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GH: January 2024 Discussion Thread

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You're reminding me of my initial reactions. It's gonna be fun to read your final reaction! 

I'd say Tracy & Lois are tied for Best Return! 

Er, who is the Beast? 

Dan & Chris's first decision, once they were back, was to have Chase propose to Brook Lynn. Some people complain about the way they dress her, which I really don't get, but they do dress her differently & it's out of respect for her religious beliefs. She is Jewish, not Orthodox, but lives by "modesty standards." The other thing is blazers, which are very fashionable right now & all the actresses love them. 

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When you think about it it's such a complicated and convoluted plan.  Ryan was hoping his 16 or 17 year old daughter-

1. Could catch Spencer's eye and hit it off with him

2. Get serious enough to commit to her and take her back to Port Charles

3. Then get close enough to Nik to have him sleep with

4. Get pregnant.

I supposed she succeeded but a master mind like Ryan could have figured out an easier plan to just get Ava back lol

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Plan A was to prank Ava until she abandoned her marriage. This plan failed because Spencer confessed.  Plan B was conceived in March 2022. Plan B was to access Wyndemere and seduce Nikolas, then tell Ava so she divorces him. Esme got herself into Wyndemere at the end of March. On May 12, Ryan ordered Esme to sleep with Nikolas. On June 1, Esme had sex with Nikolas and conceived Ace. Pregnancy was not part of the plan. Ace was the bonus.

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I don't think it was. The writing in the Guza years, for example, to my knowledge never shied away from the fact that Ruby facilitated the hooking and Luke and Bobbie had always had points of contention in their later adulthood ('90s-on) about whether he'd done enough to protect her, in her eyes. They were all three a family in their own way, they loved each other, but it was undoubtedly a damaged and dysfunctional situation. I thought Carly's dialogue about that during the memorial episodes was honest but gentle.

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I found it interesting that Tony played scenes about the Spencer past as deeply ashamed of it. For all Luke’s bluster and bravado, Tony played it like talking about it made him ill. The longer a conversation went on about it the more his voice would break and he would try to bully his way through it.

And Jackie played it often like a strong survivor. It no longer haunted her. She broke free of her past and also evolved as a person. It came up a lot during the first couple of years during the Carly story. Probably more than it had since her early years. And Jackie plays those scenes like they were harrowing times but they no longer defined her.

It is a little difficult to reconcile the caring yet stern when needed Ruby we saw with one who was a madam and had  teenage Bobbie working in her house. Maybe I am wrong, but I thought Luke and Bobbie had already been on the streets surviving and selling themselves before they ended up in Florida with Ruby.

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He did bluster and break. I've mentioned them recently, but these scenes with Tony and Jackie are some of their best and show all the layers I mentioned above. Both their very subjective, personal and in Luke's case flawed but also guilty points of view are shown. Neither invalidates what Carly said. ETA: Found it in sync!

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Has there been shots of them actually supposedly in Paris? I would think they wouldn't show any scenes of them being there. I kinda thought this would be the easy out for Spencer (sorry, I don't know the actor's name. Chavez?).

I mean, they could easily show scenes of Trina being on the phone from Paris talking with Portia or something. But I don't expect big scenes like those fakey Greenland scenes. Unless there has been talk of pics of them being shown there.

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His name is Nicholas A. Chavez or he is called NAC. And, yes, the show did do pre-taping. That would cover scenes supposedly in Paris. But what else they put in the can, I do not know. I've been told that Frank was clever with the pre-taping. Even said from what we see on our screens we won't miss them. But, I hear you, and in a way it is an easy transition for him. At least it will be if he does well as Lyle Menendez. 

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It’s a wonderful scene. I know there are others where they don’t go this deep, but the same dynamics play out. The weight and emotion of just two people talking.

It’s a shame his scene partners like Jackie and Genie never got the Emmy love he did. I’m not discounting Tony- he can do wonderful work as Luke. But put him in a scene about deep emotions with grounded people like Jackie and Genie and everybody is always incredible. I never see Tony Geary in scenes like this. I see Luke. And since we are talking about Ruby quite a bit- Norma Connolly was excellent too.


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