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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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As always, since it's been quoted above from behind my block, I must reiterate that 'quiet back channel talk' would need to be elaborated on as opposed to the actual details merely amounting to 'I saw people talking about it on Twitter/suggesting it could be true'. That is not back channel talk, that's just something someone saw on Twitter. Yes, it is very plausible to me that FV or Varni could be complaining about the longer scenes which are not at all Frank's style or preference, or that there could be a creative clash between various parties. But given the track record here I need a little more to go on to call that authoritative.

If Donna has an actual, non-Twitter source outside of people talking to her on social media saying this or that or hypothesizing, that is fine and fair and it's not my business to know who that is. I will be the first to admit that she seemingly got it right about Kirsten Storms' BTS issues before anyone else, AFAIK anyway. But a lot of times she just seems to go by Twitter gossip and vibes instead. I need more than that.

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Sure, sometimes I just post my own thoughts, or whatever is being tossed around. But, sometimes it is different. Sometimes people who have sources compare info with other people who have different sources in private. So, sometimes you get BINGO! Right now, these multiple sources say there is a battle being waged behind the scenes. Frank, Varni, PM & EK started over the length of scenes & went on from there. We don't know specifically wtf they are arguing about. Obviously it does not bode well. I mean, someone has to win. Surely they can't go on this way. Frankly, I would also suggest this has the ring of truth about it, from what we are seeing. 

Meant to say this upfront. The 1st person to leak the first battle over scene length was NLG to someone she speaks with weekly. Whether you are aware of it or not she is known for leaking & is supposedly protected from repercussions due to her status as a Varni pet. On this occasion she was not only leaking but saying that the fans need to let it be known that they love the longer scenes because of her friendship with PM. 

Also in thinking about what someone said, maybe Khan, the idea was why hire PM if you're not going to let him do what he does, ... I think of a few things. 1. Maybe Frank didn't want him. 2. Maybe Frank is stubborn enough to hire someone like Patrick but think that you will just deal with things as they come up. IDK, These people do not always seem logical when you get right down to it. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The reason that Jason is under the FBI's thumb is a plot point from the old writers? First of all...well-done for it to be THAT one. Because it was such a Carly thing for Carly to do back then. And LW was FIERCE in her white suit and in full Carly Boss Bitca Mode when she outsmarted Cyrus then. Second of all...it's funny to have this reveal just as Carly...is on the loose...going to the prison to see Brennan (mmmm Beast) to fish info and do yet another of her Carly schemes. Such a writing technique to use and used well here.


This Dante/Sam scene. Just swoon. It was just so small and so intimate and just how DZ sells the love in his eyes for KM. I was just awww. It does make me continue to wonder if the writers are going to eventually attempt a Dante/Sam/Jason triangle or take Sam in a whole other direction. Because this just seems like a two-fold scene. One fold...strengthening the Dante/Sam relationship for if/when drama occurs...something the writers have done a great job since the change with them. Two fold...a small rift/potential-for-conflict that starts here, and will start to grow. Time will tell.


Yes, I'm down for this Anna/Jason team-up. But I love seeing Anna in pure Anna mode. Little does she know she's closer than she thinks to the truth. So ready for her cat-and-mouse game to truly begin with Val. Because it feels like it is his exit storyline...something wished for often here. 


Was Jagger even still in town when Lois arrived? That time period is a blur for me since I was not a regular viewer then. It seems organic enough for me, but I was actually shocked that she knew him from town versus just the old neighborhood.


And here comes Laura with her concerns about Heather. But I like how GF plays her conflict over it. And I loved Kevin being there for her, but at the same time playing devil's advocate. 


Well he IS foine. lol. I was interested when he first appeared when Dex started the process of joining the academy.


But yes, there seems to be a lot of chem-testing. I'm not surprised though. I've said when the writer change happened, that if the writers are going by 'The Rules,' they would be seeing what works on the canvas and what does not before they do major changes. And chemistry testing is part of that. 



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Oh, he appeared before that, too, but since then he's been a consistent recurring player.

Well, Eden McCoy (Josslyn) did state Mulcahey & Korte were breaking up couples to reset the canvas, etc. so... yeah. The chem-testing feels quite... old-school soap opera, and I am not upset by it. It's refreshing.

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Oh? Cool! And he can stay as consistent as he wants.

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I totally agree! It has been refreshing to watch. I see two people who I either never seen together or rarely see together and it just gets the wheels turning. It also gives a more wider sense of community. I don't hate it at all. Sometimes it's really nice to see people outside of their story bubbles. 

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Hoping for a status change sometime this summer, 'cause he really is a fantastic add. And then we can rid ourselves of Curtis Ashford.

I agree, which is also why I like when [sometimes] a character appears, at random, for a piece of time in an episode. It's nice.

I don't hate it. It isn't my favourite, but I don't hate it. But it also is not Anna Devane at all. If only the original Nero apartment could return, which was the same general colour scheme sans wallpaper. Or even do a simpler texture.

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But I do!  I might kid about a lot of things, but I don't kid about bringing Justin Deas back to soaps and pairing him up with Jane Elliot on GH.  I (still) think those two would be great together.

And I know Deas has his excesses, but I also know he's one actor on daytime who never bores me.  He just needed an EP at GL to rein him in when necessary.

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Ah!!! I've been misunderstanding this whole time. My apologies. lol.


I agree then. I think they could be a great match. He does have his excess, but one thing I could say about Buzz on GL for better or worse, he was always ON. 



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