*waves to everyone*

I hope you all had a nice and safe holiday.

Welcome to LaineyBev! :D I have good news: TG will return for 2 weeks or so in August. We're all hoping we get some Luke/Tracy interaction then.

nex, thanks for the clips and for the L&O tidbit. I've seen that episode before. Or at least JE's scene. She gets more to do in her other L&O ("Castoff," I believe), but a little JE is better than none.

MinervaFan, I love both icons. I think I like the second one better.

Sharing this from becauseIcan of TWoP: Tracy as done wonderfully by JE was at turns, sarcastic, funny, sad, vulnerable, angry and sexy. All in just a few minutes.

Fanfiction Update: Chapter 43

And because one year ago was a special day, I'm feeling inclined to do a "One Year Ago" post, so here it goes...

Tracy Quartermaine: One Year Ago: July 4, 2005

The Quartermaines gather in the den. In exchange for handling Durant’s lawsuit, Lorenzo had decided to make Carly the new director of the GH Charitable Endowment. Tracy refuses to give up her mother’s position.


Lorenzo: [Carly] has drive and energy to spare. She's extremely persuasive and very single-minded when she commits to something. And for those and other reasons, I want her to head up the hospital's charitable endowment.

Tracy: When hell freezes over my dead body.

Tracy explains to Luke why the position is so important.


Tracy: I know that you think that Director of the General Hospital Charitable Endowment is a frivolous title, something to give a rich, pointless woman something to do. But it goes much deeper than that for me, because it is one of my last links to my mother, and she's someone that I have loved more than anyone or anything on this earth and, Luke, I won't give it up.

After witnessing Durant give Bobbie a hard time, Tracy defends her.


Tracy: Mr. Durant, not only are you arrogant and pretentious, you're stupid. Bobbie Spencer is a pillar of this community. She has roots here, history. Everyone in this town knows exactly the odds she overcame to become who and what she is, and they love her for it. You, on the other hand, are a corrupt prosecutor who blew into town about 20 minutes ago, managed to get stripped of your job, and alienate everyone in this town who means anything. No jury will take your word over Bobbie’s. In fact, you'll get laughed out of court.

John: I would watch my mouth if I were you. You're on the Hospital Board. It could be construed as intimidation.

Tracy: Fine. File another lawsuit. In fact, keep them coming until there is no blue-black paper to be found within a thousand-mile radius of this town. Orderly, please do me a favor and escort Mr. Durant to the elevator. He's cluttering up the halls.

Before Tracy gives up the position, Luke consoles her.


Luke: I didn't really understand your attachment to the job before, and I do now. I loved Lila. She was an amazing woman. And so are you, in your own way. You got to go in there with your head held high. Don't let them see you sweat. And remember, this is only temporary. I guarantee you that we will get your job back.

Tracy: Will you go in there with me?

Luke: I would be honored.

Tracy steps down.


Tracy: Thank you all for coming here on such short notice. I have decided after careful consideration to step down from my position as Director of the General Hospital Charitable Endowment. The position will now be filled by Mrs. Carly Alcazar, should she ever decide to show up to accept it.

And I'm outta here. *hugs*

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MsQ, thank you soooo much for posting those pics from last year's 7/4 episode. (You don't by any chance have clips from that episode, do you?) BTW, loved Chapter 43! I've reviewed. :) Look forward to see how this is going to go. You've really embraced this story--it's coming so far, and each chapter is getting better and better. #SQUEE!# Oh, and fwiw, I preferred the second icon, too. The first one looked better in PhotoImpact than it does in my browser.....

LaineyBev714, welcome and thanks for delurking! I loved today's episode because we saw some of the old Tracy Q, the kind of woman who doesn't live her life connected to a man, and who's not afraid to get dirty and mean. (Yeah, I know it was all about Luke, but still--Tracy kicking ass is always a good thing.) And I'm sorry, she was downright sexy in that scene with Lorenzo, which is hard to do when you're playing "drunk." OMG, when she licked the olive, I nearly passed out. But that's probably way too much information, huh?

Fic Updates: I actually got back to the AU story today--finished up Chapter Five, which has been stonewalling me for weeks, and wrote Chapter Six. Oh, and boys and girls--we have Q-Contact! Yup, "Tracy Walker"'s secretary actually spoke to Monica in Chapter Six. (That was one of my writing goals for the weekend, was to actually get the Q's in the story. Dang, this is taking forever.) tracyluvr, I threw my hand-written pages (five of them, front and back) of the Edward story in the garbage. I didn't like how I felt when I wrote them, and decided not to put that energy out there.... I'm going to try to stay positive with my writing, even when I delve into angst, and that just didn't feel good or right to me.

Oh, and completely (sorta) OT: Keith, when I was watching JE's Anjelica video, I practically squee'd like a leetle fangirl when I caught sight of Alex Marshall! Oh, back when I thought I was straight, I had such a fangirlish crush on him! (Okay, my crush was actually on Marie Horton, but he was so hawt with her....would have liked to see a pairing with him and JE's Anjelica. Oh, hell, I would pay money to have Quinn Redeker join GH and be a romantic interest for Tracy. Oooohhhhh....Alex Marshall, meet Tracy Quartermaine......)

Now, back OT--TracyTracyTracyTracyTracy! Mmmmm...olive-licking, gam-flashing, ass-kicking Tracy. 4th of July is my new favorite holiday!

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Happy Late 4th I hope everyone had a good time

I missed GH today, and I was over my godparents house Not far from the D.C Maryland line when the show came on I couldnt even hear it cause of fire works ;) I guess I'll just download it thanks to nex4evr

Hi LaineyBev714

That show from 7/4 last year was one of my favorites I wish that we got more scene with tracy and Bobbie, but maybe I'm asking for too much ;)

EDIT Scott clifton was on Soap Talk today and he didnt really talk about Jane but he did say that when the vet are in a scene they like to say what kind of pose there gonna have.

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Hey, nex4evr, forgot to say THANK YOU for posting the 7/4/06 clips. :)

And...well...guys? I know it's been posted here, like a zillion times, and I know I've probably asked for it about half of those zillion times, but would somebody *please* repost the links for the transcripts for The City? I *swear* I'm going to bookmark it (and not lose the bookmark), promise, cross my heart, reallyreallyreally. *bats eyes* Please.....

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Are you MAD, man?????

*smacks Keith's wrists*

Ix-Nay on the Omments-Cay! Do you want them to *notice*?????????

*rolls eyes and double-crosses fingers, just to make sure he didn't jinx it.*

Oooh, I figured out (finally) what I'm going to do for Prompt #15, Alter! Hopefully, it will come out just quirky enough to amuse...... (And, no, I'm not going to do a story about her altering all her clothes to show off those gams....) :rolleyes::D:P

ETA: Needs must wave to Angel2Devil!!!!!

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I enjoyed yesterday's show.

Can Lorenzo and Tracy hook up?



I love Jane and Ted,more than Jane/Wally,Jane/Scott,Jane/Tristan,Jane/Tony,Jane anyone other than the late great Gerald Anthony.

They just smolder,while at the same time,they're kinda sweet.

Great update Ms.Q. Was Coleman grilling Skye about baby Lila? Yes,I've given the child a name.

And you KNOW it's a girl.

MinervaFan I don't think anyone actually posted the transcripts because we couldn't find them.

But I'll keep looking for you.

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*giggles at MF, waves at angel*

Hey, I'm going to enjoy what I see while I can see it. If something goes on screen and it seemes TPTB could not have known, that's their lazy ass fault, so I'm going to enjoy their 'slip-ups', so long as they're enjoyable. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Go Tracy!

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MinervaFan, I wish I had the clips. I know that the three Tracy/Lorenzo scenes from that episode are available upon request here, but the Luke/Tracy and Durant/Tracy ones can't compare. About The City...Is this it?

coolkid, well, we did get that Tracy/Bobbie one where Bobbie vowed to "b-tchslap her all the way to the Canadian Border." Not the kind of scene we were hoping for though, huh? ;)

ILoveTracyQ, JE and TK were better than usual yesterday. I seriously thought Tracy was going to kiss Lorenzo, LOL.

Question: After Tracy wiped her face with the napkin, the camera cut to Lorenzo, laughing. It looked so natural. Think JE ad-libbed the napkin part?

Much thanks to everyone for the feedback on Oh, Baby. ILoveTracyQ, I know, I know. It has to be a girl. LOL.

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