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Anyone watch this CW drama? I started the second season today, and I'm hooked - it's one of the few shows that I can sit and easily watch four or five episodes while being 100% engaged the entire time. It has obvious call-backs to my wonderful, wonderful favorite, Friday Night Lights, but it falls short of FNL in some categories (I get that the football culture in California is not near the level of that in Texas, but I can't get over how low-energy all of the games are on AA) while actually doing some things better than FNL did (let's face it - FNL's biggest shortcoming was its handling of race). Outside of just comparing it to another high school football show, though, I generally like most of the characters here, and yeah, most of the stories are typical teen soap fare, but it's good stuff, and the strong cast makes it work.

I thought the first half of season one did a great job of blending its two worlds - high school football and gang activity - together seamlessly. Everything just fit together so well, but later, there seemed to be more of a separation between the stories and characters with Spencer as the only thing connecting them (which makes sense). Season 2 seems to be fixing that a little bit.


Lastly - I have absolutely no business being in love with a fictional 17-year-old, but here we are.


These two need to just sleep together.

All American Review: Protect Ya Neck (Season 2 Episode 10) | Tell ...

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All-American is the best kept secret on television. I've watched since day one.   My Dad was a high school football coach that loved FNL. Dad was pretty much the best role model most of his players had, and he brought them to several state championships.  Watching this show brings me back to those football years.


Each of the characters is developed well, from Layla's anxiety and depression from the death of her mother and her father's business travelling, to Coop's mom throwing her out to helping her prepare for cotillion with her girlfriend.   Jordan going from a selfish young player to being willing to accept another man's child as his own.  Asher is the [!@#$%^&*]-up that still keeps trying to be better. Olivia's addiction issues, Coop's gang involvement and her singing career, there's just so much trauma and drama.   As for Corey James, as much as I disliked him at first, I was a puddle when he died.


By far one of the least talked about and best shows on the air



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And Hell yea about this guy!!


But I tend to be a fixer, so I'd have to try to straighten out Asher......

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Guys!!! I waited for replies and thought I was alone with this one! I watched all of season 2 in two or three days, which is quick for me.

It’s such a wonderfully well-done soap. The characters have real conversations that reveal things about themselves, every plot comes from who these people are, time is taken to develop the plots (nothing just happens out of nowhere), and plot points aren’t just forgotten - they shape the characters and move the story forward.


Corey wasn’t my favorite in the beginning, but “Coming Home” was a phenomenal hour of TV drama. The Jameses were healing as a family but you also had the Bakers attempting to heal - truly one of the best episodes of TV that I’ve seen in a long time, and it ended with one of this show’s MANY excellent cliffhangers.


I love him so much more after season 2!! Gahhhh. The thing that stood out about him early on was that he is NOT a dumb character. He figures things out quickly and is mostly rational in his decisions while still making mistakes that are fully within his character. He is my favorite.


Asher is so broken! He is the poster child for overcompensation with an inferiority complex, and it’s so self-destructive. I love him with Olivia because she has the patience he needs.


Yes!! Every time someone drags her and she gets that mopey face, I want to just take her and hug her. She and Patience are probably my fave couple on the show (as far as actual real couples lol Jordan/Asher for lifeeee).


Everything was set up nicely for the third season, and I hope they keep the momentum going. Spencer and Billy returning to SCHS - I actually didn’t see that coming, but it makes sense. I feel like my boys at Beverly will have to deal with a new [!@#$%^&*] coach (like when Eric Taylor left Dillon for East Dillon).

Oh, and I am totally looking forward to what they do with Monique, Tyrone’s sister! I hope they keep her from being as vicious as he was while still making her a delicious villain. Her intro was classic soap!

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@slick jones Watched this morning and I really liked the opener.  Not liking what I'm seeing with Spencer and Olivia.  How many chances does Olivia get in regards to "girl code"?  And Spencer has reunited with Layla, who's mentally fragile, while he's longing for Olivia?  Yeah, both are about to go on my manure list.  


Really liked that Simone's dad was there for her instead of her ridiculously hard mother.  I think she did the right thing and her father made me proud.  She's getting a spin off, I hear.  


I hope Tyrone's sister (Mo) is for real, but we do need a villain.  I have to have a villain.  Coop can't resist doing stupid chit so if Mo is pretending, Coop is super easy to fool.  Her street creds need a review.  


Lamon Archey from Days was looking goodT  He's gonna be horizontal with Grace in no time and Billy will seethe

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I also enjoyed the premiere. It was so easy to get back into these characters, whom I've missed so much!

Not much to say besides...I strongly dislike Simone. I love love love Patience. I'm really nervous about a Spencer/Olivia/Asher/Layla quad - I do love a good quad, but I'm not sure if this can be a good quad. The show's strengths have been in concepts that aren't as blatantly soapy, but if they can make it happen, I'm ready for the ride. Lamon Archey is ABSOLUTELY sexy as hell as the new principal.

I'm with you on Mo, @ChitHappens. Everything about her since her arrival has been classic soap villain-goddess, and I absolutely want that to continue, but at the same time...I could love her as a rough upstart trying to clean up the streets.

Side note - the call-backs to Coach's mom being a legendary history teacher at South Crenshaw are always so sweet. The one thing that Friday Night Lights let me down on back in the day was the lack of establishing Dillon High as an actual school with teachers and a culture outside of football.

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I know that the mass want Spencer/Liv but I don't. One thing that I've grown to like about them was that they had that brother/sister relationship or friendship. I'm one of the few that actually likes Liv with Asher. 


I always wanted Kia (Spencer's ex-girlfriend) to have a bigger role. 


And I am interested to see where this arc with Tyrone's sister goes. Something is very menacing about that one despite her being an attorney. 

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I prefer Spencer/Olivia as a sibling relationship as well.


Lamon Archey looks soooo damn good here.... and yes, Billy will seethe when Grace and Principal Hottie hit the desk in Coach's office......... (Get it Grace!!!!)


Why is Coop so damn naive?  She's seen enough to be smarter than to believe this sister.....   Patience is going to once again be the voice of reason....


As smart as Spencer is, why does Dillon always have to explain common sense things like Jordan's feelings?


Of all the characters to spin off, Simone?  Meh.


Much like Spencer, Adain Bradley always make me feel like punching someone.  I think it's Dane's cocky smirk....   Then again his Xander on B&B  was pretty much a dink as well...


Laura deserves a story of her own as well.  She's so much more than a mom, and should rightly get a decent story as well........

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@slick jones, I think Laura might be getting her own story with Tyrone's sister. I just get a feeling that these 2 are going to lock horns soon enough. 


And I am glad that I am not alone with Spencer/Olivia. 


And can they develop JJ more this season? That is my ONE gripe with this show--some many characters that I care for that are criminally underdeveloped (re: JJ, Kia, Chris, Darnell, Cam...). 

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