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Disney+ X-Men'97

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They're pretty much back to the classic setup these days IMO - Wanda and Vision back in the fold, Carol leading, etc. But I haven't read much of the MacKay run. Bendis had begun moving them back there at the end of his run with one of his books set entirely in the old mansion and a lot of domestic stuff with that group, but he was running out of steam at that point in his tenure. I think Hickman's run was excellent and had a lot of friendships and camaraderie, but it was also very focused on epic cosmic stakes vs. the classical soap opera.

Edited by Vee
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Wow! That episode was crazy and a lot to digest. 

We got tons of cameos from Silver Samurai, Omega Red, Dr. Doom, Spiderman, etc. I hope the Spiderman cameo shot is like an easter egg/hint to the revival of Spiderman'98. Again, I hope this leads to a new age and comeback of Marvel animation shows with mature writing much like this show. 

On to this show... I knew Trish Tilby was too good to be true. When Bastion dropped a line about the human sentinels going on a date and then being able to transform and eliminate mutants, I knew Trish was one.  And poor Hank got his a** handed to him in that scene. He is one character that I hope gets a larger arc in the second season. 

Wolverine fans were probably thrilled with this episode. I was happier to see Kurt in action. The fight sequence between Logan/Kurt and the sentinels was perfection. Then Professor X showing up at the end and summoning "his X-Men" warmed by heart. 

The Summers scene and getting the backstory on Bastion were great too. Jean and Kurt's heart-to-heart of what the definition of family was touching. I love how Kurt loves his sister unconditionally. That relationship is one I hope remains a constant. I keep forgetting that Jean didn't interact with Kurt in the original X-Men run. I keep thinking of X-Men Evolution at times. As I am gradually becoming versed in Bastion's history, this helped. I did not realize that Nimrod affected his father, thus leading to his birth. Am I processing this right, but weirdly, Bastion is an oddity like mutants too. Does he ever realize their similarities? Parents being affected by something... that something mutating his genes... not average and having a special gift... etc?

Roberto's mother is trash. A punch of purple-looking men come flying through your window after your son and you hand your child off? I can't. I hope he writes her a** off for good. I am so ready for Storm to come and save them next week. 

This show is just too good. I can't believe there are only 2 episodes left. This is my soap opera! 


Edited by NothinButAttitude
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Well damn. That episode was too much for me. Furthermore, it didn't help that I should've been asleep while watching this episode.

First off, let's talk about the tension between Jean/Scott and Professor X. Sheesh. I think Professor X's excuse was sh*tty. Overall, I found him annoying in this episode. All that preaching... enough. I was so glad when Magneto told his azz to shut up toward the end of the episode. Yes, Eric! Slap that metal on that mouth asap!

Storm... I am so glad to see her back in action and with her man in tow. The touching moments that she had with Jean warmed my heart. I loved the final words they had to each other being two omega queens. Not shocking, Storm was a BOSS in this episode when handling the sentinels. Of the people I think are possibly dead/mortally injured, I think she isn't one of them. I don't think her bae, Forge, is either. I know Forge probably invented some backup plan in case the plane went down. I mean the man had a backup plan for his leg in case of an EPM (electromagnetic pulse), which Magneto did.

Rogue and Roberto--I can see why they strayed this episode. Magneto has valid points. Rogue lost Gambit. She experienced the horror of Genosha. Same with Roberto. Then he had to go on and endure the abuse of his mother giving him up to sentinels to keep her company's stock in check. I'd be jaded too. And Rogue is my girl, but I didn't appreciate her throwing that little slick shot at Storm.

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 Girl, Storm lost her powers. Why the f*ck would she be involved with y'all at that time?! But my girl did bring up valid points about how Jean died and Morph almost died trying to push Professor X's vision. And when Magneto referred to Lilandra as a "bird," I screamed. Overall, I need Charles, to get over it. Screw your vision. Screw humans. Screw the Milky Way Galaxy as Deathbird said.

Beau DeMayo understands the comic book Jean versus the 90s cartoon Jean, which is great. The fight scene she had with Sinister was epic. I loved watching her rip him a new one when they were in the bowling alley. I just hate that Cable started to get controlled by Sinister, but I think that'll result in Jean transforming into Phoenix again, which will be horrible for Bastion. Phoenix and a rejuvenated Storm are not going to be good for him.

And why was Beast trying to nurse Trish Tilby back to health? I wanted to pop him. But he had me cracking up when he told the sentinel what does five fingers say to the face, and then slapped the sentinel with another sentinel's hand. Morph giving us a Hulk cameo was phenomenal too. However, I need them to let Beast and Morph have their moments too. Maybe they will be the ones to stop Bastion in the final episode as they make it into the factory.

The fight on Asteroid M... Jesus. Now it makes sense why Beau told the audience to read Fatal Attraction. That final shot of Wolverine's adamantium getting ripped from his body was too much. I do think that Professor X is going to put Magneto into a coma, which'll bring about Onslaught.

As much as I feel like it is hard for the writers to top the last episode, they top it. All I know is that they better get every EMMY possible this upcoming season. And they better establish Beau's role as EP on that show. Again, whatever he did can't be too bad. Let's get his azz some therapy and move on.

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That's finale... OMG. 

We all need to do whatever we need to do to get Beau back his job. He put his "foot in it" with this finale. That aside, I don't know what I am going to do on Wednesdays now.

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 I need Marvel/Disney to rehire Beau and get to work ASAP.

Unpacking the episode: 

So glad that Phoenix made an appearance and neutralized Sinister and sent his sneaky, old azz running. I am happy Morph also got his vengeance when he morphed into what Sinister looked like to show him that decrepit being he is now.

The homoerotic tones with Xavier and Magnus... yeah. Who needs Rogue or Lilandra when the chemistry is there?! I assumed they would've gone the Onslaught route but didn't.

Rogue was beating the stuffing out of Bastion like a piñata. I am thrilled that she not only worked Bastion but Nightcrawler, Sunspot, Cyclops, and our precious baby, Jubilee got in on the action too. Can I just say that Jubilee has grown up so much?! I feel like a proud uncle watching her come into her own.

The appearances and Easter eggs of all the Marvel characters warmed my heart. Ironman, Daredevil, Dr. Strange, Cpt. America, Psylocke, Northstar, Aurora, Polaris, Black Panther... and Peter found Mary Jane! I know so many Spiderman 90s series fans are going to be elated.

The shocking ending where everyone on Asteroid M got scattered through time--dear God. For one, where did Storm end?! And a fraction of them ending up En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse) at the dawn of time while Jean and Scott being transported to the future with Nathan as a child. At least, they'll get some time to raise him. I think this'll be an issue next season as Scott will not want to venture back to modern day versus staying and raising his son once Bishop and Forge arrive to take them back to 1997.

This episode was like Beau's love letter to Marvel fans. I loved it. I want more. I need more. I need them to promote Beau as head of Marvel's animated division.

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What a hoot to have Gates McFadden from Star Trek voicing Mother Askani/Rachel.

She got Dazzler's powers totally wrong but I still love it! She's voiced X-Men stuff in the past (for games, if nothing else) and she needs to be onboard!

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