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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^^That's what i'm saying!!! No board I have seen where anybody likes the thought of Luke with Anna. It is such a missed matched pair, tie that in with the ick factor and it becomes embarassing. Like literally i'm embarassed for them, and for me, that is the WORST feeling in the world, I ffw whenever they are on. And its not because I'm a Lacy fan!!!

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Okay, so let me get this straight….

We have JE a few months ago crowing about being in an 'adult' triangle with Luke and Anna

We see the triangle be extremely one sided

We see - or in fact DON'T see - Tracy almost the entire summer

We see a formal break-up of LuNacy who still won't truly let each other go

We see Luke/Anna, who is so vile to the sensibilities of most that even LuNacy haters are demanding LuNacy for the win

We see Tracy uncharacteristically sleep with a stranger….

And NOW TPTB are saying the opportunity to have Duke return is cause for a triangle for Luke and Anna, and this is going to make for great TV?

Someone is talking out of their ass, and I'm going out on a limb to assume it's not Jane Elliot.

Screw Luke and Anna - give Tracy and Duke a past and see what happens.

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So Duke's body was riddled with bullets and died in his wifes arms and now he is back and very much alive and well. wink.png

All I can keep thinking about is that scene from Soapdish where the shows main character is decapitated and he is now back on the show alive and Whoppie Goldberg saying "how am I going to write for a guy who has no head he has no lips no vocal chords, what am I going to do?!?!?"

I think Duke coming back from the dead would work, had it been like 12 years ago. I've been watching this show for 17 years and I have never seen him, they should have brought back a fan favorite who has been on the show more recently, someone for "new" fans to remember because 22 years was a long time ago, heck 24 years if you count the last time Ian played him.

I have to agree with Remos, in that him coming back for Luke and Anna after they could not stop talking up a triangle between Luke, Tracy and Anna is BS. It's like they cannot give the poor woman a story all her own. After 30+ years Jane deserves it!!!

Oh, I almost forgot, I read a spoiler that said everybody on GH gets sick EXCEPT for Tracy. Don't know how true that is but once again she is being pushed out of a potential story.

Edited by nex4evr
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Thanks for the fan art comments, partyperson and halee. I was so excited to figure out how to do the blending with my newer program. LOL.

As for Tracy not getting sick - not surprising that she would be left out, BUT...she was sick during that Toxic Balls story line (for maybe the first time ever). And then she also got sick in Helena's dungeon.

It is sweet that Joe shares (or gives) Tracy the serum. I didn't watch too many of his scenes before Friday, but it is my understanding that he is softer/more caring around her. Yes or no? That is based on what I read.

Now, what is Joe's history exactly? He raped Connie/Kate (though rumors suggest that might not be true), but he did kill someone named Theresa, right? There's no redemption for a character after committing murder... (unless it was self-defense, but this wasn't the case).

At least Tracy doesn't know about his past (if she did, I don't think she'd be so quick to form a relationship with him). And she does seem happy. And Joe is such a gentleman around her. wub.png Oh, and they are pretty together. wub.png

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Im pretty sure tracy is among the wealthies people in PC that Todd gathers to try to get enough money together for the antidote

I think she has quite a bit coming up in this stuf even if she isn't sick

I'm guessing they will start to wonder why she is the only one not feeling sick

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It would be nice if they have him not a rapist (Connie/Kate was fabulous in that scene, but how truthful is something else again), and the murder was only witnessed and testified by Sonny, who has no problem blaming others. If they are going to be doing Tracy and Joe for awhile, can he PLEASE be someone worthy of her?

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