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Closeted (gay) actors formerly on the soaps


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Anyone who doesn't understand that Susan Flannery intentionally remained closeted should read what Rita Mae Brown said when she outed her in her memoir, RITA WILL. And, I'm sorry if some people have a problem with the word "closet" in this context. I do not. Although I am open to new terminology. And, if anyone here in this thread is interested in datalounge type gossip, then, I'm sure they can find their way there. As far as I am aware, most gay soap actors remained closeted as far as fans were concerned possibly because they feared losing their jobs, possibly because they feared losing their fanbases, or for whatever reason, which is their own to know & none of our concern. Meanwhile, many fans knew & everyone at their shows knew & they lived comfortably open in their own communities. This is not rocket science. It's just the way things were done. I am in no way critical of them for that. If someone else is, they'll have to support that.

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This is so out of the closet though Contessa. 

Most of the people we are talking about, did theater too. Everyone in the theater community knew and over there they had to deal with a different, sometimes more mature and sophisticated audience. Soap press was something completely different. 

Heck, even Billy Haines was not in the closet back in the day. He was comfortable living his life around friends and co-workers almost 100 ago. 

So this thread is more or less about gay and lesbian people on soaps.  And I should stop talking talking before this thread is closed down.

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Few roles, not few actors

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  To be more specific I should've written, 'one of the few roles for older gay actors on soaps...'

Also, while I don't want to engage in who was f%*$ing whom, I still think there is an interesting discussion to be had about what percent of closeting was the actor's choice, versus the production's choice, versus the soap press's choice.  Because I don't believe that they were equally complicit.  Furthermore, I think each case was very different.

Edited by j swift
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I read the last few pages...

I don't want to argue or go into an argument. From what I understood here in the topic, I agree mostly with what @Sapounopera said in all their posts. That's how I feel about the situation, but I can understand other POVs too.

I, myself, as a gay man coming from a terribly homophobic home country and raised in a terribly homophobic household... consider myself completely out of the closet, but I haven't screamed it out of the windows. And to this day I have gay friends who tell me... Are you ashamed if you don't want to go to this and that... pride event... Which I'm always shocked to hear. And my answer is always this - I've been in the organization of a huge pride event and just because I was not front and center, that doesn't mean I was not part of it. A very crucial part of it.

So yes, only the people that know me, KNOW. I am married to a man, but even if I was married to a woman, I would not be shoving my private life into people's faces. My partner had a stalker that stole all his pictures and was making fake profiles with them... and I have learned from him that private info is private info. So yeah, we keep the lovey-dovey facebook pics at a minimum... I have met people who's first question to me was Are you gay... Well, no need to say that we didn't become friends.  

I also understand that famous people coming out and saying they are gay has benefited the community and has bring so much freedom and joy to so much people, just by their courage and example. And I applaud them for it. But not everyone needs and can do it. And yes, that doesn't in my book, mean they are in the closet. I have always perceived that... once my mom and dad know... I'm out. But again... this is different to different people and different society situations. 




Edited by Maxim
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I don't think LGBTQ+ actors were relegated to just one type or stereotype. 

Okay, where are these twisted villains being a barrier to young love?

GL, William Roerick, Henry Chamberlain

GL, Chris Bernau, Alan Spaulding

AMC, GL, Matt Bomer, Ian, Ben Reade

GH & other, Ian Buchanan, Duke Lavery

various, Joel Crothers

Y&R, AW, William Grey Espy, Snapper, Mitch

DAYS, B&B, Susan Flannery, Laura, Stephanie

AMC, Amanda Bearse

AW, Dack Rambo, Grant Harrison

AW, Connie Ford, Ada

EON, Dennis Parker

Y&R, DAYS, Greg Rikaart ... okay, maybe Leo

ATWT, Y&R Christian LeBlanc

AMC, Jonathan Bennett

plenty more 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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