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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ILoveTracyQ, not much happened (in regards to Luke treating her like garbage). As angel mentioned, she suspects he's up to something. And then there's a very short, but cute scene in which she/Luke are describing the robbers to Lucky...She totally makes fun of the PCPD. :lol:

CLICK HERE for the SPOILER PIC. nex4evr, I don't want to sound like I've memorized TQ's wardrobe, but she did wear that jacket once before. I remember I didn't like it, but MinervaFan did, LOL. Tracy also happened to share scenes with Robert that day. Wonder if it means anything? And why does she have a scary look on her face in all her media net photos with him? Remember the freezer one? :lol:

Good night all.

*kicks self for staying up late*






Robert offers to take Tracy far, far away for some R&R, and she accepts.

If true, this "far, far away" better not be offscreen. Just sayin'. ;)

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Actually, Ms.Q, I don't remember that jacket--but when I see it on the show, I might.

BTW, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade and use ALL the clips on my A Disk to work on Not Ready to Make Nice, my latest Tracy vid. You guys do know that I have no intention of branching out, or even making cursory stabs at being anything but the Tracy-centric fangirl I am. At least until I figure out how to make clips from DVDs using Nero. Then I might do an Emily Gilmore vid....or a Change of Habit one. :)

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That is a GREAT medianet pic of them,I don't think JE's expression is nearly as strange as it was in the freezer ones.

That is also dare I say it,a SEXY pic of them.


Hey,if I thought for a minute Robert would treat her any better (and actually,I do) I'd root for him to steal Tracy away from Lucas Lorenzo in a heartbeat.

I'm leaning more and more towards that,but with you know who coming back this summer,I don't see their flirtation going far.

At least not yet.

They do look good together though,no?

spoiler talk

the "mother" thing...I'd love for it to include Lucky,also. Alan was addicted to the same pain pills,was he not?

He's Lucky's step uncle.

If/When Luke is presumed dead,or faking his death(hey he MUST be,if Tracy has to step up),it'd be cool to see Alan reach out to Lucky and then even Lucky and Tracy to have a few scenes. Tracy could be part of his intervention.

I'd LOVE that.

Not too excited about the mother thing where Lulu is concerned.

Not at all.

And yes our girl is mentioned in Summer Spoilers,but since she's been with Luke she usually is mentioned in sweeps/seasonal previews.

It's the fact that Tracy isn't mentioned in daily or weekly spoilers that bugs me. LOL

And the Robert takes Tracy away somewhere spoiler......I LIKE a lot. :)

spoiler talk over

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Actually I was referring to the pic Ms.Q provided a link to a few posts up the page. She just called it a spoiler pic. I called it Medianet,my bad...it's not from MediaNet but I think MediaNet gets the same pics.

ETA when I looked at it again,you can see TR wearing his wedding band in the pic,look on his left hand and you'll see it.

And doesn't Jane have FAB cheekbones?

I think so. B)

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Ok I am such a dork!

Ms.Q you were totally right Tracy has worn that jacket before, she wore it when she offered Robert $100,000 to find Luke and bring him home. I just saw the media net pic you posted and since it is much larger than the one I saw on Soapzone you can see the jacket up close. :P

Goodness...how weird is it that everybody else notices Tracy's wardrobe, its like we have it burned into our memory, when and where she has worn what! ;)

ETA we are at page 77!!!!

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oooh, yeaaaaahhhhh!!! Now I remember. I'm telling you, we're noticing her wardrobe in anticipation of the day Tawny Madison gets fired from her job! (For those of you who haven't seen Soapdish a thousand times, I offer this reminder: "A turban? You put me in a turban? I look like Gloria F***N' Swanson!")

Think about it-- at one point in the game, she was wearing items like this: icequeen.jpg

and this: values.jpg

Now she's wearing items like this: tracyconcerned.jpg

and this: dysfunctional.jpg

Dudes, we need to find out what happened to the old wardrobe mistress, and get them back. Tracy is too sharp looking to be dressed all drab. And if I was the actress who played Emily, I'd sue for the skanky ugly dresses I was forced to wear...

But that's just my humble opinion. Any TQ on today? Even a little bit?

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No TQ today mentioned in recaps.

spumor talk:

okay I hate to keep on harping on this,but does no one else remember the spec/spumor/spoiler that someone would face motherhood again,"whether they wanted to or not?"

I swear the spumor worded it exactly that way, and those are Guza's words about Tracy.

Are we SURE he's not going to go there?

I'm not convinced yet that he won't do it.

spumor talk over

TQ should be on tomorrow,and Luke should be trying to interrupt Tracy and Robert's date.

Yay ! LOL

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I tell you, I'm not sure of anything with these writers. I've had an insight about them--it's not that they lack talent, or skill, or imagination. What they lack is faith. They have no faith at all in the viewers, in their intelligence, in their ability to handle something out of the ordinary. They are convinced we're all shallow, youth-obsessed morons who want our storylines fed to us, who want our emotional issues black and white, who want our characters over the top. I think if they would just trust us a little, they could go further and give our characters something really juicy to deal with.

Instead, we get stupid triangles and "Girls Night Out" and SOILY up the wazzoo and "Who My Daddy" left and right....


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MinervaFan, loved the video, the Edward/Tracy parts worked well with the music, and loved that you used the "Tracy fakes her death" clips for the "no regrets" lyrics. That was intentional, right? And shallow...but how beautiful was JE is those Haunted Star outside scenes with her hair up (the ones with Sam, Luke, and co...waaaaaaaay before the marriage).

Re: Wardrobe...You know, it's a strange thing. I thought it's gotten progressively worse in the last 3 years, but because I was curious, I looked up some screencaps, and she's been all over the place, LOL.

April 2003: The long blue jacket makes it first appearance.

November 2003: She is just so awesome-looking.

December 1, 2003: The endangered species outfit appears... And Oh my God; I guess I missed this episode. :lol:

December 8, 2003: Lookin' good in white, but what is she doing? LOL.

December 31, 2003: Simple, but nice.

December 31, 2003: Who would've ever guessed that the fantasy sequence wardrobe would end up matching her actual wardrobe?

March 2004: And the endangered species appears again...

April 8, 2004: Ooh, I like it. Simple and business like.

April 19, 2004: The um, gray/white/black swirl jacket?

May 6, 2006: The "she did not just wear that to her engagement party" jacket.

May 28 2004: Err, black with white flowers?

June 7, 2004: Tracy in the white dress top.

June 14, 2004: Look what a week can do...LOL.

June 30, 2005: The red jacket again...

July 2005: The swirl jacket yet again...

August 6, 2005: Gray with black stripes.

August 20-30, 2005: The "JE looks great in green; I don't care if it resembles a dragon" jacket.

So...I'm gonna stop. The wardrobe is basically just recycled anyway (with some NEW and good outfits, some NEW and not-so good outfits), and some "It started out NEW, but 7 times later, it wasn't" jackets, but you all are already going to think I'm crazy after this post. ;)

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MinervaFan ICAM with what you said.

Can I add to your list, Lazy for a description of the writers?

They sometimes come across to me as not wanting to put too much depth in a scene,for fear we won't understand it or like it I guess.

I don't know. LOL

And disrespecting the history and motivations of a character.

For soooo long TQ was all about getting her daddy's approval,now we hardly hear about that.

All she does now is chase Luke around.

And while I'm in the minority,I think TG is STILL a sexy guy....I can't see Tracy having nothing else to do but be his shadow.

And Ms.Q...I think our girl is beautiful in anything,although the solid colors are better for her.

The prints wear HER,if that makes any sense.

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Personally I like red jacket and the white one too. The blue one is okay as long as it doesn't resurface any time soon but I swear I'll scream if I ever see that green-endangered-species-squirrel-looking-outfit-thing!

No TQ today but hopes she's on tomorrow!!

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*waves at everyone*

No TQ today...Maybe tomorrow though *prays* Luke, Dillon, and LuLu are in the previews at the Q'Maines, so it is possible.

It's funny because when MinervaFan posted her new vid(Not ready to make nice), I was almost done with a vid to the same song, so, yeah, how does that happen?lol. But anyways, its posted over at GHVT if anyone wants to view it. Please leave feedback! :DMinervaFan, I liked the way you did the vid as well. i know it was a hard vid to make and get the clips to go with the music, but I thought you did a good job!

Ms.Q, She's has had an intresting wardrobe hasn't she? B)

*hoping for more TQ this week*

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Everyone: Go to GHVT and check out kenna's video. kenna, you are awesome! Left you a bunch of feedback. :D

And WHAT?!? No TQ in the previews? Per spoilers, she'll be ON, but I hope it's not just a couple of scenes. I get that TG is leading, but it irritates me to no end that he gets to be in 6-7 scenes/episode w/decent dialogue, while JE gets to be in 4 or so w/a couple of lines. *sigh*






ILoveTracyQ, out of all the things I recall, I do not recall that rumor, LOL. I'm not convinced Guza won't do it either (I mean, this is Guza, and he loves to repeat SLs...), but I'm still assuming it's Lulu.

Re: The Pics...It's a Media Net photo. SoapSites enlarges them and puts them on their site.

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Tracy Quartermaine: ONE YEAR AGO: June 6, 2005

Tracy makes an appearance at Jax's wedding to Courtney.


Tracy: You actually did it. You married that blond ball of fluff. I guess the heart's a mystery.


Skye: Speaking of which, where's your newfound love, Tracy?

Jax: Oh, that's right. You married Luke, didn't you?

Tracy: Oh, he's just my husband.

Skye: You'll never guess where Tracy's just found true romance.

Cut to Coleman/Courtney are trapped in an elevator.


Coleman: That's right, Tracy Quartermaine.

Courtney: How did you even meet her?

Coleman: I'm moving up in the world, like you.

Courtney: But Tracy? Sorry, I just -- I wouldn't have guessed she was your type.

Coleman: Well, you know, I like a woman who knows what she wants. And believe me, she does, man.

Courtney: Oh, you know, forget that I asked.

Back at the wedding, Nikolas pulls Tracy away to discuss the stolen Cassadine money.


Nikolas: Tracy -- Tracy! May we? Thank you. Ok, you still have $15 million of Cassadine money, and I still want it back.

Tracy: You could take me to court, but that would be a waste of time since the person that stole the money is actually my not-so-loving husband.

Tracy is informed about the jammed elevator.


Tracy: Coleman? Coleman, is that you?

Coleman: Tracy?

Courtney: Don't drop me!

Jax: Courtney?

Courtney: Jax, can you hear me?

And later...

Tracy: Coleman? Sweetheart? Are you all right? We're going to have you out of there in a minute!

Skye: Must you screech like that?

Coleman gets out.


Tracy: Well, I'm glad you didn't suffer.

Coleman: Buy me a little drink and I'll tell you about it, okay?

You know, I really loved that episode (well, the TQ parts). It was *gasp* the first episode that she appeared in that Luke didn't (since their marriage). Nice to see her have a life outside her husband.

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