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DAYS: Actor Exits Role!

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It’s how I feel. Ron is the first person to emulate JER’s writing since Sally and the first one to actually pull it off. 

I love that he prefers Bonnie to Adrienne.

I love that he loves John and Marlena, the King and Queen of the show.

I love that he brings back my faves (Eileen’s Susan, Sister Mary Moira, and Thomas; Billie; Bonnie and Mimi; Dr. Rolf; Laura; Jan; Vivian and Ivan; Carrie and Austin; Craig and Nancy; Jay’s Philip; Jack; Shane and Drew, etc). The only ones he hasn’t brought back yet are Patsy Pease and Tanya Boyd.

I love that he writes outrageous, over the top, campy stories with larger-than-life characters like Leo. 

I don’t have any complaints about his Days writing. The only thing I hate about Ron is from OLTL when he turned my girl Marty Thornhart into a psycho killer and then, in her final scene, trolled the audience by having Roger Howarth hiding behind a bush behind Marty and not allowing them to interact. I’m still bitter about that. At least the current GH writers fixed Marty with just a quick line of dialogue. 

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Yes! And, what he did with Challie is criminal. Perfectly good potential girl/girl couple that could have had a grand romance for a good 3-4 years & what did he do? Put them on one day per week, if that, and wrote them more as male fantasy objects than as women-loving young adults! He was breaking them up the week of their 6-month anniversary. 

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Not trolling. Just pointing out that those soaps were boring. Ron’s soaps are exciting. As I said, he brings the camp and outrageousness that Days is well known for. Reilly is my hero and Ron comes pretty close. 

I had to wait over a decade for my soap to get proper writing again so of course I’m going to be in Ron’s corner. 

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Dena Higley and the vile Gary Tomlin do not get enough hate on this board. I wish y’all had this hatred energy for them. 

Maybe here but he does have fans across the internet.

Again, your level of hatred for Higley, Tomlin, Sheffer, and Griffith should be much, much higher than your hatred for Ron. 

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Have you never seen me post? Clearly not, because, if you had, you'd known I've been against Josh Griffith since day one of his return to The Young and the Restless. Once again, enjoy your corner alone. He's a s**t writer. Always has been. Always will be. And nothing will change my POV on wanting his stale, recycled, entitled, self-serving ass to be FIRED!

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Nothing’s going to change my mind either. Stalemate. 

We will never get Eileen back as Susan if something happened to Ron. 

I’m backing the writer who will feature/bring back all of my faves: Marlena, John, Eileen’s characters, Lisa’s Billie, Bonnie, Mimi, Carrie, Austin, Hattie, Dr. Rolf, Edmund, Jack and Jennifer (Missy), Jan, Vivian, and Ivan.

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