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GH: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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There is no way you could make Brenda cow tow to Carly without a massive fan outcry, so it wouldn't be worth it to even try to make them on level playing fields.  Carly will always feel below Brenda because of her upbringing and complex about her.  She's will always be second choice and even LW's Carly was self-aware of this while concocting ridiculous schemes to take Brenda out.  Any other narrative about the situation would be weird and off.

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Yes it is. That is why I hope they do have something planned for John Jagger Cates because if at the end of the day, they dont then why cast AH as Jagger. AH could have been random FBI agent if thats all he is used for. Time will tell. 

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I don't disagree with the sentiment.  In fact I agree with the 2 year contract, but the fact we are trying to mandate Vanessa to make a decision to spend years of her life at this show so she can appear is odd.  Rena is appearing in a recurring fashion and no one minds that.  

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Thank you!  Thank you to you both!

Look, I'm not trying to start an argument here.  I've done enough of that on SON, lol.  But I really think some of y'all are allowing your opinions about ASJ to color (no pun intended) your opinions about this particular recast. 

IMO, you don't need to be a fan of Jagger's or of ASJ's to see that what Frank Valentini has done here is nothing short of whitewashing, which is absolutely the wrong thing to do, especially in this day and age.  Instead of holding him and the network accountable, however, you'd rather look the other way or prattle on about relatively trivial matters, like whether this means Jagger's son is coming to the show.

So, then, you're totally okay if Frank were to decide one day to recast Jordan again with, say, Jessica Tuck or Melissa Archer.  Got it.  Thank you.

You can't tell me that Frank couldn't have recasted Jagger with someone who was equally talented and Italian or Latino.  That's bullshit and y'all know it.

It sure as [!@#$%^&*] is off-putting.  Thank you again, @carolineg!

Nothing they might have planned for Jagger will excuse this casting.  Nothing.

Nothing against Adam Harrington either, but I wish enough of a fuss were raised to force ABCD to do something about this.  Fire him, fire Frank, fire them both, I don't care, but do not allow this to go on unchallenged.

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I'm sorry, I don't blame him taking the job, but yes.  Fire him.  If only because he shouldn't have been given the job in the first damn place.

Edited by Khan
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Where was the outrage when they recast Sydney Mikayla as Trina when the OG Trina, Tiana Le  is African-Asian and what about the skin tone differences of all three Jordans. Seemed those werent that much of an issue but AH as John Jagger Cates is. Not saying it wasnt jarring but AH casting is causing all this ire when the Trina and jordan recasts did not have much

Edited by John
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Perhaps, if I had followed GH more closely at that time, and I had been more aware of those castings or recastings, I would have been outraged about that, too.  Now that you have brought those to my attention, however - yeah, those instances were heinous as well.

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Yes FV is petty. ASJ tweeting about him probably got the Jagger recast idea in his head and he probably thought I wanna go 180 away from ASJ.

FV has done this before with The Valerie recast. That poor actress Paulina(?) I stand by they only recast because The OG Valerie booked Y & R

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