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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I haven't posted in a while, been kinda busy. Skye just had to fall don the stairs, didnt' she?....Oh well. Today sounds like it was okay. I really hope they aren't setting Lacy up for a divorce, their so great together. So anyways back to today, my tape messed up so I didn't get to see it so is it possible that anyone has clips? All the fanfics have been awesome! I love them all! Hmm...I wonder about tomorrow...I hope Tracy didnt punch him again....okay maybe I kinda do because Luke gets on my nereves sometimes but thats beside the point, I'm just glad she getting some airtime this week.

ETA: I love 4XCrazy's avatar!

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Saw her briefly this morning on a SOAPnet reairing of Friday. Good stuff. One of the few things keeping me into soaps...:)

Oh and I'm glad Skye falling down stairs was what it was. It wasn't Big Evil Tracy doens't like Skye, so Skye must suffer. It was very human, rooted in their jealousies, which Tracy would no doubt deny to the ends of the Earth. But yeah. "Hands off my wife"? Luke doesn't often make me swoon.

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Ms. Quartermaine, thanks so much for the links to clips of the fall and also the family feud clips. I have been beside myself with grief since NeverQuiet went down, so I am happy to find at least SOMETHING to watch. I was cracking up watching FF over lunch yesterday.

The fanfics are GREAT! I just wanted to say that here because lj and fanfction.net are not my friends about posting comments lately, but comments you shall receive, even if I have to hack both sites to post them.

I'm really hoping it's not another punch myself. You can only play the '!@#$%^&*]slap' card one so many times before you turn into...oh, Sam comes to mind. It's like anything played for shock value; it loses it's effect if you do it too often, and over things like stupid boats.

I don't mind the idea of a divorce, if they find a way to keep Luke and Tracy in each other's spheres, maybe with the HS? It could lead to a new, exciting turn in the relationship. Imagine all the squeeing when Luke calls Tracy his wife even after a divorce. They would need to put us all in a soundproof room.

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kenna, good to see you posting again and glad you are liking the fic. :)

From Shauricreations...

Scene 1: Skye tumbles; Lorenzo will do whatever it takes to protect Skye and their baby.

Scene 4: Tracy joins in on Alexis/Luke's conversation.

Previews: Tracy wants Luke off her boat.

And Keith and smirks are posting too! Thanks for the compliment on the fanfic, smirks, and I'm glad I could provide you with some clips. Wish there were more. Hopefully, NQ.net will be up and running soon.

As I said in another post, after rewatching the previews, it just looks like Luke is hungover. He might be on the ground or a table, LOL, but there's a pillow under his head. I don't think Tracy hit him.

ILoveTracyQ, I have no idea. I just hope it's a good surprise. Hmm, what would Tracy like?

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Hmm...I agree.

If Luke called her that during the process of a divorce,or after a divorce,HEE.I don't think much would make me happier,other than the two of them admitting there was at least some affection there,some reason other than the fifteen million.

I want Helena to get her money back,one way or the other.

Then let them think of a reason to be together. LOL

That should be must see,just for the look on Luke's face.

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Maybe it's just my eternal optimism, but DUDES. Divorce? C'mon, not our LuNacy....

Okay, so let's review the preview--We see Luke on the floor. (He looks hung-over, btw.)

We cut to Tracy saying "get off my boat."

Um, editing? There is no law that says she had to be talking to Luke. She could have been talking to anybody, as it was a was of Tracy with no one else in the frame. Here's my guess--Luke goes on a spree to celebrate his "victory" over Tracy. Skye (snarl) shows up under some pretext and finds him passed out on the floor of the Haunted Star. Tracy shows up, finds them together and tells Skye to get off her boat.

It would surely follow the pattern of how they've been playing the couple.

Just my two cents.

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Well I didn't see the preview...but my guess is she's talking to Luke,although honestly I like your scenario better.

BTW my idea for the "adventure" story that I decided not to write was a lot like yours,only the plane WAS sabotaged,and it was the ELQ jet and no survivors but Luke and Tracy,the main difference being they were going to the Dominican Republic for a quickie divorce,and after the plane crashed they had to battle not only the elements and each other but also Helena,who had paid off the pilot to take them to a hideout of hers instead.

But yeah...I wanted to keep it simple,and that being the only story I could come up with,there was no way I could think of to keep that simple,so I gave up.


I give up too easily,and if I have the time in the future I may write that story yet.

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Ooh, ILoveTracyQ, I LOVE that idea.

MinervaFan's Her Little Gentleman can be found here. Wonderful, wonderful fanfic.












According to SOD, TR returns on April 13th, and JI "first" airs on April 18th. He (JI) has a big story ahead. Opposing the Sonny/Emily relationship better not be this "big story." <_<

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Don't feel bad. I've trashed zillions of story ideas over the years. There's always another in the pipeline.

Oh, and does anybody know where I can get caps of yesterday's ep? I know somebody else said it (and called themselves shallow) but TRACY looked hawt! My girlfriend and I were watching that last scene and were like, "oooooooohhh!" I personally loved when she barked at him. But that little line, "And then you'll work for me!" was just....oh, my....weak knees and wobbly-stomach making..... :D

Ms. Q, you are so sweet! I'm glad you liked "Her Little Gentleman." Now that my GF is addicted to Neverwinter Nights, my quick source for instant gratification (re: feedback) is gone. She actually teased me for writing more GH fic, when I swore I was going to write Gilmore Girls (now that I'm hopelessly hooked on the show). Huh!

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Yo!!! Just dropping by to say how much i love Tracy!! Ok, but like seriously, HOW MANY TIMES are we going to hear about that fifteen million?! And HOW MANY TIMES were we going to hear about the $50,000 he owed her? I love my lacy as much as the next guy (most likely more :P ) but, c'mon!

OOOOH, MinervaFan, LOVED the fic. I'm reading it at school and people like seriously at this moment are looking at me like I'm crazy because i have tears inmy eyes. it was beautiful.

oh, one more thing: i don't want t seem like a computer illiterate dork but what does semi-OT mean? I've seen several posters use the term and i have NO idea what it means!:lol:

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Thanks tracyluvr and ILoveTracyQ for the kind words on "Her Little Gentleman."

Can someone tell me what the heck happened today? I missed like the first twenty minutes--got sick at work and was being driven home at 3 o'clock. When I got home, the cable was messed up. I saw Luke holding his jaw like he'd been punched (did she hit him again??) and then saw him throw Tracy off the Haunted Star.

C'mon. Just sleep together, already. Because the love/hate thing only works when you have love and hate....

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MinervaFan I don't know what happened.

I'm following the live recaps on another board and next thing I know Tracy comes in to do inventory cause she wants to sell the Star,and Luke(probably still drunk) fires a gun into the ceiling when Tracy and Lulu get into a fight,and orders Tracy off the boat.


So,now he's firing guns around her?

Don't you mean it only works when you have love and hate?

Cause it seems to me they've got some hate going right now.

I do think there was a brief mention from Luke earlier,to Tracy,that she was doing all this(selling the boat) to get him to come home,so apparently he hasn't spent any time at the Q's since reclaiming the boat.

I'm still scratching my head over him getting interested in the boat again anyway.

I distinctly remember him saying he regretted seeing it again,much less opening the casino.


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MinervaFan, Clarissa has the best screencaps in terms of quality IMO. Other screencaps can be found at Shaurice's Creations and General Hospital Happenings Two.

Tracy!Tuesday Recap

Tracy wakes up a hungover Luke by banging 2 pans (?) together. She wants Luke off her boat. After the opening credits, the scenes alternate between Nik/Lulu and Tracy/Luke, and we find out from Lulu that the boat will indeed be Tracy's after she pays Luke taxes. Lulu wants Nik to help Luke out.

Back on the Haunted Star, as ILoveTracyQ mentioned, Luke insists that Tracy is only going through with this so he'll come back home. (Aww...) Tracy tells him that no one is going to help him out on this one. Meanwhile, Nik tells Lulu that he can't help Luke. That boat, as Tracy's mother would say, is going to be hers [insert British accent] "immediately."

Later on, Nik approaches Luke. He is deciding to help him out after all, but Luke doesn't want his help. Lulu shows up later, and Luke knows that she went to Nik. Luke will not let a Cassadine help him. He has pride, but Lulu wants to know where his pride was when he married Tracy (the evil witch :rolleyes:) and let her save him from his money problems.

This is when Tracy shows up. She is taking inventory and is going to sell "every single piece of crap on this boat starting with that (the naked portrait of Helena)." Lulu confronts Tracy, and the two start to argue. Does Tracy think she can just walk--Yes, Tracy does think she can. She is tired of Lulu's mouth (as am I, LOL). More and more arguing. Luke fires a shotgun at the ceiling. (The looks on Tracy and Lulu's faces are hilarious.) Luke then orders Tracy out, and she obliges.

Wardrobe Watch...Couldn't see much since she had a fur coat on, but it's NOT a jacket! It's very business-ish. I like it. I like her hair too; it has "oomph," LOL. :)

ETA: This was mentioned at SZ, but does anyone else think Tracy punching Luke was a cover-up for a black eye TG had gotten in RL? I know ILoveTracyQ thinks so. ;) So do I. Hmm...

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Bumping because...

Oh, Baby: Chapter 9

But more importantly...












From SoapZone: According to Tracey/Poolless (owner of Wally Kurth's official site), WK has been working "a little." Bring on the Tracy/Ned scenes! Although...he's probably just filming some standard Quartermaine scenes that are required every 2 months or so. <_< But some Tracy/Ned is better than no Tracy/Ned, right? At least mother and son will be in the same room. ;)

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