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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Big Alice really needs to fall victim to the next virus or a stray bullet.



Dillon...SHUT UP. Even big bro Ned made an attempt to comfort your mother.


Tracy/Robert....I could deal with it,except for Tristan isn't even technically recurring.

Give him a contract,and give Luke some competition,and I'll be happy.

Oh and the Luke being in Tracy's heart thing,was it just me,or did that just not ring true?

I just can't see Tracy admitting that out loud to anyone unless she felt Luke felt the same.

Maybe she did start to think that though,because he did re-propose,until he skipped out the window.

It just didn't feel right to me.

Can I say how much I am enjoying everyone's fan fics?

About the May sweeps spoilers:

I think Tracy,Dillon,Lulu and Robin's part in it are happening now,Tracy's main one being next week when she and Robert are trapped together.

I don't think it's going to be any more than that....hope I'm wrong but.....

spoiler talk over

OH yeah and I officially really am starting to hate SOC.

I'm proud of you for playing hall monitor Ms.Q and I put my two cents in as well.

Some rude people there now.

Talking about JE like that(indirectly by talking about Tracy but still)............

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No MinervaFan I really don't think you want to know.

But I'll give you the lowdown:

People calling Tracy an old hag,saying the thought of her making love with Luke made them sick,made them want to vomit, etc.

I honestly don't think some of those posters consider they are also actor bashing when they say that.

Hey I admit I've actor bashed before,but for the most part I stay away from the bashing of the physical appearance.

Most I've ever said is that so and so is too skinny,etc.

But I've never said the thought of this or that character making love with their husband makes me want to vomit,LOL.

*sigh* and Liz the moderator used to be so up on that stuff,a long time ago she would've deleted a post like that,now she's more likely to delete a post with one poster telling another that behavior just isn't right.

Eh....I hardly post there anymore because except for a few(who surprise surprise,don't post that often anymore either),the majority of the posters there are vile and rude.

I responded to Ms.Q's post by saying that to me JE and by association Tracy,are beautiful and don't deserve those kind of remarks.

Wonder if it did any good.

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Well, now, I'm really glad I don't go there. I really hate when people are like that. It's like, sure, you don't like the character. You don't like her personality. Keep her appearance (which, imho, is FINE) out of it, or you'll reveal yourself as the shallow, catty, brainless git you are.

And in honor of our beautiful Tracy/JE, here are some icons--just examples of her loveliness--for your viewing pleasure. (No new ones.)



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****************************Waves to everyone!!!********************************

Heeellllooo!!! Dude, it's been like forever since I posted here. I've been outta school taking an extra long eater vacation (Easter Monday and all) and I haven't had a teachers computer to post on ergo i haven't been able to post. I can still read them on my cpmuter, i just can't post. I don't know what I'm gonna do in the summer... ITA with you Minerva, Jane/Tracy is GORGEOUS IMHO. I don't know what it is about her, she's obviously physically attractive, but she exudes (sp?) a certain confidence and intelligence that i admire. I dunno. I just really can't stand rude, shallow people.

Considering the way the whole marraige/renewal thing started, I couldn't be happier with the way the renewal went down. I agree, Luke handled it wrong, but i also agree that he honestly deosn't know that she loves him. Even in the scene when he's like i dunno whatto say and she;s all you don't have to thank me, and he's all no, i seriously don't know what to say about the vows, i don't think he understood that she cared about him. You could totally just see it in her face, even tho the scene seemed to be played for laughs. There are so many instances now where you can polainly see that Tracy, not only just cares for Luke, but truly loves him. That has to end up having some major reprecussions don't ya think? I mean think about it. TIIC have had an entire YEAR to show us that Tracy cares and all of a sudden, that has to be major for Holly coming back and Anna and stuff. I do think that Tracy is going to have a substantial part in sweeps. She has to right, RIGHT?

We have to have hope ladies, (and Keith)(oh and any other guy here although i didn't think there were any :) ) We MUST be optimistic!! :P

I loved liked Ned putting his arm around Tracy. I am still a little pissed at how he treated her tho. And Ms.Q, her hair was TOTALLY different!! I noticed that too and I was like "Dude, I wonder if anyone here is going to notice that!!" I should've have known it would be the queen of the board, Ms.Q! :D

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED tracy going off on Robert! I loved his reaction too! "you don't have to get snarky!"

I thought it was good that our girl got to stretch her verbal wings with someone other than her family. It was highly entertaining.

Man, this post is getting looooooong! :) I'll check back in later. BYE!!!!

ETA: HI, nex4evr

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JMHO, I think Tracy's scenes yesterday were some of the best she's had since the chapel scenes. I love when JE can play subtle, though TIIC seemed to want her OTT at all times these days.

Yeah, about the hair. The Continuity Police were all in the donut shop, I guess. And Dillon, will you please make up your mind? Do you know she loves him, or do you not?

My GF is really pissed at GH right now because she thinks showing Tracy in love with a man so clueless paints her as desparate and pathetic. (She adores Tracy, and hates when the writers treat her badly.) Any ocmments re: this idea?

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Well you know,there have been times in the past that Tracy has been treated as desperate and pathetic,and not just with these writers.

When you think about it, voluntarily staying with a man that you know doesn't love you,as Tracy has done throughout most of her marriages.....that's pretty desperate.

And I don't think I've ever said otherwise.

I think she IS desperate to be loved.

I think though that this time around, the writers take little jabs at Tracy by having Edward say," well no one could ever love you," by having Coleman have to be paid to do it the first time,by having Luke have to get drunk to do it, by Tracy blackmailing Jax into an engagement,yeah I'd say these writers have gone out of their way to humiliate Tracy and make her look desperate. There have been little jabs from the rest of her family over the years as well.

I adore Tracy too obviously,but I don't think the humiliation will ever end completely.

I think it's just one of those things that makes me love her more,and jump to her defense more....because no one on screen does it,at least not on any kind of a regular basis.

So as far as Lacy goes,yeah it does kind of smack of desperation,BUT no more than any of the above mentioned "couplings".

Oh,and did I forget Tracy basically bribing Mitch with campaign money to stay with her,and Tracy refusing to divorce Paul even when she found out the truth about him?


Sometimes,I don't know whether to laugh or cry,it can sound pretty pathetic.

But it honestly just makes me love her more,I guess because not too many people do?

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Tracy deserves *soooo* much better than what the writers have given her!

Today's Epi-

AAAAHHHH!!! Edward/John Ingle is back!!!! ::does happy dance:: And they won't let him get a word in lol! "Shut up!" hehehe. And loved Alan's reaction to him being back, "Is that really you?" too cute! Also thank god Tracy's not in that dress still! Long Live the Quartermaines!!

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*waves to everyone*

It sounded strange, hearing her admit it, but since she did, can Luke/Tracy please move along? That means no more conversations about the 15 million. No more stupid games. There still can be fun, just...Oh, I don't know! LOL.

Thanks for bringing the prettiness of the icons here, MinervaFan! The "Just Married" one to the far right is my favorite...and the "Huggles" one...and the "Wicked" one...LOL. And aww to the Alan/Tracy "best mother" icon and "Her worst fears are coming true."

tracyluver! You're back! We're all hoping for our girl to have a substantial role this May Sweeps. And LOL about the hair. This isn't the first time. It happened months ago. Click me! and Click me! The first one is a no-no. Whoever did her hair (or rather, didn't do it) for that scene should be fired. Nice wardrobe, though. ;)

angel, yes! She finally changed. And coolkid, it's a NEW jacket, but Wardrobe should save the new outfits for when JE appears for more than 3 seconds. Seriously. Love my Q's, but what was that today? Edward, Dillon, and Georgie had all the speaking parts. Tracy "ssshhh'ed" Edward twice, muttered something about Luke and later something about Georgie.












The Media Net pics for the auction are out. No Tracy. :( No Skye and Alexis either. Or Lulu. Or Monica/Bobbie, but that's not surprising.

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Hola, TracyFans. Well, I finally got to see the Tracy/Coleman scenes, and they were wonderful (except for the last with Skye and Coleman which OOPS accidentally on purpose got deleted....) I'm rebuilding my poor depleted collection, so anybody with links feel free to share. (I'm almost ashamed to ask for "Full of Grace" and "Won't U Please B Nice" again, as I've downloaded them both about four times and lost them....)

Oh, and it's stormy today. Kentucky + April weather = 50% chance they're going to preempt GH with stupid weather reports. Cross your fingers, folks.

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