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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ya'll are killing me. DED. I'm checking on my break at work, and it's 4 o'clock, and still no definite yes or no regarding TQ on today's episode.

Let me guess--she's on in the final scene...standing in the doorway. No lines. Frowning.

*Kicks GH repeatedly.* BRING BACK TRACY--NOW.

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She wasn't on?!?! The evil SoapNet teaser lied?!?! :angry: Wait a minute...*

tracyluver, good luck with the AP exams!

kenna, thanks for the summary!

And everyone, thanks for the feedback on the fanfic!






* Me thinks the SoapNet teaser told the truth, but our girl's scene got cut. <_< And back in PC? Seriously?!? WTH? Which soap magazine does "Remote Patrol?" This better be mentioned. Someone else has to notice (and care, LOL) besides us. Hmm...Is it possible that her scenes today were edited out because someone at GH woke up and realized that it wouldn't have made sense? Or am I giving TIIC too much credit? And can she please be on tomorrow? PLEASE?!? This is just getting ridiculous. But yay! "Unexpected visitors!"

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Gotta make this quick:

A question.

Obviously TG thinks of JE/Tracy in a womanly,sexual way or otherwise he wouldn't talk so much about the sex.


Anyway....what do you think?

Do you think TIIC think of her that way at all?

My first instinct was "no",but they paired them,and Luke's the resident bad boy, so they must see something there,right?

I think JE is very subtle but I see her as playing Tracy as someone who is not afraid of being a woman. She doesn't flaunt her sexuality but she doesn't hide it,either.

Do you think JE/TG will get a chance in character to EVER show the heat they can generate,what they can do?

I've seen it several times,but most of the time the scene is too comical to play it as anything but for laughs.

I KNOW Tracy can do "hot" with the men, I've seen it with Scott,Paul,(too young to really remember Mitch),Luke,Alex,even Harlan Barrett.

So whaddya think?

Is there a chance we get to see some Lacy funky funky?


Or not?

Be nice. :)

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Im about to quit Gh <_< Im sick of waiting around for Tracy to be on it was bad last year but it seems like it's worse. What happend to the big Q story, or the love story for Luke and Tracy. I love Finola Hughes but I feel that if they wanted her to be in this Train wreck of a storyline they shouldnt have gave Anna her own SL and not Tracys ;)<_<B)

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MarlandRulez, does Tracy get to kick Holly's butt? Because then, I'd be all for it. ;)

ILoveTracyQ, my first instinct was also "no." I don't think the plan was to pair them romantically. Skye served that purpose. (I know, I know. *bites tongue*) Tracy provided the laughs. She was his sparring partner, and nothing more. (Please note the use of the past tense, LOL)

Fast-forward----->>>> Luke and Tracy clicked. Now what? LOL. The heat is there, no doubt, and we've seen it on more than one occassion, but that's as far as it will go IMO. We'll get glimpses here and there, and nothing else. I just don't believe that TIIC view JE as a viable onscreen romantic partner for TG. I'd love to be wrong about that though. And well, TG does keep mentioning the sex, LOL. Who knows? We might end up with a fade-to-black.

coolkid, oh man, last year was horrible (pre-Lacy) *digs up episode count*

January: 2 episodes.

February: 4 episodes.

March: 4 episodes.

April: 5 episodes. (3 of these episodes included Lacy)

And of course, there was TG's vacation...

August: 1 episode.

September: 0 episodes.

*sighs* It could be worse, JE/Tracy fans, it could be worse.

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ILoveTracyQ, how funny it is you should ask for Luke/Tracy heat... I just finished my "Anniversary to Remember" challenge story, and it happened to go the "R-rated" route. :) Yeah, those two just couldn't help themselves. When you're reading it, I know what you're going to think--I'm painting Tracy as pathetic and desparate. DON"T FRET, because in the end, her motives are revealed. Besides, it has CRAZY MONKEY SEX in the JUNGLE!

Here is the FF.NET link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2943325/1/. I've also posted it to my LJ and the ficathon. Happy early anniversary, Luke and Tracy.

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Wizard posted at SD:


Luke owes Tracy BIG(their caps,not mine) and she reminds him every chance she gets.

So much for romance,right?

What's BIG?

She must save his life.

That's the only thing I can think of. Please don't let it be refering to the silly 15 million again

Also something about Luke "fit to be tied" when he finds out where Robert will be staying.

Robert will be in the Q mansion.

Why on earth would Luke care,you'd think he'd be happy about it/it'd be his idea.


spoiler talk over.

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I'm sitting here trying to understand what exactly Robert is going to be doing in the Q Mansion. I, too, hope it's not about the freakin' $15 million.

Please, somebody, if TQ is on today--could you just post a little note here so I can check on my break? I'm sad, I know, but it helps me get through the last hour of work....

Oh, I haven't read it yet, but it looks like LaRed has updated Homelands. Fwee!

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Great update on "Homelands",too !

Well I'm at work,I'll check recaps during showtime.

Surely she'll be on today,right?



I hope so, yes I agree with Ms.Q it could be worse but for some reason I am having serious withdrawals,maybe because I'm intrigued by the spoilers for this week.

Can't wait to see them play out.

Anyone watching live....details if our girl is on,please !

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Minerva, I posted a comment on you LJ already but just to reiterate, great fic!! :D (and great sex, too ;) )

Great update to Homelands as well! You guys are just awesome!

I will be among the people who will not be seeing GH live today as I have ballroom dancing lessons at 3:00 and I won't be home ( obviously ) and I can almost GUARANTEE that the day I will have to wait until TEN O FRICKIN' CLOCK to see it will be the day TQ is on. It's just the story of my life. :angry: but if TQ is on that will make me happy and i won't care how long I had to wait today to see it considering that we've waited for like two weeks. NEway, C ya tomorrow. Here's to hoping she's on!

ETA: for all of who who were wishing me well on my AP testing, I thought I had my AP Lit and my AP Stats exam today but I did not ( does happy dance!!) I have to take those my senior year. I did, however, have AP chem exams today. We will see how those went on a later date. but thanks for you well wishes!

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