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YR Promo week of June 20th: Phyllis's Revenge.

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I apologize for derailing this spoiler thread with pictures from the June 16 episode that already aired.

But anyways.  In that June 16 episode, Ashley and Victoria were in their New York hotel suite discussing what business ventures they wish to pursue in the future.  They discussed starting their own company in New York.  It will be completely independent of Newman-Locke stuff.  A brand new venture.
Victoria said she wants to have nothing to do with Newman and that their new company should not have the Newman name associated with it. She's going to be new and independent.
Then they discussed starting a rival media company.
(I know, I know, I'm tired of media company storylines, too. Sigh.)
Victoria said "I would like to do something, then, more than just, you know, your standard media enterprise. I’d love to somehow be able to use my art background. You know, find a way to bring the fine arts into the digital age."   Well okay that was something actually relevant to her character so I really like that.

Week of June 20th spoiler:
Victoria phones Nick and references in an off-hand way a few business meetings in New York City.  She intentionally speaks in a way that Nick will figure out that she is starting a rival company.  Victoria’s strategy is that she hopes that Nick will mention this to Victor.  She wants Victor to know what she is up to.  Victor will get upset, but this is part of some convoluted strategy. J.Griffith says something about how Victoria is playing chess and is thinking many chess moves ahead than Victor might expect.

That scene in the "next week on Y&R" video - Nick asks Victor "Can I see you outside? I heard from Victoria"  - that's this.  Nick is about to tell Victor what Victoria is up to. Just as she hoped he would do.


My thoughts: How dumb. Why does JG think this is interesting?  I would much rather see Victoria run an art business that stands on its own and is complete within itself.  I am not interested in Victoria trying to start a business rivalry with Victor.  Victoria is over 55 years old. She doesn't need to be thinking about her father. Sigh.

Edited by janea4old
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I agree.

Constantly trying to involve Victor in his children's lives is beyond ridiculous by now. He has betrayed them/interfered so  many times that they look like fools in these games of one upmanship.

If only EB had retired or limited his presence after his 40th so they could actually move on from retelling these same stories.

As for business, again it would be nice for them to descale and instead of billion dollar conglomerates have characters operating smaller operations that could be more easily and realistically depicted.

Victoria could run a high end art gallery, Lauren ONE small scale dept store etc

Have Jabot be a more upscale boutique operation, rather than this nonsense of them purchasing international Italian based fashion companies.

PS what is Victoria wearing in those pics-some sort of 2 in 1 dress?

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Victoria starting a rival business to Newman? LOL that makes zero sense and is pretty unbelievable/unrealistic. At the very least why not have the two start their own successful high end consulting firm?  

Victoria and Ashland probably could be written off for a while there or just have their roles reduced to a couple eps a month as they build back their relationship and sure start a high end art auction house/business. The real kicker is that Victor actually misses Victoria’s business savvy but she refuses to get back involved with Newman again.

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