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GH: Minor Character Returns

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Dear ValenVarni,



          Stop. Just Stop.  We don't need to keep seeing your out of work friends.You can't even produce proper stories for the characters on the canvas. We don't need Patrick Gibbons from OLTL back on this summer. Let this kid spend time at summer camp or do a Disney tween show. You have Danny, Jake,Leo, Rocco, Charl-botte, and the teens that your writers fail to write properly. Not to mention Molly and TJ, the afterthoughts in the "Kiki is abused by her superior" story. 


         GH was quick to boast when they hired Chris Van Etten, a wounded soldier from the Armed Services. Where is he now?  NuValerie had about a month on screen and vanished. OOh- transgender actress Cassandra James is hired then "Poof" faster than you can say Cassadine she's on once a month. Yet now RoHo's toxic ass is both Franko and pre-Jake Dough(boy) Drew. Gag. And there's Finn, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Not to mention teasing us that Jillian might leave, when we know you can't wait to have him running around in the black boxers next month. Not to mention the perils of Saminex, and the current psychic friends crap.

             The cast is as bloated as Tyler Christopher six months into each of his returns

     Do us all a favor and "retire" like the last two (awful) head writers did.   


                                                                        The ten people still attempting to watch GH





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God I love you. Say it louder for the kids in the back! lol


Just call it One Life to Live at this point and be done with it.


This Franco [!@#$%^&*] finally has me turning the show off. After all of Guza's [!@#$%^&*], THIS is what has me turning it off. How sad. But it's so awful and I can't stand the propping Franco gets and how Roger Howarth is so awful yet continues to be featured and praised by "Friz" stans. You should see them salivating on Twitter, it's gross. I want to slap each and every one of them who dares to call themselves a Liz fan and support her in this pairing. No, you are NOT a Liz fan if you support this couple.


I did catch Jillian telling Ava (who's being wasted, of course) he was leaving and I was like "YEAH RIGHT! I WISH!" Sigh. Remember the very brief period of time he was actually gone? And RH/Franco was gone around the same time? It was GLORIOUS and neither were missed. Neither of them gone affected the canvas at all. You could write so many of these people out and nothing would be affected. That says it all. Yet Frank/Varni probably literally bend over backwards to keep them. But yet Genie gets fired numerous times. Becky's almost gone. Not to mention letting numerous GH actors fall to the wayside and leave (or be pushed out). And now we're back to the Sonny Show. And Mo's ego was on full display when someone called his ego out and he validated it by his reaction. He knows many fans are sick of The Sonny Show, but his stans rush to his defense, tag him and he enables them. Twitter is so toxic.

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On OLTL, Todd & Victor werent Mind-Mapped right, Didnt Irene just have a drugged Todd tell a Drugged Victor Jr all of his life and Vic Jr repeated it as his own


Im still mad GH made RH's Delia, Ava's Mom. Why not use her LOVING character, Norma? And making Alex Marrick Evil, Hell No

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