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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MsQ, I asked Shazzer about your screen size problem, and she had this to say. I hope it helps.

...on the second screen on WMM's "Save Movie Wizard" (after you've been prompted to give your file a name), are your movie settings which allow you to set your file size.

The default setting on WMM is "Best quality for playback on my computer", but there is an option for "Show more choices"

If you click "show more choices", you can select "Best to fit file size", which gives you ticker menus where you can select the exact file size (to the mb) you want your file to be.

Below this is a little box that says "setting details", which tells you your display size, bit rate, frames per second, etc. So you can monitor your display size as you manipulate your file size.

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kenna, I have no idea, but MinervaFan knows how to make screencaps, so maybe she can tell you how to do that. I'm pretty sure it requires some technology I don't know the name of, LOL. Did JE give a speech? Could you summarize that for us? And I don't have that song. Sorry. :( Have you tried different sites for free mp3 downloads?

MinervaFan, you and Shazzer are awesome. Thanks. And now I present you with Bad Day. I might have to edit since there is a lot of Tracy/Dillon in the beginning (which would have worked if I also ended with them...or something; I tried "counteracting" it by ending with several Tracy/Luke clips). I'll wait to see what you all think. Other characters include: Edward/Luke/Alan/Monica/Ned/Skye/Lorenzo/Justus/Lois/Georgie/Alice (some "blink and you miss 'em"). Enjoy. :D

And for those who visit SoapDish, some interesting discussion about Jane Elliot/Tracy today regarding the Markham Islands. Makes you wonder what's really going on...if anything is going on at all.

ETA: I'm also wondering where 4XCrazy is. And kenna, I'm glad you're enjoying "Oh, Baby."

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Um, I'm not sure what it takes--you need special software to transfer video to computers. I'm getting Nero for my birthday--I can see what their tutorial says.

Ms. Q, can you summarize the conversation on SD? I wouldn't even know where to start looking for that thread. Also, downloading the vid and LOVING Oh, Baby.

Oh, and I made a second version of "Na Na." Now, there is a NaNa in RAcyVision and a Standard NaNa. :) Oh, and those who use WMM? Did you know that you can zoom in on the timeline and get more precision in trimming clips??? I did not know this until Shazzer told me, and now I know and clap gleefully with the knowlege. As with all things, the link for the Standard NaNa will be posted once I can get SendSpace to let me upload.

Fic Update: I've got two short chapters on my Tracy Gets Trapped story. Her fellow trappee? Monica. I've actually got a bunny for a Tracy and Ned get trapped story, that will not be funny like the Monica one. Hopefully, I'll get them done this week and posted.

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Vid Update: I've uploaded the new, non-RAcy version of "NaNa." The URL is here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/72xk8n. This still has part of the Tracy and Robert in Bondage scenes, but I've cut much of it. I've also changed some of the other stuff later in the video. The orginal, RAcyVision version is here: http://download.yousendit.com/93721E6C19E7796D. Enjoy.

Fic Update: Homelands has been updated! Fwee and w00t to La Red. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2845070/19/

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Great job with edited video, MinervaFan. Tracy/Coleman were really lovey-dovey in those clips, weren't they? LOL.







MinervaFan, rumor had it TG pitched an adventure SL for himself, JE, TR, and ES. FH had not been included, but her surprise return changed things: It led to the involvement of Robin in the Markham Islands Adventure, and therefore Anna wouldn't have to show up in Port Charles to be able to interact with her daughter. With Robin involved, TPTB also decided to add Lulu, Dillon, and Patrick. (No room for Tracy, I presume?)

Apparently, Tracy was going to have a much larger role in this SL. Speculation is based on the SOW article, as well as the writing up until a few weeks ago (all that "You're in love with Luke" stuff, being left at the altar, Robert playing into her insecurities...) Now, Tracy is just going to be thrown in at the end, so the final result can be Luke/Tracy realizing that they really are a couple, just like TG's idea, except it won't make as much sense (seeing as everything in the middle has been cut).

As with almost everything from SoapDish, grain of salt, TracyQ fans, grain of salt. :)

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Hello, all! I just read the updated "Homelands". I LURVED it!!! U R soo talented gurl! Oh, and I feel your pain about the AP exams! :( I have three next week! Anyway, I love it!

Just stopped by to say that I HOPE TO GOD that Tracy is on today!

I almost forgot what my gurl LOOKED like over the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: Page 62!!!

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She's eating grapes and languishing in luxurious captivity in evil Helena's clutches, plotting her escape and eventual revenge on Luke, Robert and Holly. Of course, she looks fabulous doing it....

About the SD rumors, that bites. I mean, really, really bites if it's true.

If it wouldn't kill me, I'd be all for JE just walking off the show and never coming back. But that would kill me, and you guys would be sad...for a little while, at least.

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Anyone have comments on the video? Pretty please?

MinervaFan, well JE's contract is up in November, so she might be leaving soon...Or accepting recurring status (i.e. WK/Ned). :(

So...Pita of SZ did an Episode Count vs. Minute Count from May 1 through May 5. You don't even need a stop watch to add JE's numbers. ZERO episodes=ZERO minutes. <_<






Various quotes from SoapDish...

Anybody wondering on what jet Tracy got lost on and where it took her?

They gave her part to Anna. JE should be thanking them for that.

So was Tracy supposed to swoop down and save them instead?

Yup. Pretty much. You notice this started out as a Luke/Tracy story. It will end that way, too. Too bad the middle is f-----.

Tracy always loses out to the beauties.

I'd say this time Tracy ended up being the winner. The less involvement in this story, the better for her.

I dont know about that. At least she would be on screen and get a paycheck.

More speculation (it's basically a repeat of the info. I posted this morning):

I think there were a LOT of shift with this story, not just with Tracy. Like Scrubs/Lulu/Dillon being there. I think that before FH signed it was just suppose to be Luke/Holly/Robert and Tracy. Then when Fin signed they took Tracy out put Anna in. After that they added Robin cause you can't have both her parents on the show and not have her w/ them. I think Patrick was a last second add on on the Scrubs side cause you can't have these two apart for two weeks and then have them have sex at the last week of may. And Lu/Dillon were added as the Luke side of things.

I think that before FH was suppose to be here, Patrick and Robin were suppose to stay at P.C. Patrick dealing with the JaSam/Alexis and with the L&L2 cause there were suppose to be much more platonic scenes between Liz/Patrick to drive Lucky crazy, while Robin was suppose to deal with the LJ/CarJax thing much sooner and now that Robin is away, Maxie is filled in as a holding place till Robin gets back.

This could also explain why there weren't any Lulu/Robin scenes in which they discussed going to the islands, or scenes in which Lulu asked Dillon to go...This Sweeps has been completely mumbled-jumbled. I hope TPTB get fried. *evil laugh*

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So what do you think would happen if we all wrote letter to JE and TPTB asking them to renew her contract in November? I mean, we want her back, and they ought to know it.


I'm not going there. I am not going to give up on our girl. She's a viable character, a fan favorite, and in my heart I know she will NOT go away.

In light of my forceful attempt at positivity, I'm going to share some things I've found that you might like.

From FF.net, Cold !@#$%^&*]. It's a Tracy poem you might have missed. Really well done, complex, and not so bad as far as poetry goes.

Thanksgiving with the Quartermaines: Ms.Q proves that it's never a bad time to have a food fight.

Diamond Beauty...for all your beauty needs.

Texas Lurves TracyQ--from April 2003.

Dear Tracy: Pantry speaks, I believe, for us all.

Leslie Charleston In the Scope: Several mentions of Tracy (and one hilarious mention of Jane locking Leslie in a closet, although I'm 99.9% sure they were joking.) Puts for the notion that Jed Allen looked more like a hot stud wanting to sweep Tracy off her feet than her daddy. (Eeeeeyyyyeeewwwwww....she said "Daddy!")

Tracy Bella: Meet the voice of Tracy Quartermaine in Italy! Why, she looks nothing LIKE Tracy. :)

So, there POWERS OF DARKNESS! Shine a beautiful Tracy Light in THAT corner, you evil Powers that Be!

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*waves to all*

I love both versions of the vid MinervaFan.

Maybe the nonRacy one better,the one with more Coleman.

Love yours too Ms.Q

Love the "Homelands" update too. Hate the idea of Lulu/Shannon being friends,but ya take the good with the bad I guess. LOL I soooo don't like Lulu,I've tried and I just don't,the onscreen one or the fanfic one.

Nuh-uh. *shakes head*

Well not much to talk about Tracy wise is there?

No scoops,and that's never a good sign.

We still have the mag scoops coming out this week to preview next week,maybe something will be in them Tracy wise.

*crosses fingers*

MinervaFan I'm willing to write a letter to TIIC. I honestly don't think JE will go to recurring if her story with TG is going to step up the pace,and it seems it will. I think they'll offer her another two years,and since she still has a child at home, that she wants to help put through college, I can't see her saying no to the money. She might wish she had more to do,LOL...but I can't see her saying no if they offer.

However writing letters can't hurt.

Thanks for posting all those links MinervaFan. Some I'd read,others were new to me.

spoiler talk

It's so hard to tell,with choppy,sloppy editing,if JE/Tracy was supposed to be a bigger part of sweeps.

She may not come in until the very end,and that might have been the plan all along.

I definitely don't think we were supposed to see her with Luke before now,Guza planned MONTHS in advance to get Holly/Luke/Robert in that same sleeping bag(such an important thing,RME)....and Tracy if she'd been there would have never stood for that.

I can't see her being there this week either....seriously how would they fit her in?

I am more concerned that Dillon or Luke or someone ask about Tracy...like WHERE is she,she left waaayy before Lulu/Dillon.

I like MinervaFan's scenario but CT won't be filming as Helena in time to do that.

The feminist in me cringes at Tracy having to be rescued also,but the romantic in me wants Luke to risk life and limb to save his Spanky Buns. Decisions,decisions...as long as they admit their feelings somewhat,I don't care who saves who. Tracy can save Luke for all I care...that's cool.

I just want Tracy to show up in time to have at least a little part in this,and for both LUke/Tracy to acknowledge their anniversary. I want an explanation of where Tracy's been.

Too much to ask? Maybe.

But yeah I can believe Tracy was supposed to have a slightly more important role in sweeps..then again,maybe not.

I mean she disappeared to Europe without even a mention until Dillon was arrested.

So who knows?

Eh,it gives me a headache,and reminds me more and more of why I hate this show.

HOlly is supposed to put the moves on Luke this week,and she is supposed to be "stunned" by Luke's reaction.

So maybe we get a good scene with actual depth,where Luke turns her down and Holly accuses HIM of being in love with Tracy.

We'll see.

spoiler talk over

BTW I played hooky from my job today and in the midst of HH chores I watched bits and pieces of GH.

How much better would the stupid MI story be with TRacy?

Tons,I tell you.

It certainly can't get much worse.

That was a partial hour(since I mostly just glanced I'll say partial hour) of my life I'll NEVER get back.


And yeah Ta! Until tomorrow Tracy fans !

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ShoutOut to my TracyFan Friends! TA......

Okay, now that that's out of the way, I have a request for my ClipMavens on this board.

I'm in the middle of a Tracy-Dillon lovefest of a video, and I'm running out of clips. I'm mining GQ Daily for all it's worth, but I'm having trouble isolating good clips. What I need are images of Tracy and Dillon together, preferably in a favorable light, showing them either working as a team or showing affection for each other. What I have so far:

  • After the Port Charles Hotel fire
  • Tracy leaves Dillon behind
  • Dillon and Brooke run away
  • Dillon in the hospital (Monkey fever)
What I would like, if anyone can point me in the right direction:
  • Dillon and Tracy discussing the watch she bought for Edward (after the heart attack/PC Hotel fire)
  • Dillon gets shot(?) and Tracy visits him in the hospital
  • (crosses fingers) Anything of young Dillon (pre-Scott Clifton) from The City....
  • Any of the numerous heart-warming scenes I know nothing about but the TracyQCrew is more than happy to enlighten me about....
I'm not asking for the moon, folks, but I'm really kind of stuck on this video. The song is perfect for Tracy and Dillon, but my clips are not up to the task. Thank you in advance to anybody who can help me.
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I wish I could help you clip-wise.

Unfortunately a lot of what you named is all their is with Trillon as a team.

This regime painted them as somewhat friends in the beginning,but ever since GQ TIIC have seemed bent on highlighting only the negative,so....good luck finding favorable clips other than what you have already named.


I'm an optimist,haven't you heard?

Oooh...the clip where Dillon/Luke trick Tracy into asking Dillon to move out of the HS and back home would be a good one. Kind of sad,because they think she's in cahoots with Helena again(she did turn out to be in contact with her),and they fake an argument so that Tracy will tell Dillon to come live with her.

Tracy tells Dillon she misses him. *sniff*

Too bad Dillon showed zero remorse for lying to his mom,and yet Tracy was the eevvillll one again.

Anyway that was a good one,if anyone has a clip.

About the spoilers.....

Good news: it appears we will be seeing Tracy before the week of 05/22/06....since FH and ES last air 05/19/06. So maybe the show FH talked about filming was the last one she aired on.

Bad news is that we may not see Tracy before then,and it appears to be the very last day of the little adventure.

A good thing,or a bad thing,that she wasn't a part of it?


I haven't been watching but I have to say I think it's a good thing.

Good thing: the 05/19/06 is significant because it's Lacy's anniversary !

*throws confetti*

Will they mention it? Will there actually be a divorce talk,like Ms.Q thought?

spoiler talk over

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*waves to FrenchFan who is lurking*

MinervaFan, thanks for sharing those. I'd had never seen the "Dear Tracy" and "Tracy Bella" one before. As for clips...Tracy breaks down; Dillon approaches his mother. and Tracy/Dillon discuss Edward and rejection. Credit to Arie.

Regarding JE's contract: I just don't see TPTB offering her 2 more years. :( I guess TG is in her corner, but still...I hope I'm wrong.






As ILoveTracyQ mentioned, I realize that these are the same PTB who had Tracy disappear to Europe without a single mention for most of the summer, so I guess it's not "out there" to believe they'd have her disappear again. It's just...I don't know. Would SOW give Lacy part of the cover story, if Tracy were only going to be on one day during Sweeps? Maybe she really was supposed to swoop down and rescue Holly/Robert/Luke, LOL, meaning TPTB did give her part to Anna. All right. Probably not. I just think the middle part of the SL is missing here.

And yes, the adventure is ridiculous, and while I should be glad that Tracy doesn't get to look like an idiot like the rest of them, I'm not. It would've been hilarious to see her involved. I'm obviously biased, but our girl would've made this SL so much better. Here's hoping we get an anniversary mention! And no divorce! :D

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Thanks for the clips, MsQ. Fortunately, the song highlights the good and not-so-good aspects of being in a long-term relationship, so I'm covered.

As for the whole JE contract thing--I'm staying positive. She's a long-time fan favorite who has been enjoying a heck of a lot more screen time than people like Bobbie and Monica. She's got a viable, globally-applauded storyline opposite this year's Best Actor Emmy winner. There are many, many reasons to keep her and almost no reason to get rid of her (unless she's bucking for more money....)

So, let's just keep our chins up, buckaroos. I will look for an address where we can mail letters to ABC...just in case....

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