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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Well, I stand corrected on the religious aspects, but I stand behind by everything else I've said.  Amanda (and Josh) really should think about working elsewhere if they're not entirely comfortable with doing intimate scenes for whatever reason, because I am so not here for this chaste as hell Jane Austen crap. Especially when neither the actors nor their characters are interesting enough to pull it off.  

Like you said, @carolineg, GH's love scenes are pretty tame - in fact, I find most love scenes on soaps to be pretty tame these days - and it's not as if they're having to do full-frontal nudity or perform anal sex or anything. 

I agree!

I'm totally okay with a scenario that involves Finn getting drunk and behind the wheel of a car, Chase trying to get him to pull over and let him drive instead and Finn crashing the car and killing them both.

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Okay, but you were not wrong. Long before there was any ChaLynn romance, Amanda Setton was living by a modesty code that comes from her being an observant Orthodox Jew. So you most likely heard about the religious aspect long before they gave that interview which talks about things in a different way. I'm sure we all recall that her clothes were different from way back. I'm just sayin' is all. 

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What I keep hearing, ARGH, is that Finn & Liz are gonna do a quickie wedding & then he is gonna head out for inpatient rehab & Violet will join Liz's mob. I hope this is just fans talking out their pieholes!!!! I do not want this to be so. (I did not put this inside spoiler space cuz I don't think it is.)

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Well I was replying to Khan's suggestion that both Finn and Chase die together in an auto accident.

So if Chase dies, then don't have Brook Lynn (as Violet's aunt by marriage) take in Violet.
And/or don't have Tracy take in Violet to the Quartermaine clan as a gesture to honor Gregory.

Just let Hayden return and take Violet offscreen before anything happens to Finn or Chase.

The viewers don't need Violet on our screens.  And we don't need another story of a child dying tragically.  So let Hayden take Violet far away!

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OMG!  Violet has a mother.  Just send her to Hayden.


At this point even if religion does play into it-Brook Lynn and Chase are married.  They can do a few make out scenes and have their sheets up to their chest.  GH's love scenes have been tame for years.  To me Chase/Brook Lynn don't even imply sexiness.  Some couples are hot even without any extended love scenes.  They are not lol.

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These photos were taken back in March. It was noted then that there was no new image taken for Spencer, and that convinced people that NAC wasn't coming back. NAC was then dropped from the credits at the end of March.

We now have images for Kristina, Molly, Blaze, and Natalia to use in the opening. We also have images for Jagger, Heather, Lois, Danny, Brennan, and James.

There are 49 images total. Is any character not pictured in danger? I see no images for Sasha, Cody, Gregory, Spinelli, Terry, Cyrus or Robert. 

Edited by Aragorn
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So, what happens if/when the writers decide to have Chase or BLQ have a (sexless) affair?  Will Josh or Amanda be concerned about how that infidelity will come across to their kids as they're surfing the interwebs?

IMO, there's a difference between respecting the actors' wishes and allowing the actors to hold the show hostage.  What Josh and Amanda are doing is no different than what MB, SB and TG have done; and frankly, it needs to stop.

It was more like a joke, but okay, lol.

More than likely, if Finn were to crash his car while intoxicated, Chase would die from his injuries, and either Finn would go to prison for manslaughter, or he'd have to leave PC (with Violet!) in disgrace.

Edited by Khan
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