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GH 1/25/21 Promo: The Daughter

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One of the things that surprised me when I started back watching again has been some of the secrets I knew of from reading synopsis or a clip here or there is STILL a secret.


Time for the turn in the stories...or even better...endings that spend characters in new directions. 


I'm finally at last week's episodes and there has been a slow, but steady movement/momentum going on for sure. 


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i've been thinking they should have Dante vs Jason for control of the "family business" with Sonny gone and to get support from the other families, he marries Carly and that drives a wedge between him and Sam even further, and Sam/Dante get together, etc - the writing has been on the wall that Kelly Monaco is over this pairing, so just kill it already. And I want Nina to find out that Carly killed Nelle and Jax helped her cover it up... and be sad/feel sort of betrayed... and then BAM! find out that Nelle's her daughter, and go Annie Dutton dark and start plotting revenge. Have her find out all of Peter's dirty dealings and start working with him or something. Meanwhile, where ever Sonny is... he comes across Nelle (who has her memory, but is trying to start over, etc) and she makes Sonny fall for her like for real real and even when he gets his memory back... he still feels a pull to Nelle that he can't control. 



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I think there's a double obsession with Peter bts. WR is a Frank pet for sure, but I think, though I'm not sure, that Peter was also Chris Van Etten's first new character, so there's probably an obsession on that end as well. And they've dragged it out for so long in order to find a suitable way to keep him around. 

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honestly, all the people hating on Peter now know what it's been like for the rest of us w/ Sonny and his crew... FOR YEARS. This isn't anything new. He's a character that "gets away" with everything he does, and even tho I don't like him (hate the character) it's nice to see a character going up against Jason/Sonny that isn't completely toothless and insta-steamrolled. It's about time GH had a formidable character for Sonny/Jason to deal with, since the police force is sad and the new baddie is blehh. 

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I like all of this. And I've been hoping that all this stuff will Nelle will get Nina back to being crazy...since CW can DEFINITELY play that a la Annie Dutton. And CW vs LW...it writes itself. 



I love the twist with Sonny and Nelle as well. God, that writes itself, too.



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