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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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See, I love Nancy Lee Grahn! I was a huge fan of Julia on Santa Barbara, and I practically squeed myself into a coma when she showed up as a Minbari poet on Babylon 5. She's got this beautiful serenity to everything she does, and while I don't know if she has the acting chops JE's got, she's still heads and tails above most of the clowns on daytime today. Fey's been downloading the clips from when Alexis was banished from the Cassadines, and she was really excellent. Too bad the only real SL recently she's had was "Who My Baby?"

I doubt seriously that the IIC will remember either. Maybe somebody on the set will notice, and JE-TG will manage to slip it in somewhere.

Oh, and Luke? You're still in the doghouse. You'd better do something OVER THE TOP to get back into our girl's good graces after this insulting and undignified little escapade of yours. Did you *see* that sad look he gave Holly when it was mentioned that he'd be going home? Dude, you'll be lucky if TQ lets you in the city, much less her house. (Monica's house.)

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I didn't see the sad look.

I haven't been watching.

Nothing for me to watch for with WK not around,and none of the other Q's visible.

That's right I said it.

Emily and Jason AREN'T Q's,and neither is Skye IMO.

And Dillon/Lulu....Ewww...I take back every bad thing I said about Georgie.

Lulu(nothing against the actress) just strikes me as...gross.



She just does.

Maybe it's because of who her parents are.

Yeah I went there too.


I want Tracy to truly make him suffer,in every way...and realize what he is missing.

Then I want her to make him grovel.

I won't get it,though.

I'll get Tracy making a fool of herself over him. :(

Gee,something to look forward to.

Hey,I dropped my optimism,and I can't find it under this mound of paperwork,okay? :rolleyes:

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Hey, I know this is an old post, but do you remember what you uploaded? I'm going through the board for any links I can add to the TQ/JE website.

*misses ILoveTracyQ's optimism. I'm still holding out for something good, but I haven't been watching long enough to have my optimism trully crushed.... In the mean time, I'm having fun downloading old clips, writing fanfiction, and planning out the website. I'm serious, if it kills me, TQ will have the recognition she deserves--at least online. So. Freakin' There.

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Well, GH did remember their 2 month anniversary. ;)

MinervaFan, I never thanked you for your comments my video, so thanks! I'd like to make more, but I have a hard time coming up with songs to use. Oh, and I'm addicted to your NaNa video. Some other things I haven't commented on...The "You never had this conversation" lyrics with Tracy talking to Dillon about the hit-and-run is perfect. I also love the addition of Tracy/Edward during the hotel fire when the music started to slow down. And the music works well with the "Tracy takes charge" scene with Lulu/Skye/the others (during the whole "let's make Tracy think we want her dead" SL) Finally, I noticed how you kept the audio on for the Alice/Tracy/shot-gun scene, and that too worked well. And wow, I am obsessed with this video, LOL. :lol:

ETA: More on the video, of course, LOL. The 5 second instrumental break (may not be the right term for such a short break) when Tracy pushes Skye out of the way had me laughing out loud, and I even like Skye for the most part. (I know, I know. I go back and forth, but if I can't get Luke/Tracy on my screen or any of the other Q's, I'll gladly take SkyLo. Anyway...)

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SQUEE! for the detailed feedback. I'm so grateful for it. The thing with Alice and the gun? Total accident, and I loved it so I just cranked the volume. Thing with Skye? Total accident, but I loved it and nudged the video to make it work.

As for music for videos? Are you on AIM? We should talk at some point--I have tons and tons and tons of music, a lot of which I have on CD and could upload to you. You got clips; I got music; we could make videos! (Feeling very Young Spielbergish right now...)

Oh, BTW, did anybody catch Luke's 10%-er joke the other day? (A 10%-er is a joke that about 10% of the audience will get, and which will go over the other 90%'s heads.) When Lulu and Dillon were "making out," and he came out to pull them apart, Luke did not refer to Dillon as Young Spielberg. He called him "Young Polanski." Had me LMAO, especially since I don't think Polanski can even step foot in the country, decades after that incident with the minor......

I find my joy where I can, folks.

ETA: Just caught myself staring at the far right image of Luke/Tracy in your banner, Ms. Q. Wow, she is gorgeous, isn't she? Oh, I think I have a new scenario for how I want Tracy to show up on the island--I want her to collect the bounty on Luke-Robert-Holly!!!! And she makes a deal that she'll buy Luke's freedom, but she'll own him after that. Happy Anniversary, Lukey.

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MinveraFan, about AIM, I'll PM you in a minute. I didn't catch the joke, but that's because I didn't catch the scene, LOL. I'm boycotting GH 'til Tracy Q. shows up.

Yay! I found the article.

Other things...

June 1989: Pro-Choice actresses get on the soapbox to air their views about a woman's right to abortion. Other GH'ers include Nancy Lee Grahn and Lynn Herring. (I'm going to try and search my old computer for the clips someone posted of this. These actresses made the evening news. ;))

1991: Judi Evans shares what JE taught her.

2003: JE's return to General Hospital makes The Best of Broadcast.

Some other tid-bits...

Jane Elliot was the first "Quartermaine" to win a Daytime Emmy. (David Lewis/Edward Quartermaine was second.) And unless my facts are incorrect, she was also General Hospital's first actress to win one. (The first GH Acting Emmy went to Peter Hansen/Lee Baldwin 2 years earlier.) Facts are based on this. I also have a snippet from her win on my old computer (coolkid posted the original link. coolkid, do you remember where you found it?). Anyway, it went something along the lines of, "Everyone deserves a piece of this (the Emmy), but I'm really glad I get to take it home." She was so happy. It was too cute, LOL. :lol:

JE owns 5 Soap Opera Digest Awards. These include "Outstanding Villianess" in 1980, "Outstanding Supporting Actress" in 1981 (awards were called the "Soapies" at this time), "Outstanding Villianess" in 1990 (as Anjelica on DAYS), "Oustanding Supporting Actress" in 1992, and "Oustanding Villianess" in 2005. Information can be found here and here.

Nominations include "Outstanding Villianess" in 1986 (as Cynthia on AMC), "Oustanding Villianess" in 1991 (as Anjelica on DAYS), and "Oustanding Supporting Actress" in 1993). This can be found here.

And wow...We have nothing better to do...All right, I have nothing better to do than dig up a bunch of old factual information about award shows that mean nothing half the time.

ETA: *waves to BellaSorcerer.* Come on in. We don't bite. ;)






According to TV Guide, Holly flirts with a much younger man next week. This has to be Dillon. All right, Tracy. Time to show up on that darn island and kick Holly's butt. Any time now would be great. Any time. *sigh*

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I. May. Weep.

I worked almost...a week on my video. It's beautiful. It's perfect. And WMM won't let me save it as a movie file!!! It gets to about 10%, and then gives me this message:


Can somebody please help me? I can watch it in Movie Maker, but that's not going to do me any good. I'm really proud of it....I hate that I may have lost all that work.

FWIW, I can see the thing--all the files are fine on the disk, and there's tons of space on my hard drive. I don't get what is wrong.... (And yes, I've already rebooted the computer.)

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MinervaFan I hope that you havent lossed all of your work, :( Good luck with the website

Ms.Q I was thinking about that article, and it was saved on my last computer before it was destoyed ;) . I'll go looking for it now and see what I can find. :)

Jane better be on soon :angry: i'll even take her in that Ugly overused frog Green jacket. ;)B)

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Okay, I'm hooked now. Does anybody know where I can get copies of Loving/The City on tape or DVD? Tracy taking over the Solieto family practically had me drooling on my keyboard. I wasn't able to find the scene with her and Zoe (I think it was in the first scene with the bad link....) But the whole feel of the thing looks like something I would have adored. (So glad I didn't watch it when it was on--I would have been furious when it was cancelled.)

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Here is a clip of Jane as CARRIE MARLER on Guiding Light in the early 80s. The part was specifically written for her by Doug Marland and after the CBS bigwigs decided to chuck the split personality story and Jane, Doug Marland quit his HW position in protest.


Jane's voice is so funny to listen to, so high pitched!

Carrie's such a change from Tracy

"My grandmother taught me to love ALL living things."


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from the LiveJournal Generalhospital Community:

Trouble (troublewalking) wrote in generalhospital,

@ 2006-05-11 18:48:00

I was just watching Soap Talk and saw that Jane Elliot (Tracy Quartermaine) will be on tomorrow's episode. They also hinted that part of what Ty and Lisa will be talking to Jane about is when she worked with Anna Lee (Lila Quartermaine). Thought some of you might be interested in seeing this.

That would be tonight's episode....I have a friend with SoapNet. I'll ask her to tape it for me, but if anybody can get it digitally--oohh, post clips, please!

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MinervaFan, I'm the wrong person to ask about WMM, but I hope you didn't lose everything. As for SoapTalk, it's a rerun of the episode when JE talks about DH frying her hair (you've seen those clips, I believe), but yes, have your friend tape it. The Anna Lee/Lila portion is very short, but also very sad. :(

LOL coolkid about the jacket. It's actually one of my favorites though. I like that shade of green on JE, and the sparkles are fun too. LOL.

MarlandRulez, thanks for posting that. I've seen it before, but when I tried sharing it, the DivX format didn't work for everyone. Also, for those interested...Ross/Carrie were featured in this Guiding Light Wedding Montage. Credit to Penny.
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To bring up the subject of Carrie something interesting occured to me recently. I'm not too sure about the details surrounding Ross being killed off GL but isnt it something to do with him having a mistress and he died on his way to see her? What if that mistress was CARRIE?

Then maybe if we get some writing changes at GL, Jerry can return as Ross and who knows, they could entice Jane to reprise Carrie for a stint, thats if GH does indeed place her in recurring status, which is a huge travesty!

There are still so many unresolved issues between Ross and Carrie and the fallout from the D.I.D. and i want to see them being focused on all these years later - we could also get awesome flashback clips like the one i posted from youtube!

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