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Hopefully somebody more motivated than I will find it, but I recall Theresa forging the name, not replacing the page.  Because if she replaced the whole page, then they could've used anyone's name.  The point was that Alexander could be forged over Alexandros.

I mean, if they replaced the entire page, why not just say that Victor left his estate to Konstantin and get rid of the middle man?

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I mean, the entire story is weak.   Like why try to get Alex's millions when she could just re-connect with her millionaire baby daddy Brady?  If you are playing the long game like Theresa is it would be so much easier to get back together with a man you once were married to and had a child with instead of a stranger lol.  And........we have no indication Theresa, Tate, Shane/Kim, Andrew are struggling for money and Theresa stated she previously had a good job.  So it makes zero sense.  Theresa just randomly decided she wanted to be richer one day and have to play along with Konstantin?  And why on earth did Konstantin find a random Brady child to execute this plan with?

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@AbcNbc247 I feel like the baby swap ending was ruined by forces beyond their control (ie AZ's firing).  But, Sloan's exit really meant that the story has no lasting impact.  And, I agree that from the start there was nothing inspired or unique about the switch that we haven't seen a million times.

However, I think doing something with the names Xander and Alex is clever.  And, it was an interesting way of dealing with Victor's death.  Especially because so few of his direct heirs were left in Salem (i.e., Phillip and Bo), it serves as a bridge to the next generation of Kiriak-i.  And it gave something for Maggie (SR) to do up until the time of her anniversary on DAYS.

But, as I noted in the spoiler section, Konstantin has no chill.  The minute he was exposed, he started confessing everything like there was a sale on communion wafers. 

Edited by j swift
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Agreed, I actually think it's a good idea and it paves the way for storylines to have the chance play to out for a long time, but the I feel like the beginning of it just needed to be thought out more. I mean, what person suddenly decides to play God with some random angry old Greek stranger who bursts into their hotel room? 

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And judging by the promo, it seems like the storyline got re-written.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The setup of this whole storyline never made sense. I agree that doing something with Alex/Xander had promise, but Victor just... left half his estate to Maggie and half to Xander, whom he was bad-mouthing right up until his final appearances? They threw in those random lines about Philip having a trust, but there's also Bo, Shawn, Ciara, Chelsea, Claire, Justin, Sonny, et al. It's so contrived and goofy. 

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I actually buy that, considering the sh*t he did to Bo concerning Carly. But we needed to see the turnaround with Xander on-screen. I know JA's passing meant that wasn't possible, but they need to address it in some way. "Actually, I feel bad that I treated him like crap all his life" doesn't really make sense when Victor didn't KNOW he was about to die.

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Lol I forgot about Victor trying to kill Bo back then.

But yeah, it's like it all goes back to what I said about the writers wanting to make it happen but not knowing how to make it happen. And with the way everything played out when Victor died, and during the strike writing, and what's going on right now, it all just seems so convoluted.

But I'm still looking forward to the aftermath of it all. This could all go in so many different directions and involve so many characters. 


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I really think the bones of the story between Xander/Alex is good.  I like the idea of Xander being the heir and Alex being an idiot and letting the money go to his head.  That's all good drama.  

There are just so many pieces of Konstantin/Theresa's scheme that make no sense.  Konstantin thought he was just going to marry Maggie, burn a paper copy of a pre nup and kill Maggie, take her money and just get away with it?  When everyone in town is extremely suspicious of him already?  Add to that he also killed Victor lol.

Meanwhile, Theresa's goal is to marry Alex and get his money for what reason?  Does she really love Alex?  Does she really need the money?  I think at least three people have offered Theresa's unqualified self good jobs.  And after all these months Alex is still just casually dating Theresa.  She hasn't accomplished much.

Then there is Steve/John's involvement in the backstory and the dumb playing card, which has amounted to Steve/John just feeling really bad about killing someone forty years ago.

I also struggle with the fact that Victor would just leave the son he didn't acknowledge his entire life half his fortune when he has multiple heirs he did like that got nothing.

Every part of this story was just sort of half completed lol.

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